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one could enter her, standing on the floor, put a softening cream on his member and leaned over, whispered the last instruction in her ear:

- Move the legs - I will finish you again in full.

Larisa just nodded. I kissed her and pulled away. Slowly sweeping the member over her right thigh, I lingered near the vagina, smeared her anus with the cream several times and put my head against it. Larisa instinctively moved away, for which I immediately awarded her with a ringing slap on the thigh: “Lie down!” Spreading her lower lips, I simultaneously sharply stuck my thumbs into both holes. Larisa howled from pain, or from pleasure (however, at a certain stage there was no difference for her). Silently shuffling in her secret women's corners, I quickly pulled them out and right there, not letting the anus take the original size, began to insert a head into it - I have it, by the way, rather big, if Larisa closes her thumb and index finger with a ring, them with difficulty.

Anus Larisa tightly clasped the head, not letting it go further. I put my hands on her back and pulled over to myself, while simultaneously moving her pelvis to meet her. My member first arched arc, but then slowly went forward, overcoming the resistance of narrow walls. Larisa groaned loudly, but I was relentless, and soon all twenty-five centimeters of my tense flesh were inside her. Strung on my dick, Larissa grabbed the lattice in a tight grip. Her long brown hair, reaching to the shoulder blades, was scattered over her shoulders. It is a pity that I did not put a mirror in front of her - so I could see her face distorted by a grimace of pain.

Slowly, controlling my arousal, I began to fuck my humble wife in the ass. In this position, she never helped me, giving full freedom of action, to which I did not object. My hands firmly held her waist, and the increasing blows of a member forced Larisa to jump up and squirm under me. To close the legs, she could not: I was too close, and her hips interfered with mine. Letting go of her waist, I ran my fingers into her luxurious head of hair and pulled at me, forcing me to lay back my head and bend even more. Now my cock slid relatively freely along the entire length of her anus, and I could afford to increase the tempo. It was already becoming difficult for me to control my arousal, and I allowed him to captivate himself and carry it through. A wave of frantic pleasure whipped me on the back from the tailbone to the nape, and I, leaning on Larissa and crushing her wriggling body under me, shuddered in the strongest paroxysm of passion, having entered it to its full length. She groaned for a long time and tried to free herself, but I didn’t get off of her, pushing the sheets wet from her tears and kissing gently behind the ear and on the cheek. I continued to move inside her, slowing down, until my handsome man calmed down and wilted.

Coming out of my wife's anus, for a while I admired his unusually wide entrance. Soon he will take on his original form, and now my sperm, mixed with cream, oozes out of him and ... that devil, and she, too, had finished!

The hands of the clock showed half of the third night, when Larisa and I finally turned off the light and, tenderly embracing, fell asleep, as befits respectable spouses. 2 The next few days, Larissa was not in the mood, and we had traditional sex. Several magazines came from the club, one videotape and an invitation to an orgy - the usual monthly mailing. We didn’t go to an orgy, nothing much happened on a videotape - typical hard pornography without frills, but one magazine pushed me to a good idea. There was described in detail the method of expanding the anus and adapting it to objects of the most inconceivable sizes.I slipped it into Larissa’s nightstand, deciding that she would definitely read this article and, contrary to my strict prohibition, would decide to use her advice.

A couple of days later, having made sure that the magazine was read, I casually said that I would not mind again measuring the length of her anus with my sensitive instrument. And it is possible and not only to them - and showed her the largest artificial member more than thirty centimeters long and one and a half times thicker than mine - there was no greater adaptation even in our club.

The hardest thing was to catch Larisa doing this. I did not intend to come across it specially, but I was lucky. One morning, when I went to the office, I forgot an electronic notebook at home and came back. Opening the door with my key, I began to climb into the bedroom. as I walked past the bathroom, I heard a splash of water — apparently my missus was taking a shower. But the water did not flow, but it was splashing. Through obscured glass, I saw its vague outlines - Larisa was lying in the bathroom, her legs spread wide apart.

An obscure guess struck me. Seeing that the door was unlocked, I immediately opened it. Larisa screamed and dropped her magazine, which was opened right on the page with the notorious article. Her intentions did not have to be doubted: on a small plastic table that stood next to each other, tubes with softening creams were neatly spread out, and a half-inserted black artificial member protruded from her anus.

“So this is what we do in secret from a husband,” I said ominously. - Okay. We return to this topic in the evening. And I left, leaving my frightened wife to guess what method of punishment I would choose for her. In similar reflections I spent the day. On the way home, I drove into our club and bought an elegant set of five whips in the local shop: from a small, almost toy, to a big black splitting at the end, with twisted rubber fibers.

Larisa met me in full dress. During the day she made herself a new hairstyle, a manicure, put on a black fitting dress with a deep neckline, revealing her amazing legs to the middle of her hips. From the kitchen came the awesome smells - she cooked beautifully. I gently kissed her lips and ran his hand over the buttocks, slightly squeezing them.

We had a wonderful dinner of cooked goose with apples, zaja him with cold and hot snacks and washed down martini. Then Larisa offered me to forgive her by promising in return either a striptease right on the table, or our favorite game of a prostitute and a client, but I was adamant. Today I was visited by a practical thought, and I decided, using the appropriate opportunity, to bring it to life.

In the long black case in which the purchased lashes were placed, I left only two - the largest and most medium-sized, all intertwined with intricate patterns of shiny wire (can you imagine how you can paint this ass with a lash or back?). In the three remaining compartments, I put an already familiar whip, a thin leather strap and a large soldier’s belt with a massive steel buckle, which I had never used up (strangely, why?) Pretending to think over her suggestions, I watched Larissa washes dishes and puts it on the shelves. Her hands were trembling, and she dropped one plate, which shattered to smithereens.

“Take it away,” I said. - By this you are aggravating your already unenviable position. I wanted to offer you to draw lots, to what punishment to undergo, - and showed the prepared case, where next to each instrument of punishment lay pieces of paper with numbers from one to five. “But you leave me no choice.” With these words, I drew units on two pieces of paper, and on three pieces - two. Two lashes got one, a whip and two belts - two. On two identical pieces of paper, I drew the numbers 1 and 2 and put them in the dish. Then he blindfolded Larisa. “Choose,” I said derisively, leading her to the dish, “Your fate is in your hands.” She spent a long time turning over the papers in her hands, but then, with a convulsive tugging at her shoulders, she extended me 2. “Your favorite whip or belts,” I said mercilessly.- Now you have three pieces of paper. Pull This time ... Read more →

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