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Then she asked to untie her one leg so that she could cross them, but she was refused. She was breathing heavily, biting her lip and occasionally moaning. Five hundred grams of water slowly filled her bladder, which was already fairly full. Larisa, trying to produce less noise, put an enamel basin in front of her, in case Anya could not stand it. But the mulatto was still holding, although her long slender legs beat a non-stop shiver, and large droplets of the floor appeared on her forehead.

Half an hour passed, and the remaining half liter migrated into her stomach. Larisa and I sat down closer, without losing sight of the clock. The diuretic pill has already begun its action, and Anya endured the most severe urge to urinate. She constantly asked how much time remained until we took her to the toilet, until Larisa threatened to double the time of punishment. Then she fell silent, and we called her time, about every ten minutes.

At the fifty-second minute, Anya asked her to squeeze her sphincter, because she herself could no longer control her muscles. Larisa complied with her request, but at the same time she pressed her stomach insidiously. Anya screamed in pain and begged her not to do it anymore. At the sixtieth minute, she began to scream from the unbearable pain in the stomach. With her hail rolled sweat, and his hands clenched into fists so tightly that from under the nails droplets of blood appeared. Mulatto was already at the limit. After seventy minutes, I noticed how small droplets of urine seep between her convulsively quivering genital sponges and flow down. Seeing that Anya kept her footing and wanting to reward her efforts, I told her that the rules were changing slightly and she would measure as many blows as she would not tolerate until the end of the allotted period. She remained a little less than fifty, and Anya, according to a nod, somehow miraculously managed to keep the jet bursting out.

Meanwhile, the treacherous Larisa opened the toilet door in the corridor wide open and turned on the water, which with its loud murmur brought our victim to white heat. She rushed about, convulsively squeezing the weakened muscles of the sphincter, knowing full well how painful the second whipping would be. But this could not continue for a long time, and at seventy-fifth she warned me that she had to be taken to the toilet immediately. We rushed to untie her. Anne begged us to hurry, her magnificent body shook sobs, and from under the black bandage rolled large tears. Having doubled over and holding one hand between her legs, she ran to the toilet, followed by Larisa. Riding the toilet, she moaned intolerable bliss, and we heard a powerful jet blink, finally finding a way out of her bladder bursting with tension. Anya was discharged for more than a minute, announcing the room with loud moans, swaying from side to side and stroking her hands over her stomach.

Taking advantage of the moment, Larisa forced her to take a shower, washed away the bruises from her body and brought her back to the bedroom. I tied it back up to our rack and locked it in a comfortable position. She had to take forty-five blows, and Larisa asked to entrust it to her. I did not mind. My wife rejected the whip and chose from my entire arsenal a long black twisted whip, with which I often protected her own body. Having asked me to shoot better everything that happens, she moved closer to Anya and ran a whip all over her body from top to bottom, from the back of her head to her feet, allowing her to feel the power of the terrible instrument. Then she shrugged her shoulders and the robe fell to her legs, revealing to her gaze her amazing gymnast body. From this spectacle, I again specifically excited, but decided to wait for the main thing.

Larisa did not make me wait long. The first blows she brought down on the luxurious Ani's buttocks.She beat with all her might, and the very first blow made the mulatto curl and scream in terrible pain. The cry after each next strike grew louder, and I was already afraid that she would have lost her voice when Larisa stopped. I lost count, but it was possible to check everything by looking at Anechka’s long-suffering ass: there were twelve fresh bleeding bands burning on her. There was more blood at their intersections.

The next series of blows fell on the back. Here was where to roam, and Larissa took advantage of this. Anya in the intervals between screams begged to spare her, or at least give time to rest, but my wife was inexorable. After the thirty-first strike, Anya lost consciousness and was returned to him, thirty-two. The whip took off and sank rapidly, sting again and again the defenseless body of the mulatto. I froze, fascinated by this spectacle. She no longer had the strength to moan, she only moaned deafly and twitching convulsively with her hands. In the last forty-fifth blow, Larisa put her whole soul, swatting it on the wounded buttocks. I could not stand it. Jumping up to Larissa, I tore the whip from her hands, turned her back to me, made me bend over, putting my hands on the wall, and with one movement drove my dying member into her womb. She groaned languidly and coquettishly sticking her ass up.

I took hold of her elastic hips with both hands and moved in a blissful rhythm. The complaining moans of Anya behind my back only stirred my excitement, and I with a loud moan poured into Larisa, marveling at my own tirelessness.

Then we called a special medical team from our club, because Anya herself could not go. It was scary to watch. Her back, thighs, buttocks, and even her sides crossed eerie red and purple stripes, the skin in many places burst and blood was oozing from it. She had several days of rehabilitation in the club hospital, after which she could go where she wanted.

We went to bed well past midnight. I was already beginning to fall asleep, overwhelmed with impressions from the past evening and pretty exhausted by his events, when I felt on my naked body light touches of Larissa.

- Did you like it? She whispered in my ear.

- Everything was just great. Thanks, - I answered and kissed her behind the ear.

- And you are already not capable of anything? - playfully asked Larissa.

“Let's check it out,” I played up to her and, turning her onto her back, found her soft, sensual lips in the darkness.

July 2001

To be continued...

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