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bit her lower lip, trying to concentrate. 21-37. It has been 40 minutes since David knocked on her door, and it seems that only a few moments have passed.

Mandy's pupils flickered. She laid bare before David and Andrew. Now, most likely, she did the same for the group of boys in the opposite room. And if in the first case, everything happened not through her fault, now she caressed herself frantically hoping that she was being watched. And in addition to this, now in the hands of David was her camera with very frank photographs. The sober part of the consciousness muttered that she was in an extremely delicate situation, but the girl who was thrilled with pleasure drove this thought. She focused on pleasure, on sweet fear that forced adrenaline to continuously inject into the blood, forcing her to boil in her veins, causing furiously thrills, enthralling Mandy.

The heated body was breathing fever, in the mouth was dry. Mandy licked her lips with feeling. Madly thirsty. The girl’s left hand moved steadily, stroking the sweaty thigh.

- And why did I go to the shower? She purred with a smile.

Before meeting with Sarah was 20 minutes. There is almost no time left to make up and clean up. Mandy sweetly stretched her whole body, throwing her hands behind her head, unwittingly arching her back, feeling the vagina vibrate. With one flexible, strong movement, she threw the body out of bed, ignoring the wide open curtains. It was worth hurrying if she wanted to have time to take a shower ...

Mandy grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the body. She used to go to the shower fully clothed, but now there was no time for that. She was too carried away by masturbation in front of the open window. Bringing yourself to the point of frenzy and not letting you finish, for and for a sweet shiver, drowning in your own depraved fantasies. After such a trip to the shower in the towel seemed almost chaste act.

Mandy opened the door a little and looked out into the corridor to make sure that Andrew was not there. After what happened, it seemed to her that he was sticking out in the corridor, waiting for her to come out. Pressing a towel with her fingers in the chest, the girl quickly walked down the hall.


Hot water washing the body gave Mandy a lot of pleasure, she was refreshing and the girl wanted to stand endlessly under the cascade of jets falling on her shoulders, but there was no time for that. She rinsed, dried and moved back. There was no light in the room. Slamming the door behind her, she was in total darkness. Mandy stood for a few moments and slouched over to the window, which caused scattered moonlight. She just burned incomprehensible curiosity. There was a deafening silence around, and only the sound of his own heart beat loudly into the eardrum. Swallowing a thick lump of spittle, Mandy felt how dry her mouth was. She took a deep breath and looked out into the street.

In a small area in front of the hostels were still quite crowded. Thursday evening on campus enlivened nightlife on the eve of the weekend. In the hostel opposite burned several windows. The basement lower floors hardly shone, one or two with students was reinforced by some kind of lesson. Mandy's eyes did not linger on them, it was not interesting. She glanced at the windows across from her room and froze.

Several young guys looked straight at her. She shuddered and recoiled from the window, as if they could see her now in a dark room. After two more windows, the square is glowing again and there are two people in it with their heads turned in its direction. Mandy's hand involuntarily clung to the towel when she saw them.

... stupid! They do not see you now ...!

Her eyes ran up the upper floors of the building and found several more rooms with potential spectators. Perhaps they all hoped that the show was not over.She counted 13 guys who seemed to be waiting for her to appear. From this distance, Mandy could not make out the faces, and even more so she was not sure that they had seen her presentation, but she wanted to believe it!

... I wonder if I know anyone from them ...?

The chance for it was insignificant. The university is a large educational institution. Mandy did not even remember all her neighbors in the floor. In her group, several people were trained who, as she knew, lived in a men's dormitory opposite, but from such a distance none of them could identify her.

She looked back at the luminous watch face. 21—51 ...

... Oh shit! I am late... !

Feeling stupid, the girl sneaked from the window back to the door.

... I don’t have time at all to show you something delicious, but I think how I'm going to the club is also not bad ...

She laughed softly, feeling her heart stop in a sweet foreboding and a surge of excitement that squeezed her stomach. The thought of the boys in the windows of the house opposite made her shudder and shiver.

Mandy flipped the switch, pretending she had just returned from the shower. She tried to behave naturally, pretending that she knew nothing about involuntary spectators. Mandy went to the closet and thoughtfully rubbed the edge of the wet towel. Now that she knew, or wanted to think, that she knew that she was being watched, it became much more difficult for her to take the next step. She hesitantly untied the knot.

... If you hesitate, they will understand that you know ... - cursed the damned second me. Just take it off. Take off the cowardly bitch ...!

A second later, the towel was laid out at her feet. Mandy kicked him to the side and pulled out her red panties from the drawer.

It’s a pity the boys that I don’t have time to make it as erotic as possible, she thought with a smile, straightening the interlacing of fine lace and nylon in her hands.

The girl crossed her legs and gently shaking her hips pulled panties. It was one of the most favorite pairs of underwear. They beautifully emphasized the shape of her convex puffy ass. Next came the light red bra.

Although she was now in her underwear, the feeling of naughty disobedience was not lost. Mandy walked around the room, like a mannequin under the gun of many cameras. She sat down at a low table in front of a mirror and began painting herself.


At 21–58 a knock resolutely knocked on the door.

... barely, barely, but still managed to ...

- Who's there? - shouted Mandy, continuing to gently draw a pencil eye.
- It's me. - Sarah muffled.
- Only you?
- Yes, why?
- Second, I'm not dressed.

Mandy looked into the peephole. Sarah shifted from one foot to the other in a black and white striped blouse and short khaki shorts. Mandy knew her for many years and probably could tell that Sarah is her closest friend. They were brought together by a similar outlook on life and the desire to go forward all the time. They constantly joked about them, calling their friends twins, although they were not at all like each other.

Sarah was a bit shorter and slimmer. It could be called thin. 48 kilograms compared to 61 Mandy. Sarah constantly served as the envy of girlfriends. Her chest was even smaller than Mandy, but because of the slim figure looked much more appetizing. Straight dark hair and a cute childishly naive face misled strangers, but Mandy knew perfectly well that under the exterior of a modest shy girl there is an enterprising strong and active nature.

She opened the door, glancing at the corridor behind her friend.

- Hi ... Sorry I'm such a mess. Come in ... I'll be ready in a couple of minutes.
- It's ok. I still need to send an SMS to Ashley.

Her friends knew each other too well that they would be shy. Mandy could not remember how many times they changed clothes in front of each other. So she invited Sarah inside without a second thought. She returned to the table, finishing makeup, and Sarah sat on her bed, on which 20 minutes ago Mandy was writhing and squirming, surrendering herself to her perverted ... Read more →

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