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from the book - "Suck like a popsicle."

Yasha fluttered almost immediately - and in her mouth Masha found a little bit of a stinging liquid. Masha liked her delicate taste:

* * *

The knowledge of their feminine nature somehow transformed Masha. She began to move smoothly on a woman's movement and stopped slouching shamefully. Guys stuck with greedy looks to the car’s sharply protruding breasts. Some freaked out on her even in class. Succulent odnoklasnitsy glanced with envy. Furtively asked how she uses a patented bust growing tool. In general, the tenth "A" was proud of the "sex bomb", which he grew up in his own group. But the inevitable happened.

As after the last lesson, Masha jumped into the toilet to fix cosmetics, which her parents gave her for 16 years.

Suddenly, Lenka’s head, nicknamed Pimple, appeared from the tenth “B” at the door - Sisia was here, - he said muffled to someone outside the door.

Two more familiar guys from a parallel class quickly squeezed into the toilet. Brush quickly closed the door.

“We want to get to know you better,” Lenka said stupidly, grinning. Or rather - with your sights and tightly grabbed her chest with his hand. Masha almost reflexively hit him with a heavy slap. Leni's head jerked, his eyes became angry and he put his fist in the eye of Masha. Then the second guy jumped up and grabbed Jeanne from behind, blocking her arms.

The third, a schoolboy of “Caucasian nationality,” slowly unbuttoned his blouse and let go of his black bra from the shoulders. Huge white balls of breasts with wide light brown nipples were born. This sight fascinated guys. Immediately, two pairs of hands grabbed their breasts - squeezed, massaged, pinched by the nipples.

Here Lenka vyprostal from his trousers his toast but a small erogirovanny member. He quickly beat him up and whispered in a hoarse voice - Suck, Sisya!

The guy from behind pushed Masha on his knees and Lenya began to shove his tense appendage in her face.

And then Jeanne felt a surge of rage - began to ache and quickly swell the eye. She opened her mouth and when a member pushed through her mouth, quickly and tightly closed her jaw. There was a wild cry.

With a desperate effort, Masha broke free and in two jumps she was at the door.

- They kill! - She screamed heart-rendingly, pulled the brush out of the door and pulled out into the corridor, almost knocking over the head teacher. Seeing Jeanne with a bare chest, the lady immediately understood everything. The punishment was short. A day later, the entire trio was expelled from school, and Lenya also spent a week in the hospital.

At home, Masha's mother scolded her father for a long time. And she was right. His father, an officer of the Vityaz group, was a hand-to-hand combat instructor, he had a black belt in karate and judo. My father listened gloomily and muttered — Lenin was right — the Revolution, like a girl, must be able to defend itself.

So began the new life of Masha. Early rise and hour warm-up. After classes, almost every day - two hours in the gym, where professionals trained, including girls. From stretch marks and unusual power loads initially hurt the whole body. I wanted to quit everything. But the memory of that shameful day made me work. After three months of “general physical training,” her father began to show her basic blows and accumulated automatism.

- We must have two - three "crowns" - he repeated. But "for slaughter."

Six months later, when Masha got in shape, her father began to reveal to her at home secret killing blows that only professionals know. It does not need a special power. Requires a good knowledge of anatomy, accuracy in striking and special concentration.

Focusing in punch. Every day, Masha, with ecstasy, thrashed, first in bags, and then in sparring, strong guys in protective vests. The officers understood the purpose of the training, sympathized with the owner of such a seductive bust and made fun of it a little.Masha was trained with zeal and she progressed unusually quickly - her father never ceased to be surprised how quickly she mastered the difficult strikes, tricks and throws. Hefty guys even in vests groaned under her blows. Few had such a rapid reaction and the main thing - the most accurate eye coordination - hand and eye - foot.

We grow Masha Norris, - the peasants joked and nicknamed her - “cool Walkers”. Soon, Jeanne learned how to work with nunchucks, a stick and a cord.

- You can kill anything, - his father instructed, - by hand, pencil or paper clip. But the task is not a corpse, but the neutralization of the enemy.

Your hussar is a maiden, - the special forces shared their impressions - a natural talent. Consider a specialty already received. Now women guards are in fashion. But it’s probably risky to have such a wife.

- Father smiled shyly. At one time he was somewhat worried that he had a daughter, and not a son. Now he coached her as a boy and was clearly proud of his success. For her 16 years, Jeanne was a big and tightly knit girl. One hundred and seventy centimeters at sixty-five kilograms. After a year of hard training, she somewhat sounded at the shoulders, but added to femininity. Masha had already forgotten what had brought her to the gym - she just liked to workout to sweat, the conviviality of strong guys and the atmosphere of a peculiar family, where she felt like a younger sister. She always lacked an older brother.

At school, she was still shy Zhanna from the back of the desk.

* * *

Six months later, Lenya Vasina was reinstated in school, but he held the anger for the half-eaten member and the shame. In winter, after the lesson, Masha, as usual, left the school to train with a large bag over her shoulder.

Suddenly, next to her, a foreign car slowed down - Girl, it's hard for you. Give a lift - from the window looked out smiling young girl. Masha was late and called the address.

As soon as she was in the car, a man in a sheepskin coat leaned on her and pressed powerfully to the seat, you would not move. Lenya Vasin sat next to him, grinning.

“They drove,” he said. Masha quickly realized that it was useless to resist in a car, especially in a sheepskin coat. It was necessary to get, as her father used to say, operational space - and this could only be where it was taken. I remembered the nunchuck and mobile phone in the bag.

So far, Masha has depicted a lamb - Boys, well, let go, well, what have I done to you? She whimpered. Ponuro got out of the car and entered the porch. A massive man in a sheepskin pushed and whispered - Vyaknesh - strangle on the spot.

In the apartment were two more - lanky boys of tenth graders, - it seems from a nearby school.

When Masha justly took off her coat without a murmur, the peasant warmed up and even introduced himself - Zhora. Carnivore looked at the machines bust and rubbed his hands.

- Well, hush up, give it to you or whatever ... Of course you need to punish you ... - Lenka laughed.

Masha was escorted to a large room where the double king-bed was already open.

- I should take something out of the bag ... Change clothes. In the bath can be? - barely heard Masha mumbled.

- I agree, then - said the man and grinned.

In the bath, Masha quickly changed into a sports suit, hid nunchuck for her belt. On the mobile phone to work my father in a whisper - “Dad, here I’m kind of kidnappers. Who! Lenka Vasin, with him a man and two boys. And another girl. By car, I do not know the address. From the school drove about 10 minutes. Fifth floor. Apartment 116. I do not turn off the mobile phone - bearing. I will fight. Nunchuck with me. Do not worry."

Slowly went out into the corridor. On the threshold of the room stood a fat man with a girl.

- This is our Lyuba, she likes to look very much - he kindly purred and glanced at the big breast machines, brazenly protruding from the tracksuit.

Masha smiled shyly and instantly appreciated the “battlefield”. We must begin with the fat one - he is obviously the main and strongest. Carcass kilograms per hundred. The basic principle - ... Read more →

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