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play: standing in front of the lampshade in a lake of warm orange color, she gracefully pulled off her panties, stooping down, without bending her knees, lowered them to the floor and stepped over them. Then she put her hands behind her back and pulled off her bra. Hugging herself in her arms, looked at me with a hunted look. I inexorably showed the whip on the rack. - Get down. She obeyed, and I fixed her head in a collar. He spread his hands and fastened them in turn. Last of all he clamped his legs. - Conveniently? - Harshly head. - Bring a pillow? - Just? - What more! Five hits. Larissa sighed, and a sweet shiver ran through her delightful young body. - Good. - total sixty five. I brought her a pillow and put it under my head. Then again checked constipation. Everything was OK. Leaning down, I kissed her on the lips. She answered. “You can’t restrain yourself,” I said. This meant that there would be no further punishment for shouting. “You too ...” she whispered. I brought the whip to her lips. It was an integral part of the ritual. She kissed hard rubber. I adjusted the lampshade to highlight the place of punishment, slightly changed the angle of inclination of her body, turned on the video camera in the sideboard and retreated into the shade. Larisa was waiting. I could hit her at any moment, and she knew it, but could not see me. The muscles in her arms twitched convulsively, her fingers clenched and unclenched.

Finally I swung and hit. Whip with a whistle cut the air and with a force fell on the defenseless buttocks of Larissa, leaving them with a neat pink stripe, quickly pouring red. My missus did not make a sound, and only squeezed her fists with all her might.

The second hit fell to a centimeter below the first, leaving the same neat lane. Having decided to check how trained my eye was, I decided to make a zebra on the ass of my beloved wife. The whip rose and fell steadily. The contact of rough rubber and fine silky skin of Larissa created a unique sound, which was mixed with her heavy intermittent breathing and quiet moans. She tried to adjust to the rhythm of the beats, but I changed it in the most ruthless way, leaving no chance to my victim.

After the twentieth blow, the same number of bright red stripes from my whip passed across all the buttocks of Larisa. I held the place of execution with my palm and unexpectedly for myself with all my strength pulled it over him. The wife howled and fell into a scream, desperately trying to escape, but the buck held her securely.

“And now let's work on your back,” I said ominously, “there is more space on it, there is, where to roam, and I still have forty-four strokes left.” - Give me a little rest, - Larissa prayed plaintively. - It will cost extra punches, honey. “I can't take it anymore,” she whimpered. - Then why all this controversy? Carefully trying it on, I struck Larissa a well-adjusted blow. A whip whistling down on her waist, just above the barely noticeable dimples above her buttocks. The wife screamed. I did not experiment any more. My dick stuck out like a stake, tearing up his pants, and I entered into the usual rhythm, striking one beat per second. On the sixteenth, Larisa was already screaming in a loud voice, on the twenty-eighth drops of blood appeared on her lovely back. At thirty-five I made a heroic decision to pardon her. Unfastening the straps, I threw Larissa, who was moaning, on the bed that had been disassembled. Taking out a pair of handcuffs from the bedside table, I quickly chained her hands to the grate at the head of the bed and in the blink of an eye I threw off all my clothes. For a long time I have not experienced such excitement! My count burst into her warm and wet cave and I almost immediately exploded, howling from the sharpest pleasure.The eruption lasted for a very long time: squeezing her thighs tightly and almost tearing off her lovely ripped ass from the sheets, I poured and poured new streams of sperm into her until completely exhausted, she didn’t stick to her warm, weakly trembling breasts.

So we lay for a long time. Larisa moved under me and her plump lips touched my ear. - Did you like it, dear? - Yes, - I replied, - I would not mind again to fuck you. She smiled. - Only not so, okay? Unfastening the handcuffs, I sent her into the bath, and he changed the sheet, on which blood stains were clearly seen, and carefully wiped the last baptism on the rack with a damp cloth, then removed the handcuffs and whip and, having prepared vaginal cream and a coil of rope, lay down a blanket. The camera was already redirected to the bed, and I turned it on again to record.

Larisa sat in the bathroom for a long time, putting herself in order. Stepping out completely naked, she walked, as if on a runway, down the corridor to the bedroom. Stopping at the doorway, she rested her hands on the frame, allowing me to enjoy the curves and roundness of her immaculate figure. “Today I’ll have to sleep on my stomach,” she said reproachfully. “Fine,” I replied, and motioned her to me. She walked over and pulled the blanket over herself, revealing my resurgent cock. Playfully looking at me, she knelt down and took him in her warm hands. - You will be gentle with me? She asked, putting her lips straight to the swollen head. “If I like it,” I answered mercilessly and, pushing back the pillow, showed her the prepared cream and rope.

Larisa opened her mouth and gently wrapped the head of my dick with her lovely lips, then pushed her a little deep, where her nimble tongue took over. Her hands lay on the base of the penis, one above the other, and gently pulled off the skin to completely release the head. I closed my eyes to concentrate fully on my sensations, and my missus, moaning slightly from pleasure, continued now with accelerating and slowing circular movements to give me a lot of pleasure.

Then a new thought came to my mind, which I immediately said: “You cannot bring me to orgasm with a mouth, I will take you in the ass.” It was unfair to Larissa: about twenty minutes ago I was abundantly discharged, and after one orgasm she had never managed to make me cum with her mouth. But Larisa meekly accepted the rules of the game and even tried to accomplish the impossible. Her lips increased the pressure, she literally sucked me, and the tongue rushed like a madman. Having thrust her long finger into my anus, she tried to stimulate him, which would bring success, had I not had time to finish it. But my excitement intensified. Started and Lorochka. Finally, I gently pushed her aside and took my brilliant aggregate from her saliva from her mouth. “Lie down on your stomach,” I told her, throwing the blanket to the floor. She obeyed. It was scary to look at her back: bright scarlet scars crossed her in all directions. But the zebra on the ass looked very impressive. It is a pity that this can be repeated not earlier than in a month ...

Taking the rope, I firmly tied her hands to the head of the bed. Then he forced her to squat, so that her back was beautifully arched, and her legs were fixed as wide as possible, so that Larissa almost sat on the string. Both of her holes steamed in hot water breathed excitedly, but I was more attracted to the top.

Anal sex gave me great pleasure, but I rarely indulged myself with this, so that the anus of my beloved retained its narrowness and difficult patency for my dick. This inflicted additional anguish and pleasure on Larisa, and thus triple pleasure to me - to humiliate myself in a narrow tunnel that clutched tightly around me from all sides, to see her torment and see her pleasure in torment. And if we add to this the fact that she does not see me, and I have both hands free ... What a space for creativity.

Larisa's ass was too low, and I put a few pillows under it. Then he lowered one section of our bed to ... Read more →

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