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as the boy hastily averted his eyes and smiled in his mind.

- Oh yeah! It will be a fun night! - She thought, taking a gulp of rum and coke.

After the second cocktail, she finally relaxed. Mandy felt her awkwardness slowly recede, blood drinking did her job. She allowed herself to chat with David, acting as if nothing had happened. He behaved as usual, and this pleased the girl, as she was afraid that her games could destroy their friendship.

... He believes that it was an accident. I just shouldn't dissuade him ...


An hour passed unnoticed ...

- I want to dance! - Sarah said categorically, interrupting Mandy's conversation with David and Mike.
- Yes! - Ashley readily agreed. Come on!
- Ladies First! I also need one more cocktail to start with - David growled from his desk and Mike followed him.

Mandy felt pretty drunk, she told the girls that she would join them on the dance floor as soon as she finished the cocktail. Sarah sarcastically smiled in response, winked at her friend, and dragged Ashley into the depths of the room, leaving Mandy alone with David.

They sat relaxed, leaning back on the comfortable couch, occasionally exchanging casual glances. Music was rumbling behind their backs, and at their table someone blew up a vacuum bomb spilling deafening silence. A minute passed, Mandy seemed an eternity.

... The longer you take it off, the harder it will be. Do it while you're drunk. Do it now! Do not miss the chance bitch ...! - damn voice in my head just mocked her.

- David! She began loudly, trying to shout down music.
- Yes? - he friendly smiled not expecting a trick.

Mandy felt her mouth go dry as soon as she said: Well ... um ... I mean what happened in the evening ...

She noticed how his eyes were twisted in the direction as soon as she mentioned a recent incident. The girl herself lowered her eyes, examining the contents of her tall glass.

- I ... I just wanted to apologize for ... um ... I do not even know why. I was in a hurry and everything happened so quickly and um ... well, it was an accident in general.

David giggled stupidly.

- And why are you apologizing? It was just an accident, as you say. I now feel ill at ease. - he again forcedly laughed.

He was obviously embarrassed when he tried to find the right words.

- I'm talking about this. I'm just an awkward stupid ... - the girl looked confused and her cheeks turned pink quite sincere.

From drunk a little noisy in my head, and the mixture of alcohol and loud music caused strange vibrations and conflicting emotions in the body.

- In the end, nothing catastrophic happened. Let's pretend that you did not fall, but I did not see anything. - he smiled in a friendly way, getting up from the sofa.
- Wait! - she grabbed his hand, and let him go when he sat back.

Mandy thought that in vain she touched him, yet the alcohol, giving courage on the one hand, made her act too rudely and impetuously on the other, so she regretted that she did not start this conversation while she was sober.

- There is something else ... and ... well ... I do not know how to say it. - It was true, the words spun on the tip of the tongue but did not want to fly from the lips.
- What happened? - He scared and anxiously stared at the girl.

It was her turn to laugh nervously.

- I ... uhh ... well ... it seems to me that I could ... Maybe ... uhh ... leave something on the memory card ... some personal photos. By chance. Well ... did you use the camera after I gave it to you?

David's face remained calmly puzzled.

- Not. I brought her home and immediately went to Mike. And what do you mean by the definition of "personal nature"?
“Well ... there are some pictures that I took for Keith when we were together, and ...”I don’t think I’ve erased a memory card since.

All Mandy's friends knew her ex-boyfriend well and no further explanation as to who this was required.

... I want to see the expression on his face ...

- There are some pictures where I’m half-naked. She knew that she needed to stop, but how the eyes of the guy sitting in front of her lit up again caused damned vibrations in her groin and the feeling of unreasonable delight pressing on his chest - already familiar feelings ... And ... a few pictures where I'm naked ... and ... doing some things ...!
- wow! - even through the rhythmic bass rumble of music, she heard his exclamation.
- Yes ... so now I feel awkward and shame. I'm not sure that the photos are there ... but I do not remember what would delete them. To make me calmer, I would like to ask you to format the memory card of the camera. And promise that you will not watch them if they are there. Just erase everything so that I feel calm. You can do it, please! - she intends to put the request in a desperate call.
- Yes OK. No problem! - he answered too quickly and confidently.
- I can trust you?
- Of course you can!

He lied. Even drunk, she felt it perfectly.

... But you wanted this, right ...?

On the one hand, she felt sadness and disappointment at the ease with which her friend was ready to deceive, on the other hand, this was exactly what she fantasized about at night. She deliberately let the situation out of control, putting herself in a voluntary relationship.

... Let him think that he has power over me, over the stupid scattered fool ...!

- Thanks David, I really appreciate it! I will owe you! And do not tell anyone about this, okay?
- Of course, do not hesitate! - he again looked at her getting up, but this time already differently.

The girl tonight opened for him from the new side both figuratively and literally, and Mandy understood that this could not be changed. He moved to the bar, where his friends were sitting, and Mandy sighed with relief.

... Everything was not as scary as I thought. He swallowed the bait, and I kept the look of innocent simplicity. Now he will look at the photos exactly as soon as he is at home, I have no doubt ...

A silly, drunken smile crept into her face. She got up from the couch, barely noticeably swaying. The familiar disturbing rush of sweet sucking under the spoon became a necessary component of a good mood like opium for a drug addict. Mandy awkwardly made her way through the bobbing bouncing crowd toward Sarah and Ashley.

Sarah cast a questioning glance at her and Mandy smiled broadly. Ashley did not notice this silent dialogue, she purposefully rubbed near the luxurious, strong stranger, beautifully moving on the dance floor. The guys joined them after some time, but almost immediately returned to the table. Everything went according to a long-standing routine, repeated from time to time, every week. The guys came to the club just for the sake of girls, they wanted to relax to drink and chat, they showed no interest in dancing. Their place was taken with pleasure by other applicants from their own college, who considered attractive drunk girls to be easy prey.

They covered them for the rest of the night like hungry cats, bought them all new cocktails and tried to be in their sight all the time. Mandy did not recognize a single person, did not remember the names, although they most likely presented themselves. It seems that constantly rubbing near her and moving well called Shane, but she was not so sure.

The night was coming to an end, and in the near future the standard sentence should have followed: “My roommate left for the whole weekend. You could come with me, we will have a wonderful time! ”

After the exciting adventures of the evening, Mandy did not mind accepting this ambiguous offer.

... Tomorrow you have an important laboratory, so gently remove it, do not be stupid ...

It wasn’t that easy to get rid of the dark-haired muscular womaneer, but Mandy was ... Read more →

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