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by fire.

... They can see how excitedly, shamelessly I fuck myself right now!

With a flexible feline movement, the girl lay down on the bed, turned over onto her back, turning her face, which was burning from shame, to the wall. One hand sank on the left breast. The nipple was rock hard. The areola is swollen, making the pink surface very much like an arrowhead. He continually whined, demanding attention. Mandy squeezed him lightly with two fingers, turned it clockwise, stroking her stomach with her right hand. Shame and incomprehensible delight just blew his chest from the inside. The quivering fingertips reached for hot, satin, smoothly shaved folds of the labia. A sweet shiver ran down her stomach, her back arched by itself, Mandy frantically clutched her teeth at the edge of the pillow, then you wouldn’t groan.

... I have to hurry ... The longer I lie here, the more likely that they will see me!

The second hand also slid down, the long legs spread out to the sides, the fingers of the left hand parted the labia's rapidly increasing adhesive lips, the middle finger of the right slid along the moist smooth incision, up and down. Every time when he was pushing the petals of his small lips into contact with the head of a strained clitoris, Mandy jerked and exhaled loudly, as if someone invisible beat her in the stomach with his fist. She tried not to make a sound, continuing to bite the pillow only noisily nozzles.

... It won't take long ... oh, yes ... too good ...

The finger no longer left the clitoris, describing continuous circles around the rod, two fingers of the other palm gently and aggressively pressed into the vagina. Stickyly slurped when phalanxes drowned to the second knuckles.

... I can not believe ... How wet I am!

The shame, the frank ambiguity of the situation, the fear and excitement seething in the mind, excited her more and more. The back of the girl arched, the heels of her legs apart, rested against the headboard. Mandy began to involuntarily push the pelvis up into the air. Randomly, sharply, in the rhythm of the fingers plunging into the vagina. With each push, her sharp breasts shook elastically, swaying slightly from side to side. If someone saw her now, he could appreciate it hellish in his debauchery show. She was so close to orgasm. Another, unnaturally dirty idea seized her mind. She tried to fight, but already guessed that she would lose this battle, like all the others.

Almost rudely sitting down on her own fingers, Mandy stretched out her hand to the table, found the camera to the touch. Holding it on an outstretched hand, raised it higher. The shutter click, accompanied by a lingering voluptuous moan of a girl. The flash flooded the room for a moment with bright light. Mandy took a picture of herself.

... these flashes should definitely attract attention ...

She turned the camera over looking at the LCD screen. Mandy could not believe that the picture of her own naked body, wriggling on the bed, at the time of masturbation. The expression of such a familiar pretty girl on the screen amazed with bliss and appeal lust in her eyes and smile, making her face unrecognizably vicious.

Mandy closed her eyes, imagining her friends viewing this picture, presented unfamiliar guys stuck to the windows of the building opposite, carefully watching the girl scattering on the narrow bed and drowned in sweets. A rush of orgasmic pulsations covered her with a suffocating wave. She bit her lip almost to the blood, quenching the hacking groan, but it did not help. The body arched, rising above the bed and twitching, thrashing in convulsions. A hand with a camera sandwiched in it, the lens shot up, turned up, fixing a face twisted with lust. Click and flash ... Click and flash ...

- Aaaaaoohhhaaaa!

Click and flash ... Click and flash ...

...My screams should be heard even on the first floor! - She thought, powerlessly falling on the sheet damp from sweat, feeling completely exhausted. Mandy glanced at her fingers, wet glistening in the lamplight.

- Hmm!

Shagging, drowsy eyes, narrowed, his mouth opened a little, showing a playful run on the lips of the tongue. In obedience to a momentary, senseless impulse, she thrust the two fingers into her mouth and screamed, rolling her eyes, with a champing lick, began to suck together and separately.

Click and flash ...

Even when in the life of Mandy did not taste the female flesh, sticky thick juice.

... Night of discoveries! - she laughed a strange chest laugh.

It wasn't as bad as she imagined; she even kind of liked her own taste. She continued to suck her fingers, released the camera and returned the hand to her vagina ...


When Megan returned from class, Mandy sat in her beloved pajamas, studying chemistry. At least, in front of her lay an open textbook on chemistry. Mandy's mind was a million kilometers away. She returned again and again memories of the events of the past hour. To the finale of her own shameless session, she finished three times, each time choking with moans and even tears of ecstasy. Now she was again and again tormented by the question - has anyone seen this provocative show? Has anyone heard her mournful cries? Mowing her eyes to her neighbor, busy with her business, the girl with a sweet shiver asked herself if Megan noticed something unusual, did the light aroma of excited female flesh hovered around the room, paid attention to the crumpled randomly twisted bed? She thought about the photographs she had taken and wondered who would be the lucky discoverer.

Mandy woke up a new, dark, dirty side and after the adventures tonight, she was not at all sure that she could cope with the new Mandy ... if she wanted to cope with it.


A week later, Mandy was sitting at home when a cell phone vibrated the girl about a text message coming. She ran her finger across the screen and saw a text message from David.

“Do you think it will not be too brazen to lend your camera again for the weekend?” If not, I will understand and forgive everything, but I am sad (: "

Mandy's heart sank, having missed several blows at once, the paint slipped from her face, and a strange smile appeared on her lips against the will. She took a deep breath, counting to ten in an attempt to calm the fit of excitement.

"of course! I don't mind J when you need her? ”

The game has begun!...


... on Thursday ... He asked me to borrow a camera on Thursday.

Mandy had two more days to prepare.

... The main pictures are already there ... Now I need to take a few pictures on a neutral theme, so that the main ones don’t stand out too much ... I don’t need to, so that he would think that I had left my naughty photos on purpose. - the girl smiled, thoughtfully twirling a lock on the index finger.

It finally happens. Almost half a year since she nearly gave David a camera, having forgotten to remove her personal photos from the memory card. How much has changed during this time.

Mandy was still not sure if anyone had seen her that night, but now she accidentally woke up another dirty fantasy that had been dozing deeply in the subconscious before. Then she completely unconsciously left the curtains open, staging a provocative photo session, but now a lot has changed in her, in her psyche. Never before has she allowed herself to do something as bold and indecent, even shameful.

So ... she had two days to fill the memory card with a set of meaningless photos. Mandy went the easiest way, decided to take a camera and walk around the campus. It was a warm spring day, and as a photographer, a lover of Mandy easily found objects to shoot. A few photographs depicting the awakening nature, trees of flowers will be quite enough. The girl grabbed a camera for classes and took some friends during a break between two biology lessons.

As usual, during the break, the main part of the group stuck out in the large hall of the lecture hall. Someone stayed in ... Read more →

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