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divide and beat first.

- Can the guys wait in the kitchen. Gulls cooked. - Masha said timidly and took the fat by the hand.

- As you say, beautiful - fat spread in a kind smile, But Lyuba will take with you.

In the room, Masha started to move the table and chairs to the wall.

She explained - I love on the carpet. Fat smiled knowingly.

- Do not move the chair? - asked Masha. The man bent down and took the chair with both hands.

It was hard to think of a more comfortable position for a strike. Hands are occupied by the chair, and the temple is on the line of direct impact. A kick with a turn - a la Chuck Noris - was a crown machine and weighed (measured over the dynamo over 400 kg). This aimed blow fell on the peasant directly in the temple and threw him against the wall. Then a sharp blow with nunchucks on the base of the skull and thick eyes covered themselves.

The maiden Lyuba was numb with fear and was ready to scream. But then Masha from the heart slammed her foot into the plexus - the girl folded up and silently fell on the carpet.

Masha looked at the work of her hands and feet with cold interest. She noted that there was no fear. As in training, the head first works, then everything else. For insurance, she performed a “test hit” - with her heel she added a thick over her temple and nose bridge - blood began to flow from her nose. According to the rules, it was necessary, of course, to turn him on his side so that he would not choke on blood. Suddenly Lyuba moaned and Masha with a gentle blow to the back of her head for a long time sent her "into an unconscious."

So - three in the kitchen. Sissies, but there are knives. Well, again - divide and conquer.

“Lyonya,” she shouted into the corridor — please bring a towel. Two.

This reptile should be made disabled, Masha thought - the last law on the limits of necessary defense allows.

“I don’t look, I don’t look,” Lenkina’s hand with towels stretched through the doorway. Masha abruptly stuck her hand with towels and Lenka into the room and in the direction of movement she firmly pushed his knee into the groin. Lenka gasped and bent grasped at the injured place. The neck opened - a chain of nunchuk clasped her throat and closed under the sheared nape. "On the machine" Masha made a sharp turn ... And more ... In the vertebrae, something cracked and Lenya fell silently in the aisle.

At that moment, a door opened in the kitchen and a head popped out - Laziness, can I help you?

Then the head saw Lyonka's legs bulging into the corridor, and quickly disappeared into the kitchen, from where a second two heads popped out. Then two torso. Masha cursed and stood at the wall behind the door.

“Are you too lazy, bad?” The boys approached, turned the body and saw Lyonka’s glassy eyes. One of them got up and stumbled upon Masha's narrowed cold eyes. The blow with the edge of the palm, the crunch of the broken bridge of the nose and the guy's face instantly became covered in blood. The knuckles of the right hand on the Adam's apple and the "fork" of the left on the eyeballs. The cry of pain and the boy fell to the floor. Then Masha saw the dumb eyes of the second red as Chubais, a tenth-grader. He jumped up and rushed into the room, stumbled over Lyuba's immovable body and fell.

Lying do not hit - flashed through Masha's head. She took him to a hard painful seizure of the Achilles tendon. The guy howled from unbearable pain. Towels come in handy - knitted legs and arms.

Inspected the battlefield. Fat in a pool of blood lay motionless, Lenka did not move. A bound redhead whined from pain and fear. The second was lying on the floor in painful shock. Masha took a mobile phone in the bathroom. Redhead, swallowing tears, said the address.

- Dad, it's me again. Everything is good. But there are victims. Everyone but me. Come to the address ...

Masha dressed in a modest school dress and hid nunchuck. In the kitchen, tea already boiled and Masha managed to drink a cup when the two of them called.

The father literally burst in and with him some kind of militia commander - a colonel for epaulets. What they saw plunged the colonel into shock.He asked Masha for a long time how it all happened, asked to show something in motion, and then he said: “This is what the young lady is about the nunchuck and all these martial arts to anyone. However, they won't believe it anyway. Well, we will draw a legend to you ... If you want, then the way is open to the school of the Ministry of the Interior. " Father winked at Masha and finally smiled.

As it turned out, the fat man was wanted - on the way to the hospital he died, choking with blood. Leni's funeral took place a week later. In the open, as it should be in the discovery of two corpses in a criminal case, it was recorded that the victims had died as a result of a mutual fight. The boys and Lyuba were held in the bullpen and released. Under the promise of silence.

But apparently something leaked, and Masha was incredibly admired at school. She finished school with a gold medal, but did not enter the school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but into them. Maurice Thorez.

* * *

In the summer, their first course was sent to a collective farm near Moscow, above which an inyaz. patronized Yeshe from Khrushchev times. But now they paid for the work and, moreover, not bad.

Smashed into links - in the hay, weeding, on the farm. Masha as a member of the Sokolniki equestrian sports club was sent to the horses. There she was introduced to the chief groom, Peter Kitov, a small, stocky little man in his fifties and two grooms — his adult sons.

That summer day the stable was hot and dizzy from the fresh hay. There was no work and Masha mastered it in fresh hay. Undid the blouse: She woke up from muffled voices. Slightly opened eyes saw a trinity - Ivan Kitov with his sons. He was crazy about looking at a chick spread out in front of them with huge white breasts falling out of summer koftenki.

“This is an udder,” the younger Vasiliy puffed, flexing his fly with his hand.

“Yeah,” Brother Nikolai took a breath, “is full of sinus with a tita and pulled the zipper on the jeans. - Senior Kitov hard cut - In the zone wanted, a dog. You know how much they give for group sex.

The situation did not frighten Masha. She mentally figured out how to “neutralize” the whole family without difficulty. In addition, a weighty stick was lying nearby. But now she was curious ... Masha's theoretical knowledge about sex and its surroundings has not yet been confirmed by practice. Tense study and, besides, parents, frightened by the incident, controlled every step of it. Although the institute sufficers enough. I had to lock myself in the bath and turn on the warm shower ...

Kitov elder thought about it, carefully inspected sleepy Masha, grinned and remarked - "But she will open her mouth." And he unbuttoned his old-fashioned pants on her tongues. From there, pulled a large sinewy member with a shiny red head. Masha looked at this mighty “root of life” with curiosity. This she has not seen. The situation began to excite her.

- Well, come on, girl, eat a fuck, do not disdain, - Ivan Kitov came close to Masha and raised her to his knees. With a small growth of his cock just rested on her face. With his callous hands, the elder Whale raised her curvy breasts and with thick fingers grabbed her nipples. Began to knead like a roll-up. Sons as if bewitched watched as their daddy fervently squeezes out the unprecedentedly thick white breasts of a young, venomous Muscovite.

Masha quickly recalled that they were recommending books. With her right hand, she firmly grasped a powerful trunk and began to cheat on it. And then she closed her eyes and, as she inhaled, wrapped her lips on a poured purple head. The head was slightly salty. The other hand tightly grabbed the elder Kitov's large hairy eggs. He already hid from pleasure.

- Well, you lass, damn, give, - and began to knead her breasts even more tightly.

He did not last long, and Masha filled her mouth with a thick peasant sperm. Masha swallowed the sperm and for some reason thought that with Yasha she was tastier.

Then there were the brothers. Members like bati are large, weighty, but not long. Both finished first ... Read more →

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