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dressed in his favorite spacious leather executor pants with a minimum of fasteners, which usually went to the orgy and lovingly stroked the first long flexible rod, so carefully prepared by my beloved.

With a nod of my head, I pointed out to her our penitentiary, nicknamed with my light (or heavy?) Armrest. Larisa sighed and resignedly lay down on an inclined board, spreading her arms and legs apart. I fixed her head in a steel collar, and my hands in the clips. Now Larisa was completely helpless. I ran my hand over the smooth skin of her back and unbuttoned the transparent combination along the way, then continued the journey further, hooking my panties and pulling them down the slender legs. Having lost the last stronghold of protection, Larissa chilly shifted from foot to foot, but I inexorably spread them to the sides and also tightly fixed. Having actuated a special lever, I lifted the board together with Larisa’s body, and it turned out to be at an angle of forty-five to the floor. Since this miracle unit was installed, I made a slight improvement in it. The board, on which lay Larissa, ready for punishment, exactly reproduced the shape of her body, only in the area in which her amazing ass fell, there was a slight bulge, which made her beautifully shaped buttocks up.

It was to them that I was going to pay the closest attention today.

“So, you inflicted eight scratches on me,” I began my brief introductory speech, walking about in front of Larisa and carelessly cutting through the air with a five-meter willow rod. - For this, I will whip you in turn with eight rods.

Her eyes widened, full lips moved, but she said nothing.

“You'll get every twig ...” I made a weary pause. - How do you think, how much do you deserve?

I loved this game. She turned us both on. Say Larissa is too small a number, and I will double it, or even triple it. Say too much - her buttocks will remind you about this for more than one day.

- Bear in mind that the longer you endure without a cry, the shorter the punishment will be with the next bar.

- How much shorter? - Larisa gave a voice.

- Well, for example ... - I thought. - Twice.

- Give ten blows. Everybody.

- total eighty. Did you think well? Mind you, I'll try.

“I won't disappoint you, honey.” Begin.

I just adored her for such moments. Approaching her, I stretched the twig to her lips, and she dutifully kissed him. Then I went behind her. Having lost me from sight, Larissa several times took a deep breath and tried to relax as much as possible.

Slowly, I ran a flexible rod along its delightful back along the line of the spine. Larisa started. Leaning down, I captured two kisses on the halves of her ass, then walked slightly to the side and back and struck the first blow.

The lush sound of the willowness in contact with its warm flesh was inexpressible. Larisa twitched, but immediately froze. A red stripe appeared on her right buttock, slowly filling with purple color.

The second blow was stronger than the first one, and Larisa groaned a long time. Every time I tried to hit a new section, and after the tenth stroke of her buttocks, I crossed ten long strips in different directions. Spanking the first rod my faithful endured without screaming. It's time to try the second one.

I chose a rod longer and thicker than the first. After the first blow, Larissa moaned louder than before, and her spasms began to shake. I ran my hand over the hot skin of the buttocks and, as if by chance, touched a small peach between the legs. It was also hot and wet there. Larissa is not a joke started up!

Trying not to overdo it, I whipped it with a long wicker at an average pace. Larisa instinctively tried to avoid blows, but her arms and legs were well fixed.The last twentieth blow, I tightened a little, and then whipped with a delay, and she could not stand it, gasped loudly.

“Congratulations, honey.” - I immediately replied. - The third twig touches you only five times. But what it will be five times! You do not hold back, I guarantee you.

While Larisa squirmed voluptuously on the rack, I slowly chose the third rod. It was a little crooked, but extremely flexible and ended in small processes at the end. Larisa missed them, and now she will feel how bad it is to work carelessly.

The first blow on her defenseless buttocks I brought down, describing a full arc with my hand. Prut rapaciously dug into the reddened skin, crossing the recently appeared strip. I managed to catch a split second when the place of the blow turned pale white because of the draining blood, and immediately filled with bright scarlet. Larisa screamed, frantically bursting out of their shackles. I ruthlessly struck the second blow, bringing him to the waist just above the charming dimples. Larisa pressed herself tightly against the board, as if trying to merge with her, but she had nowhere to go, and again her cry shook the room. For the third time, the rod stung her gorgeous thighs, but Larisa responded with inarticulate moans. It angered me, and with the last two blows I took out the animal cries from her vocal cords.

Throwing the rod on the floor, I again walked to the prepared instruments of punishment. Larisa was breathing heavily, watching my approach. On the way, I leaned over and kissed her lips, felt the taste of her blood.

“Fourth rod and ten blows,” I proclaimed, and to begin with, lightly lashed it across the back. Larissa choked with tears and I decided to give her a little break. Going to the bathroom, I brought a basin filled with warm water from there and put the remaining bars there: I read somewhere that they did this in Russia before the punishment of serfs. I wetted the rod that I was holding. In the meantime, on the carpet under Larisa's head, a wet stain left by her tears slowly spread, and I squatted in front of her and carefully wiped her face with a handkerchief.

- Are you ready, love? - I asked, again going behind her and waving a predatory twig. She nodded her head as much as a steel collar allowed her to.

Having decided to return to her buttocks later, the other nine blows I brought down on the untouched skin on her delicious hips. Larissa again breathed heavily and squirmed, but I screamed from her. Well, not yet evening.

The fifth rod was the longest one I selected - almost my height. For a moment before contact with the back of my beloved wife, he cut the air with a loud whistle and immediately Larisa screamed loudly. I did not expect such a quick surrender from her, but then I saw that I almost hit the red strip left a few minutes later. Larisa's strength was broken, but in the remaining nine blows I put all my strength. Feeling how my penis was becoming stone, I ruthlessly worked on her shoulders and back, and her miserable attempts to break free only inflamed my passion. Carried away, I struck her eleven blows together with the required ten, but she never noticed.

“You didn’t hold out almost immediately, so I’ll only take two hits off the sixth rod,” I warned her, removing the next punishment weapon from the basin. Approaching the helplessly sprawled Larisa, I decided to play a little more with her. “If you endure these blows without shouting, then I will let you determine the place of the next punishment for your body.”

I myself was wondering what area she would choose, so I spent this series of blows halfway, carefully choosing the unaffected areas on her back. But it was harder to do it, and I missed a couple of times, causing Larisa to twitch and moan louder than before.

“So, my love, I listen to you attentively,” I turned to her, playing with the seventh willow.

Larisa opened her tightly clenched teeth:

- Feet, but not above the knees.

- But then you ... Read more →

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