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Episodes that you read, not idle artifice. They were written off and slightly speculated from the confessional stories of my closest friend, which I, by journalistic habit, secretly recorded on a tape recorder. I hope that if she ever reads these pages, she will forgive, because no one will know anyway:

Masha has a difficult relationship with her bust since her boyhood. She was shy of him, although she was secretly proud. By the time she was 15, Masha was wearing size five bras, black dresses and blouses to hide her fast-growing breasts. They inherited from her grandmother, who proudly wore her immense bust. Masha slouched, trying to hide powerfully protruding gifts of nature. But even in the dark packaging, they aroused the sincere interest of the boys in the yard and at school. Girls called her - Bust, and boys - Sisya.

Grandma smiled at Masha’s experiences and used to say -

“If you grow up, you will understand how lucky you are. Another great Balzac wrote - "a woman without a chest, that bed without a pillow." :. And proudly shook mighty breasts. In her 60s, they were powerful and resilient, like those of the unborn. In the summer, Masha watched with interest as the immense watermelons of her grandmother’s breasts literally hypnotized men on the street.

Often before bedtime, Masha studied her “pillows” for a long time, which ascended from the base of the neck with powerful hills of elastic flesh and ended with delicate nipple domes. It was nice to touch them - the nipples were stiff and hard.

For the rest, Masha was nothing special. Judging by the grandmother, a copy of which Masha apparently became, then Masha should have become a fairly large woman with full hips and a pronounced waist. She looked like a lichiko to women with Bryulov's paintings - a bureauhtka with live brown eyes and a rounded oval. Pretty but not pretty.

* * *

That summer, at the dacha, along with Masha, who had already passed into the 10th grade, and her parents settled mother's sister with her son Yasha, as pretty as a girl, 9 years old. Yasha had a pretty round face in curls with live brown eyes. He was smaller than his age and was offended when asked if he went to school.

Yasha was given a cot in Masha's room and she perceived him as a sister. Do not hesitate to undress, change clothes and with curiosity looked at Yasha's thin body. So for the first time she saw the “pussy”, about which she had read a lot. Masha was a well-read lady and read all that is possible about "this." "Pussy" was small and funny and did not at all resemble the mighty members she saw in magazines.

Somehow in June it became sharply cold and it was cool under a thin rug.

“Masha,” squealed Yasha from the folding bed, “it's terribly cold, where could I get a blanket?”

- It's too late to look for me - climb up to me, - and Masha moved on a wide couch.

Yasha in some panties dived under her blanket.

Poor baby, Masha thought and pulled the little boy to her. Yasha began to warm up a little and both fell asleep.

Masha woke up from a strange sweet-painful feeling in the nipple area. Through the half-open eyelashes, she saw Yasha as a baby, clasping her left breast with her little hands, with excitement sucking on a nipple that was big as a drain. Masha finally woke up with surprise, but decided to pretend to be asleep. The delightful sensation in the nipple was growing and sweetly giving up the lower abdomen. Soon, Yasha started on another chest and Masha casually turned to make it more comfortable. Involuntarily, as if in a dream, she pressed Yasha to herself and: suddenly she felt something firmly resting on her thigh. The car hand stumbled upon a hot column: She instantly understood what kind of object it was and was surprised - well, baby Yasha's pussy seemed so tiny:

Yasha scared and stopped to suck. The car's hand grasped a thin but firm member and he began to move timidly - forward - backward.Masha understood what was going on and she began to like how her pussy, Yashin, hardened, rhythmically crawled in her cam. She also liked the fact that Yasha, with renewed vigor, began to suck her large nipples with her mouth, compressing her breasts with both hands.

Suddenly Yasha somehow quickly - quickly twitched, sobbed and fell silent. Masha guessed - finished. And then she felt unusually excited. Sleep is gone. In the lower abdomen, gravity and sweet languor grew ... Her finger dipped into the crack and discovered that it was wet, very wet. Masha suddenly realized that she needed detente.

She put her hands on Yasha's slender shoulders and began to move him down. And now Yashin's curly head was in the abdomen.

- Yashenka, please find there, between the legs, well ... a wet spot. Kiss there - she asked in a hot whisper. Masha took the boy's hand and sent her where she was tormented. Yasha quickly realized that it was necessary for “Aunt Masha” and absorbed everything wet and hot in her mouth. He began to suck and Jeanne was no longer able to contain a moan. Yasha froze. - Well, Yashechka, come on, come on, eat it, eat ... more, more, stronger, tastier - Masha sobbed hotly whispered hotly. Inspired, Yasha accelerated smacking and then Masha embraced the first orgasm in her life. Powerful sweet cramps rolled one after another and faded consciousness. With the last half-fainting shudder, relief came, and sweet languor spread through the body. Masha pulled Yashinu head and kissed his forehead.

Since then, when everything calmed down in the parents' rooms at night, little Yasha moved to the car couch. With both hands he barely wrapped an elastic heavy breast, lifted it and greedily sucked on the nipple chocolate. I grabbed him with my teeth, tugged at him and flexed his fingers. Then he started on the second breast. Masha's excitement grew rapidly and when the sensations became unbearably sweet, she put her hands on the boy's shoulders. Yasha cunningly crawled down to the "wet spot". Soon he learned to accurately find the head of a large clitoris and deftly processed it with a tongue and lips. Each time Masha mastered some new sensations, and orgasms became more frequent, more powerful and more diverse. Exhausted by the next series of sweet convulsions, she captured Yasha, a tense member, into her fist cam and after five minutes he was moving to her cot.

* * *

The summer flew by unnoticed, and Masha really missed the tender, curly little boy, his sweet mouth and pussy column. From the books she quickly grasped self-gratification techniques — especially she liked to “make it” a jet of warm soul.

On New Year's, the sisters and their husbands gathered for a visit, and Yasha was brought to spend the night. As soon as the door closed behind her parents, Yasha was on Masha's lap and quickly unbuttoned her blouse and found a bra in front of which was somewhat confused - he was not in the country house ..

Masha, a large girl for her now 16 years old, took Yasha in her arms and carried her parents to the bedroom. There they collapsed on a wide double bed. Masha herself unbuckled the zipper on her back, and the lush white balls of her breasts fell out. Yasha eagerly wrapped his left breast with both hands and with his mouth sank into the nipple sink. Masha closed her eyes. Feelings grew and now her hands seemed to pull off her skirt. And then, completely undressed, she quickly undressed Yasha. Who already knew what to do - his curly head was right there between her legs. This time Yasha did not just suck on the clit - he stuck his musical fingers into a wet crack and began to knead from the inside. He apparently read the book about "this." At first it was a little painful - Yasha, apparently, strongly stretched the pleura, but soon the pain passed. New sensations swept Masha. Her orgasm was sudden and crushing - she screamed and shook as if under tension. How long this sweetest unconsciousness lasted she did not remember. But she felt like a rebellious member Yasha started pushing in the lower abdomen.

Then Masha tilted Yasha onto her back and unexpectedly boldly wrapped her lips around a column of his childish flesh. I remembered ...

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