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her, but Mandy has never given it much importance. Now, she again and again imagined David looking through her spicy photos, revealing a completely new side ... sweet and seductive, so innocently cold in Mandy's daily life. But more importantly, she simply stuck in her own feelings and emotions. On, to the shivering of shameful trials, to which her forgetfulness could lead, leaving her absolutely vulnerable to a friend who, of course, would be happy to examine her naughty pictures. As in her little sexual experience, when she played the role of an impotent victim from which she came into violent lustful excitement. Foolish thoughts were creeping into her head, causing Mandy to become upset. She dismissed them, reminding herself how ridiculous and even dissolute they were, but she was well aware that they would inevitably return.

A week after the incident, the memories of him returned to Mandy again when she was taking a shower. The combination of warm water, a pleasant aroma of the gel and the next bout of fantasies on the subject, what would it be if ... brought her into a relaxed dispersed state. Almost without knowing what she was doing, acting at the level of instinct, the girl allowed her left hand to slide down the belly covered with thick foam and began to masturbate. A burning feeling of shame poured over her with a completely unexpected wave of burning sensuality when her fingers slid along the labia, smearing the gel over them. She did not even try, she did not find the strength to stop herself. He only closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall so as not to fall. A few minutes later, having experienced the most intense orgasm that she had ever experienced, Mandy realized with superstitious horror that her fantasy had become something big turned into a phobia. She felt fear at the thought that familiar men were friends, would see her naughty photos, but now it has become part of new unusually thrilling excitements. She realized with frightening clarity that she regretted having managed to erase those damn photos!

Mandy could have let one of her friends see her — see her naked. It was the same as spontaneously having sex with one of them, or emailing them your own photo in the nude for no reason at all. Both options now seemed funny and exciting, but none of them produced such a stunning emotional outburst as the original fantasy. It seemed ridiculous and meaningless. She wanted to be in a precarious position, to feel weak and defenseless in the face of compelling circumstances, innocent and at the same time lecherous. In her fantasy, everything had to happen against will, she wanted to find herself in a situation where she couldn’t control anything. Just a scattered stupid girl who fell victim to her own negligence ... and that was the most important. The one who catches her must have believed it.

From that moment on, fantasy began to haunt her day and night. Until she gave up. Mandy wanted to do this. Was ready to do that. She was not at all sure that she would not curse that day later, but it didn’t matter what. She wanted to do it to shiver and that was it!


Three days ago, she had the opportunity to fulfill her plans when Jacob asked to use her camera on the weekend. The younger brother came to him. Mandy, hiding her joy, agreed and uploaded the same pictures to the camera’s memory card that she managed to delete a few weeks ago before helping David out. In most of the pictures, she was fully dressed, but at the end there was a small gallery where Mandy pretended to be a relaxed young lady, and the direction of the pictures took on a sexual character.On one, she stood in a blue silk bra, on the other she took off her black skirt, showing off a slice of pink panties trimmed around the edges with a wide lace trim. Finally, in one of the last she stood in a black sweatshirt with a hood thrown over and pulled down the zipper, demonstrating that she was completely naked under him, in the next two frames the lightning unbuttoned lower and lower, revealing the shifting bulges of her breasts and navel. In the last two shots, Mandy was standing, wide open, sweatshirt sticking out pointed chest. The peaks of pink large nipples, hard and obviously excited, boldly looked into the camera, just like her light-turned eyes.

It was from these pictures that she cleared the memory card just before the arrival of Jacob, cowardly at the last moment.

... Damn ... stupid ... you dreamed about it for several weeks ... and just got sick ... got tired ... - Mandy thought to herself when she heard Jacob's footsteps moving down the corridor.

She was well aware that she had missed a chance and now she felt sucking emptiness and bitterness in her stomach, as if she had deprived herself of something beautiful or tasty.

... Next time ... - she thought backing to her desk. Next time everything will be different ... I swear ...


Mandy has begun planning. Obviously, the pictures should have been on the memory card when she next time lend the camera to someone of her buddies. However, if they turn out to be the only pictures, it may be suspicious. On the other hand, if the card is filled with photos, they will bury naughty photos under themselves, and no one will see them. Mandy thought a few days how to do it best and developed a plan.

True to his word, Jacob returned the camera on Monday. The next evening, she returned to her dorm room, feeling a nervous shudder beat her, and a feeling of anticipation, from which she constantly ached in her chest. She knew that Megan would be absent for another couple of hours; she had evening classes today. Mandy was required to take a few pictures that instantly attract the attention of the "random" viewer.

Mandy went to the linen closet rummaged in it and pulled out a black bikini. She bought it a few years ago, while still in college, but the swimsuit was so frank and obscene that she never decided to wear it on the beach. The girl quickly changed her clothes and spun in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection with pleasure.

The swimsuit was a bit small. He demonstrated quite a lot of naked body, and what he was hiding, wrapped so tightly that he perfectly conveyed all the hillocks and hollows. And at the same photos should look quite modest by modern standards. Pictures in this form are now quietly posted on the Internet, even teenage girls. Mandy's breasts were filled with more since the purchase of a bikini and now barely fit in black triangular cups, nipples peeking out from under them with every careless sharp movement. In general, Mandy thought her bikini was perfect for her purposes. She turned her back and looked at the thin, faintly glittering material that fitted the bulging ass.

... I do not believe ... I do not believe that I decided on this. She thought, feeling her heart beating faster and faster.

Mandy took the camera, fixed the lens on the reflection in the mirror, smiled and flicked the shutter. After looking at the result, I came to the conclusion that the room was too dark. The girl opened the thick curtains, but dusk was already gathering outside the window. She lit the overhead light, turned on the flash on the camera and tried again. The flash reflection blinked for a moment. Mandy waited until the purple spots stopped flickering in her eyes, and looked at the picture. The quality of her pleased. It turned out a typical selfie, which is now done by almost all the girls, which would then put it on instagram, but with the addition of a touch of sexuality due to a frank bikini. It certainly should have attracted the attention of guys. She took several more shots in various poses and returned to the linen closet.Mandy wanted to give the impression that the following pictures were taken at another time.

They were supposed to look like a gallery of photos in a hoodie, which she wanted to add to ... Read more →

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