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class, including her friend Sarah, whom Mandy had known since high school. In the first year, the girls lived in the same dorm room, but then Sarah decided to get a single room and left Mandy alone, waiting for a new neighbor. In the end, everything settled for the better, Megan was a beautiful sociable girl. However, since then, Mandy and Sarah are somewhat distant from each other.

In addition, their mutual friends David, Jacob, Mike, Stephanie and Mira were also here. The guys have long been accustomed to Mandy's passion for photographing, so they were not surprised that she brought the camera to class.

“Let me take you along with Sarah.” Mike suggested after Mandy took a picture of him and Stephanie.

Mandy hesitated. The camera in her hands now contained the most candid photos she had ever taken — her photographs. Not just a nudity, but a shameless act of masturbation, cramming your fingers in yourself, licking them after that. So when Mike asked for the camera, she turned cold for a second, feeling her heart stop in sweet horror.

Mandy barely turned pale and with an uncertain smile gave the guy a camera. While he was holding the camera in his hands, her eyes never left him for a second, as if from the most valuable treasure in the world. She tried to look natural, posed next to her friend, but she couldn’t concentrate. Mike's finger was a centimeter away from the magic button, by clicking on which, he could see a whole gallery of Mandy's obscene pictures.

... if he only knew.

The flash blinded her, and the girl returned to reality. The camera left her hands a few more times, when the guys decided to take pictures with her and each time she caught her breath and began to suck in the stomach.

“Can I get copies of the photos?” - Sarah politely asked.

David and Mira asked for the same thing.

- Sure, no problem. - smiled Mandy. I can upload them to the cloud ... hmmm ... - she turned around as if she just remembered. David, could you upload your pictures to the cloud right from the memory card? I have problems with the Internet, and you still get it on Thursday. Yes?
- Good.

Mandy barely kept a joyful smile at the chance that her plan would be fulfilled increased several times.

- Cool. I have such a mess there. I forget to clean it all the time. I think there were even pictures from our trip to the pub last summer. - she surely lied. So just search through the folders. You will surely find something you like. - the double meaning of the girl’s words was clear only to her and this made it even sweeter.

... Now he will accurately review all the pictures on the memory card ... What a pity that I will not be able to be around when he finds the "gift"!

The break was over, the students stretched back to the audience.


That same evening, Mandy sat and lounged in her room with Jacob, Megan and her boyfriend Alex. Mandy has known Alex since they were in elementary school together. And since then she has experienced a persistent antipathy. She was even a little sorry for Megan.

Since childhood, the boy behaved like a spoiled spoiled child. With age, the negative traits only intensified, and Alex turned into an arrogant monster who considered the people around him to be crap. He made a rude joke for any reason, constantly spoke vulgarity and released derogatory comments about mutual friends, so Mandy and Sarah felt embarrassed about his company. In this case, the guy had success with the girls on campus, was quite beautiful, tall, well built, carefully followed his hair and appearance and knew how to take care of. But Mandy saw the true essence behind this mask as she knew him too well.

The last unpleasant episode occurred with his participation when they were in high school.He hit her on the dance floor during the disco, burped, his eyes gleaming oily and saying with his disgusting, sweet smile:

“Hey, Mandy!” Today you look so seductive. I will follow you. After you drink your dress, I think it will become even shorter, like that of a whore from a bar in the next block. - He drunken drunkenly, pleased with his joke.

Of course, Mandy had bypassed him that evening. And even made her then gentleman carry her to the very door of the house. Mandy was so glad that she would never again see this unpleasant guy after school ... and two months ago Megan brought her new friend into their room. Seeing the familiar sweet smile, Mandy experienced such a shock, as if someone had dealt her a sharp blow to the gut.

... What did Megan find in him?

She was too good for this freak. Tall, slim, with a seductive chest full of size two sizes larger than Mandy's. Megan looked like a sex bomb. Fascinating blue eyes, a fine line of cheekbones, curly auburn hair to shoulders. She looked like a fashion magazine cover model, even when she was sick. When Mandy saw her new neighbor for the first time, she even experienced a slight stab of jealousy, jealous of the girl's appearance. And now she asked herself how Alex managed to get such a gorgeous girl.

Of course, she did not study with him. I did not experience his rough, humiliating jokes. In the end, the essence of Alex will manifest itself, and Megan will regret having contacted him. Mandy even tried to talk with her neighbor a couple of times about her new boyfriend, but she just waved it off. Who does not like when someone climbs into privacy. Mandy decided to keep her mouth shut so as not to be extreme and just to watch. And tried to avoid communicating with Alex at every opportunity.

Unfortunately, we failed to do this tonight. When Mandy returned to the room after dinner, Megan and Alex, embracing, lay on the girl's bed. Mandy would love to get away, but the neighbor unexpectedly insisted that she remain apparently Alex's pleasure. To smooth out the awkwardness, Mandy had to send a message to Jacob and invited him to visit. So now they sat together, doing nothing. Lazily talking about movies, sports and discussed what happened at the university over the past month.

Mandy knew that Alex was studying at a commercial college, learning the basics of business and office work, along with her school buddies Tom and Nick, the same assholes like himself.

Toward midnight, Jacob said goodbye and went home, tomorrow morning the guy had important laboratories. As soon as the door closed behind him, Alex whispered that something was in Megan's ear, looking at Mandy. The girl's eyes opened wide, and she playfully hit him on the shoulder, laughing.

- Not! We will not do it with her in the room!

Alex seemed obviously disappointed with her friend's response. On his face was badly disguised displeasure. He was sharply going home. He picked up his bag from the hanger and, after a cold “goodbye,” left, slamming the door in farewell.

... God, what an idiot! Doesn't she see what a crap he is?

Neighbors chatted a little more about all sorts of trivia and went to bed. Tomorrow was an important day for Mandy, and she did not think that she could easily fall asleep.

She lay with her eyes open under the blanket, stroking the forearm of her left hand with her right hand, hearing the sleeping Megan sleepy.

... You turned into such a slutty girl! She whispered softly to herself and, unexpectedly to herself, with a damp rustle, licked the middle finger of her hand, an act that would have been unthinkable for Mandy a few days ago. Is there anything left that you can't do? Shameless slut? - Mandy's whisper became languid.

In the darkness her eyes flashed suspiciously. Wet lips from saliva, on which she drove a finger, formed into an incredibly lustful and devilish smile. The last question gave her another crazy idea.

Mandy usually slept in a loose T-shirt and plain cotton panties.This night was no exception. Climbing up on her elbow, the girl looked at ... Read more →

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