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they tied leather belts to the posts, and they forced them to place them wider and fixed them too. Mulatochka froze like a starfish. The hands of the guys slid over her poured body, not missing a single centimeter. Anya squirmed sweetly in response to these movements. But then they moved aside and put on black masks. Long lashes appeared in their hands, and then the music subsided.

Apparently, somewhere near Ani, there were highly sensitive microphones, because everyone in the hall could hear her intermittent breathing. Four executors approached her. Two stood on either side of her, two - a few steps lower, so that their faces were at the level of her hips. One of them snapped his fingers, and all four of them immediately unrolled their whips. The second click - and the one on the left dealt her a strong blow to the back, just above the waist, echoing throughout the hall. At that moment, when the injured hand was still returning to its original position, the guy on the right also pulled it out over the buttocks from the heart. The first has already raised his hand for the next blow, but it was the turn of the third tormentor. With a well-balanced blow, he left a dark streak on his right thigh. And then she crossed the blow of the fourth.

Anya jerked convulsively, but her screams had not yet been heard. Four guys tormented a helpless woman in a hard synchronous rhythm. Each was working his area, and very soon the entire back, buttocks and hips of Anya were covered with bloody divorces. Her wildly shook from side to side, her fingers bound hands clenched and unclenched, the moans grew louder and longer. But the guys worked conscientiously, and when the total score of the blows inflicted on her exceeded one hundred, her mouth jerked convulsively and a desperate cry, full of pain and suffering, spread through the hall.

The synchronism of the blows was immediately broken. Now she was lashed at an erratic pace, and at times the girl’s defenseless body was stung at once by two or even three whips. Bloody streaks appeared already on her arms and legs below the knees. Anya first screamed at the top of her lungs, then only moaned softly. How much will she endure, I thought, when the two hundredth blow whistled through the air. And then there was silence.

Anya hangs exhaustedly on the straps that cut deeply into her skin. Applause was heard from all sides. But that was not all:

Two guys untied the unfeeling girl. They hung limply, supported by their arms. The other two brought a heavy table. Anya was fixed face up on him, stretching her arms and legs and firmly tying them to the corners. Apparently, she woke up from the touch of the striped back and buttocks with the surface of the table, and again her moans spread throughout the room. In the meantime, the guys threw off all their clothes, and it became clear to everyone that they were to test our newcomer. The crowd started up, some already shamelessly squeezed their girlfriends, but I had to confine myself to watching what was happening: Larissa was still not there.

Amazing metamorphosis began to occur with the table. The two corners, to which the girl's legs were attached, suddenly began to rise, and in the middle an oval cut formed. Anya seemed to hang in the air, held only by the arms and legs, and the lower half of her torso was raised. One guy squeezed into the area. His cock was already in full combat readiness, but he merged with the girl in a passionate kiss, pulling her to him and holding her tight. Behind to her buttocks burning from a whipping has pressed the second. Together they began to gently but persistently caress her. Of course, Anya sought to distance herself from what was behind, thereby clinging more tightly to what was in front. But the second tightly wrapped her bulky breasts behind her and resolutely pulled her to her, so that her luxurious body arched in an arc.With a confident movement, he inserted his shiny member with impatience into her anus and energetically earned her hips. The guy who was in front, grabbed her by the hips, leaned back a little and, catching a moment when Anya and her partner had stopped a little, also broke into her second hole.

Strung up on two long young members, the mulatto could not hold back a moan, but there was no more pain in him just a few minutes ago. Nevertheless, she had a hard time: both guys actively fought her, for his part. At the same time, the third one climbed onto the table, stood on it to his full height and brought his unit closer to the girl’s lips. She began to lick him, but the frantic pace of her two partners did not give her maximum pleasure. Nevertheless, he did not back down, clasping her head with both hands and energetically pushing her onto his stake. This lasted for several minutes, until both her tormentors left her hospitable body, having poured profusely into its depths. The remaining two guys gave the audience more pleasure, forcing her to do a good job with her tongue and lips, and then she poured her whole face with unclear white streams.


All these events with lightning speed flashed through my head as I approached the body spread on our rack. I did not hide from Larissa that Anya led me more than all the girls who ever performed on the stage of our club. And she prepared me such a surprise! God knows where she found her and how she persuaded her, because Anya didn’t often visit us and apparently came from somewhere far away and earned a reputation as a very intractable person.

In the bright light of the lighted chandelier, I looked at the small scars that still covered her buttocks and her back after that gay night. Yes, they whipped her very hard then; Larisa and I never allowed myself that to happen. But today, apparently, it will be possible to hang out to the fullest.

Larisa's tender warm hands wrapped around my neck, and I felt her tender kiss behind my ear.

“Let's go to the table, everything is ready for me, and she should wait here,” she whispered. The dinner was great, but, I'm afraid, I never gave due to the culinary art of Larissa, because all the time I was thinking about Anya who was left above. Larissa, perfectly understanding everything, did not specifically let me into the bedroom, obligingly putting new and new pieces and pouring wine. For some time I obediently pretended that I didn’t understand her tactics, but then, resolutely rising, I kissed her and went to take advantage of my gift.

Larisa caught up with me in the corridor.

“That's not all,” she said, eyes glittering mysteriously, “this is the second part of the gift.”

She handed me a long narrow dark box. I obediently opened it. In it on the velvet surface rested a long black whip, made of tough leather, with an intricate pattern and a comfortable bone handle.

I came to full admiration and gently kissed Larissa on the lips. Then he went up to the bedroom. Anya, of course, was still there. Just now I noticed that her eyes were tied with a thick black cloth. Well, so much the better - she will be able to concentrate on her feelings.

I ran my new whip over the smooth skin of the amazing color of coffee with milk and noticed how the woman shuddered at the touch. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Larisa entering the room and working with a video camera on the sofa. She had already managed to change her clothes and looked absolutely stunning in her heavily decolted dress with open shoulders. But I decided to leave it for a snack. But the main dish lay before me, spread in its defenseless glory.

Having again held a hard rubber along its sturdy back, I saw that the mulatto was trying to increase the time of contact with the whip, rising towards him. I really liked it, and my dick, by then a long time ago, which had acquired its formidable size, simply became petrified of tension and impatiently throbbed.

I quickly stripped naked and several times with a whistle I cut the air with a whip, drawing attention to the fact that Anya squeezed her wide little anus ring convulsively every time. Do not worry, beauty, we'll play different games, I thought ... Read more →

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