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You can not wear transparent tights. - I was surprised. Although the yard was already the end of October, but autumn was surprisingly warm.

- Nothing ...

When I hit her the first time, she didn't even flinch. Sly Larissa quite rightly decided that the area of ​​contact between the rod and the skin on her legs would be minimal. But for every trick there is another trick, I thought, and with the second blow I struck her pink feet. Larisa did not expect this and groaned. Then I struck her again in the same place, putting more feeling in him, and she howled so that the earthenware rattled in the closet.

“With the eighth rod, you will receive eight blows, but which ones ...” I said dreamily, ending with quilting her legs. Larisa was silent, discouraged by the fact that she could not hold me. Nothing, next time will show more ingenuity.

Finally, I decide to hang out on the full, and brought down eight strong assured blows on her swollen buttocks. After each of them, Larisa threw back her head and screamed hysterically. Her screams did not stop at those moments when I was waving. The drift rocked slightly, shaken by her desperate jerks. Yet my wife is not weak, I thought, sincerely quilting her for the last time. The rod broke in half, droplets of blood flew in different directions, and I regretted that this moment did not fix the video camera.

After the end of the execution, Larisa stretched out exhaustedly on the bed of torture. Having pushed the carpet aside, I poured it from head to foot with cold water and, adjusting the angle of inclination so that its lovely legs almost hung in the air, freed my prison-like member from imprisonment. Larisa jerked weakly and groaned when I entered her hot crack in one fell swoop, holding my thighs tight. Her helplessness insanely turned me on, and I did not last a minute, pouring into her sweet depths with several powerful pushes.

When I released Larisa from clamps, her body was shaken by a shallow non-stop shudder. Spreading the bed, I brought back the half-insensitive Larisa. Putting it on my stomach, I gently soaked her bleeding buttocks and shoulders with a dry towel. On the shoulders there were three stripes, where the contact of the wicker with the skin was the strongest. Blood was seeping from cracked skin. After squeezing out a few drops of a special ointment on her skin, which was supplied in abundance to us by an illegal pharmacy of our club, I began to gently rub it into the affected places, which finally brought Larisa to her senses. In a weak voice, she begged me to do it more carefully.

On her buttocks, the picture was more terrible. In different directions, they were crossed by blood-red scars. There would have been a blind man who realized that I had overdone it. There are already a few drops of blood on the sheet. I again wetted her injured ass and, replacing the nozzle on the tube, began to squeeze the ointment in thin streams, repeating the path of particularly cruel blows. Larisa moaned muffled, burying her nose in the pillow. I wanted to make love to her again, but prudence won out. I brought her tea, turned on the fan on the ceiling, so that he would sweep her streaked body with cool air. It was already night, there was nothing to do, it was time to go to bed. Larissa soon fell asleep, lying on her stomach completely naked. Even in the twilight it was clear how her ass and hands, which the willow tree didn’t touch, differ in color. Carefully taking off my clothes, I stretched out beside me, wrapped myself in a blanket, and immediately felt how her hot lips gently touched my ear.

“Thank you, it was simply unforgettable,” I heard in a break between warm kisses.


On my birthday, I constantly looked impatiently at my watch, waiting for the work day to end. At home, waiting for me, according to Larisa, "something special."I could not assume that it could be, and was lost in conjecture. But I had to endure a whole day, and then also endure the unchanged unofficial part.

I could go home only at seven o'clock in the evening. Driving up to our mansion, I saw the windows on the second floor shining, where our bedroom was. Larisa met me at the door, dressed in my favorite style: a short skirt and a very frank T-shirt, the complete lack of cosmetics and elegant shoes with high heels. Taking me by the hand, she, without saying a word, led me to our bedroom.

There was twilight, and my eyes did not immediately discern the outlines of objects. But Larisa turned on the light, and I froze, rooted to the spot.

A perfectly naked woman was lying on our rack. The mulatto with skin the color of coffee with milk and long strands of blue-black. My dumbfounded glance slid across her full thighs, luxurious buttocks, a clearly defined spine line, settled on an elegant tattoo under the left shoulder blade, and the events of nearly a year ago were helpfully.


Meet the New Year in our club. The chimes had just been heard, everyone was excitedly excited, the crowd was eager for "bread and circuses." Especially spectacles. Larisa and I did not participate in the show, limiting ourselves to passive observation (however, it seemed to me that she was absent for too long, allegedly leaving the toilet). And there was something to see. In particular, Anya, who was now meekly reclining in front of me, was securely bound hand and foot. Then there was her debut in our club. No one knew where she came from and where she disappeared. But she was clearly in the club, and it was strictly forbidden to make inquiries about his members. And Anya showed such a class that it would not be a sin to violate this prescription (but not to me, of course). But how many times I dreamed of her gorgeous body, once again scrolling through the memory of what I saw that night!

Then she appeared before the crowd, dressed in elegant lace white underwear, sharply stood out on her dark body. She was showered with sparkles, after which she began to languidly sway and wriggle to some kind of hot melody. In the hall they turned down the light, and this beauty, as if coming out of the jungle of Africa yesterday, began to very frankly stroke herself in intimate parts. Everyone decided that the striptease would start now and was greeted with approving shouts and whistling, but the events took a different turn. From four sides, four young men naked to the waist approached her. All of them were like a selection: tall, taller than her head, with molten muscles. Having surrounded Anya, they began to free her from a few clothes with skillful slow movements. Mulatochka responded to their actions in the most active way, in turn clinging to each of them and trying to kiss her lips, but they dodged her.

The light became brighter again. The hall was filled with the first chords of the famous song “For whom the bell call” of the “Metallica” group. In the center of the stage, something moved, and a huge structure came out from under the floor, with two tall pillars on which leather straps hung. Mulatochka, seeing what fate she was preparing for, began to persuade her executioners with unfeigned horror, but they inexorably pushed her toward him. Then she fell to her knees in front of one of them and with a sharp movement pulled down his black spacious pants. The released member of impressive size swayed invitingly in front of her plump lips. Without losing time, the beauty sucked him almost completely, and with her hands dug the guy into the buttocks. The other three looked a bit embarrassed. One of them tried to raise her forcibly, but he failed. Moreover, the one whose member was in the captivating mouth of the mulatto, sharply pushed him into the chest and made him move away. But the other two, meanwhile, quietly approached him from behind and carefully released him.

When the majestic introduction to the song with the howling guitars and bell-ringing chimes ended, the whole room was filled with the hoarse voice of James Hetfield, resisting Anya was dragged close to the place of punishment.The people, imbued with the scene unfolding in front of them, actively encouraged its actors. Her hands are tight ... Read more →

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