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1 I have been playing these games with my wife for a long time. I have known her for nearly five years, of which we have been married for almost a year. And always her most excited spanking before having sex.

And today is a special day. From the club of sadomasochists, where we have been with her for a long time (in fact, we met there) my order finally arrived: a mobile device weighing a few centners, which I immediately dubbed with a rack for the first impression. In fact, it is a completely innocuous-looking device, resembling an ironing board, fixed with levers at any angle and upholstered in soft fabric. In its upper part was a steel collar, snapping on the key. Across the board is another, smaller, at its endings were the same, only smaller, and they were closed without a key. The metal on their inner surfaces was lined with soft rubber. Small clips for hands could move back and forth and be fixed in any position, which promised great prospects for the future. There were fixed leg clamps on the bottom.

The guys from the club helped me to set up the rack in our bedroom, wished us a pleasant evening and left. I am left alone. Larissa has not come yet. Apparently, she was going to be at fault today to give me a reason to punish her. She did not know what surprise awaits her at home, because I made the order secretly from her.

Taking this opportunity, I checked all the clamps on my own hands and feet and made sure that they work fine. In order to give our room a romantic-masochistic look, I turned off the overhead light, turned on the orange lampshade and adjusted the brightness so that the twilight would envelop the rack. Then he spread our huge bed, put a fresh sheet, and threw a thin leather strap over the blanket. I didn’t use it all summer: by agreement, on hot summer days I only worked on my blessed ass, because she adored to flaunt in dresses with a bare back and bare shoulders. Now it was October in the yard and it seems that the rains were charging for a long time.

But here is the rattle of the key in the lock. I glanced at the clock - almost midnight - and remained sitting in the bedroom. High heels hurriedly rushed to the hanger first, then in the kitchen, and finally along the spiral staircase to the second floor.

- Honey, are you at home?

I was silent. Larisa walked past the door to the living room. I walked carefully out of the bedroom and carefully closed the door behind me, but my wife still heard. Turning, she threw herself on my neck and kissed her tightly.

- Hello!

Our tongues touched, but I did not let the kiss go too far.

- Where have you been?

- At a party.

- Without warning me?

Larisa lowered her lovely eyes.

- Sorry ...

And it's all? Not enough for a good whipping, and even on the new rack.

I think now is the time to make a small lyrical digression and tell about some unwritten rules that should be followed in this house.

1. Punishment without guilt does not happen (Gleb Zheglov, The meeting place can not be changed). Guilt should be explicit and indisputable.

2. The degree of punishment is determined by the degree of guilt.

3. The degree of guilt is determined by me.

4. Larisa has the right to:

but. To postpone the punishment for a period of one to seven days;

b. To propose replacing punishment with stunning sex with the fulfillment of any of my desires unrelated to violence and humiliation;

at. Resist before whipping;

5. I reserve the right to make a final decision.

6. Within the framework of the above rules, I can make small changes in the process of punishment.

7. Everything that happens in this house is done only with the mutual consent and does not concern anyone except us. The key word, after pronouncing which the game ends - - Desdemona.

8. All these rules expire with clear evidence of my adultery.

Larisa was clearly set to play today, but she did not manage to get enough of herself to deserve a good spanking.In this case, she began to provoke me. I decided to play along with her: she could not be blamed for lack of fantasy.

“Don't go to the bedroom,” I told her as naturally as possible, “I go to the shower, and then we go in there together.” I prepared you a surprise.

“As you say, dear,” Larisa cooed, pulling off her blouse. There was nothing under it. Good guests ...

Hot jets nicely enveloped my body. I tried to keep in good shape, and it was nice to look at myself in the mirror once again. I looked at myself as if from the outside — a powerful, hairless torso with bulging biceps, a flat stomach, a straight back — until I felt an erection. My item of well-deserved pride, reaching a full combat readiness of twenty-five centimeters in length and nearly five in circumference, slowly began to straighten out, and I began to think of Larissa. I have it just sweetie. Years of gymnastics were not in vain: her body has tremendous flexibility, and in the first months of our acquaintance she just drove me crazy in bed, taking the most incredible poses. She has long, bushy brown hair, greenish-brown eyes, a sensual mouth with full, capriciously puffed lips, stunning high breasts with slightly asymmetrical nipples defiantly protruding in different directions, an elegant back with perfectly developed muscles, firm ass and amazing long legs. Oh my God...

I wrapped my hand around my dick, closed my eyes, but the minutes of sweet dreams didn’t take place due to the flow of icy water rushing at me. From the strongest spasm I caught my breath, and only an inarticulate wheeze escaped from my throat. Pulling off the curtain, I managed to see the fluttering floors of Larisa's colorful robe. Its owner jumped out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

- Here I get to you now! - I growled. Wearing panties and quickly drying myself off, I closed the water and tugged on the bathroom door. Of course, locked up. If you break it down now, the punishment will be serious. Larisa definitely provokes me to it, because otherwise you can’t leave the bathroom.

There was a rustle behind the door. Yeah, that devil is here! So now we will bargain.

- Larissa! - What, honey? - You are to blame. - I know. - You let me out, and limit ourselves to ten strokes. Immediately the lights went out. I instinctively closed my eyes. - Or I break down the door, and together we will reach hundreds. No sound. But she is near. I waited a bit, then put my shoulder on the door. I don’t have to use strength, it’s not for nothing that I was keen on bodybuilding at school. The tree creaked. “I open it, and we agree on fifty,” came from behind the door. I loosened up a bit. - Seventy-five and what I choose. Agreed on sixty. Clicked the latch. Larissa stood on the threshold of the bathroom. Bathrobe lay at her feet. She was wearing only thin black panties and the same bra. Eyes staringly at me. I went out and took her hand. “You are a bad girl and acted very badly today,” I said, pressing her warm supple body to me. She took a deep breath. - You will be punished. She did not resist. Taking her hand, I went with her to the bedroom. Seeing the rearing her eyes widened, and she took a step back, but I easily overcame the resistance, threw her on the bed, then locked the door with a key and put it on the shelf. “Undress,” I said shortly. Larissa looked at the steel monster with unfeigned horror. In the meantime, I decided not to deny myself additional pleasure and pulled my favorite twisted whip sixty-five centimeters long from the top shelf and cut the air several times with a whistle.

The wife was still lying on the bed, never taking her eyes off the rack. - to help? It will cost five more hits. She shook her head and stood up, as if in a slow rack. Even being in a semi-stress state, Larisa did not forget ...

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