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Kolya. Breasts were fragrant from yesterday's spirits and seemed alive.

While the guys, with the rapture mastered the upper part of Maria Petrovna, Oleg took off his jeans. A hairless still youthful member jumped out of his underpants.

Let's get her completely undressed - Oleg suddenly suggested in a hoarse voice.

Petya looked at Oleg’s rearing member and muttered - wait, we didn’t agree.

“Well, just see and make a mistake,” agreed Nick, and the boys began to undress the teacher.

It was not easy, but finally the woman was completely naked on the bed. Boys looked at her large, dense body, wide hips and lush belly with interest. Their attention was immediately attracted by the triangle of dark curly hair between the teacher's full, slightly stretched legs.

There inside the cunt - Oleg explained busily and put his hand on his hair. There it is inserted - he showed his sticking out member.

By this time he was completely undressed. Oleg extended the teacher's legs even wider, knelt between them, Suddenly, he unexpectedly quickly lay down on Maria Petrovna and entered her.

- Vo gives, - Kohl breathed out - exactly hit the hole.

Oleg lifted the full legs of the woman, and began to move his ass. Kohl and Peter looked at Oleg fascinated. For the first time they saw how an adult woman adored by Maria Petrovna, their teacher, was fucked, and how one of them does it.

Meanwhile, Oleg settled down comfortably and rhythmically wielded a member by resting his hands on her huge breasts. The Englishwoman’s eyes were closed and her body was still lifeless.

Suddenly, Oleg's movements became more frequent. He fluttered in the convulsion of an orgasm, groaned and collapsed on a large soft body. Then fell off on its side.

Finished - aloud explained Petya. By this time, both boys were undressed and their hairless members stuck up with knobs.

May I? - why did Petya ask? And, without expecting an answer, he began to climb up to Zhanna Petrovna. He did not succeed in directing his peg into her bosom. When this happened, Petya for a long time, and with ecstasy, crawled them inside, clearly drawing on pleasure. Several times he stopped to smash his lush Sisi. Finally, he was seized by an orgasm - the first orgasm on a real woman.

Kohl, meanwhile, slowly and slowly podrachil his peg. When the place was freed, he quickly lay down on the white body and immediately straightened his penis into it. He literally dug his hands into the English woman's huge elastic breasts.

Sweet cramp caught up with him almost immediately - Kohl twitched and sobbed. He did not leave for a long time, seeking to extend the pleasure.

Suddenly, Maria Petrovna let out a low moan. The boys are numb. A woman's eyes opened and there was a long silence.

Still softened by clonidine in the dimness of the bedroom, she saw three completely naked boys and her naked body. Her hand sank down and felt there a lipkovatuyu semen. Masha inhibited thought about what was happening and thought - what happened, happened: And what actually happened? Well, fuck the three of us ... This week is safe ... Downstairs, the familiar excitement was growing ...

Her slow gaze turned to Kohl’s still swollen from fresh orgasm, and her fingers closed on the sausage of soft flesh.

Fuck me baby, fuck - she suddenly uttered in a whisper and squeezed her young member more firmly with her hand.

Then she repeated softly - Well, fakni, well fuck, well fuck me, my boy. I want ... I am ready ...

From these indecent and unexpected words, Colin's cock sprang again. “Behind it,” whispered the Englishwoman. Not without difficulty she turned, got up on her knees and set her ass. The sight of these full buttocks and huge hanging breasts was raised by a member of Oleg.

He resolutely pushed Kohl away and in one fell swoop drove his dick into the hot and wet crack. And he began to move convulsively. Oleg's hands grabbed Maria Petrovna’s huge breasts from behind and kneaded without tiring them.Petya immediately joined them and soon the teacher already had six boys' hands on the nipples and breasts. An incredible porn scene arose in front of Maria Petrovna in a trilayer mirror - three naked skinny teenagers stuck to a mature nude woman. On the knees and elbows, with huge hanging breasts. With a face distorted by the sweet flour of approaching orgasms.

When Oleg, in the exhaustion of a second orgasm, rolled off to the side, Kohl fell in to the hole. It was hot, sweet and wet. Kohl pushed himself back and forth for a long time, whining softly. When finished, he stuck to the large body of the woman and could not part with it. Then Peter took his back seat.

By this time, Maria Petrovna finally moved away from clonidine and waves of orgasms began to roll one after another. Incredibly excited prohibition of what is happening. Sensing during the lessons the hot glances of the boys on their breasts and hips, Masha secretly dreamed of copulation with the young boy. I remembered sweet Yasha. But to be with three at once:

And now it is done.

What a beauty these non-fucked boys are, how much life and sperm in them.

Vitechka was also, of course, good. But - one in the field is not a warrior ...

And then there are three hungry virgin boyish dicks and three pairs of greedy hands and mouths. Masha was surprised at how quickly these members recovered and were ready again and again.

She lay on her back, shifted her breasts and then Oleg inserted his red, weary penis between them. At the same time, Kolya, whose member hung with a banana, clumsily but diligently licked the coveted crack. As a close-up, he saw in one indecent film.

Never before has Masha experienced orgasms of such fantastic strength and duration. To the boys, everything that happened seemed like an incredible dream. Just think - threesome fucking your own teacher:

And now Colin Huek was in Masha's mouth, and her huge breasts gently swaying in the rhythm of the movement of her head. About these sisi, about which boys dreamed so much. Crazy on them. And now they can easily touch and crush.

Kohl finished with a groan and immediately disconnected. Dozed off and shaggy boys. In blissful slumber Masha was forgotten.

She woke up from the fact that someone's lips persistently pulled her nipple, and someone's fingers slid on the clitoris. In her womb again aroused desire. Masha saw in front of her an intense member of the restless Peteka. Then she knocked the boy on his back and tucked his hardened pod into himself. Her luxurious sweaty white breasts swayed rhythmically over Petin's face, brushing him with large light brown nipples. Petya greedily squeezed these fantastic volumes of tender elastic flesh with both hands and tried to grasp the moving nipples with his mouth. Revel in their scent. Suddenly, the woman groaned, fell into a long orgasm and collapsed on the boy, almost strangling him with a powerful body. When she rolled off on her side, she noticed that Petit was still standing.

- Good fucker - for some reason, Masha whispered in English and wrapped her lips around Petin Huek. She sucked him like a lollipop and squeezed his hairless scrotum with her hand. Peteka in wild ecstasy crumpled and kneaded her gigantic bulk sisi. A silly thought was spinning in my head - if other boys saw:

When Masha discharged Petya, she saw in front of her two reddened and ready-to-action members — Kolin and Oleg. Masha remembered - anal must be practiced starting with the little dicks. She knocked Kohl on his back and with her hand adjusted his intense proboscis at the main address.

Olezhek, “find another hole there,” she purred. Oleg understood and easily squeezed his medium-sized member into the anus of his beloved teacher. Take two members at once - Masha just read about it and did not quite believe that this was possible. Feeling two moving limbs in yourself was incredibly exciting. Especially when Petenka started nipples again:

Throughout the last week of school practice, Masha pondered what had happened. And over what was before. I came to the conclusion - By nature, I - fuck. This is talent. However, we have a lot of talented.Another thing is that many women for the time being are not aware of their gift. I am in some luck.


  • Anton (a guest)
    October 1, 2013 10:33

    fine. I liked how she allowed herself to fuck her students and spoke English.


    • Rating: 0
  • August 13, 2015 19:28

    One of my favorite stories. Reread time 5. I want more about full-breasted!


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