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hiding his shoulders.

The resulting pause made Mandy's heart ache painfully, and her stomach to fall, somewhere in the heels. And then Sarah began to laugh, so that the petrified Mandy was frightened that her friend now just choke.

- Wow! I did not expect this! - she could barely speak, stammering and continuing to laugh.
- I do not understand what happened ... I ... I think I drank too much!
- Ha! It is still poorly said!

... What should I tell her? How to explain? Whatever she doesn’t shy away from me now ...

Mandy tried to find words and smooth out the awkwardness, and the tension between them, at least it seemed to her. Sarah was silent, occasionally glancing at her friend with a strange expression in her eyes, and tried not to meet her eyes. They arrived at Sarah’s dorm, but Mandy didn’t think of anything.

- See you tomorrow! Try to be in shape. We have an important laboratory, do you remember? - Said Sarah calmly opening the door and going outside.

The breeze ruffled her hair, covering her entire face with them when she suddenly bent back, bringing her face closer to Mandy's pale face and smiled broadly as before.

- I'll be fine. - squeezed out Mandy. Until.

The door slammed shut, and Mandy saw how her friend, with an elastic step, walked to the door of the hostel and, turning around on the threshold, waved to her. She acted as if nothing had happened.


Mandy leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, the knot in her stomach did not weaken, keeping the girl in nervous tension. Before her own hostel was just a few minutes drive. When Mandy opened her eyes and looked in the rearview mirror, she met the driver’s gaze. He saw everything, she understood. The girl, suddenly felt like a little girl, lost in the strange incomprehensible world of adults, entangled in their own desires. She waited for him to say something, but the driver did not say a word until the very end of the trip. Mandy looked at the passing street lamps. The world started spinning too fast around her again, Mandy felt sick and she began to breathe deeply through her nose. Finally, the car slowed down near her hostel, and she paid off constantly swallowing sour saliva, feeling that a little more, and she would vomit right in the cabin.

“Can you get to your room yourself?” - the driver looked out of his window looking at Mandy, who stumbled and almost fell.
- Yes! - She replied too harshly, it was a lie. Yes, everything will be fine ... thanks for the help.

She was completely out of order. She was sick, her legs were weary, but Mandy did not want this stranger to escort her to the room, she remembered her fantasy on this subject. The car continued to stand at the curb while it swayed for a long time digging in her purse in search of keys. It was only when the door closed behind her that the engine started and she saw the taxi pulling away.

... In vain thought about him badly. Good man. Really wanted to help ...

Finally I am at home. - she thought while waiting for the elevator. In safety.

She was still trying to figure out what was happening in the car. It was like an obsession or a diabolical temptation. Mandy hoped that after sleeping and sober, she could explain to herself what had happened and everything would become clear.

... She really answered my kiss! I remember her lips moving! It is so unlike her, so it’s not just my fault ...

The elevator door opened and Mandy stepped inside. She groped the button for the desired floor and closed her eyes, leaning her back against the wall.

The girl opened them again when the elevator stopped. Mandy looked puzzled into the corridor, it was not her floor. Right in front of the open door the number 2 glowed green. It seems that one of the students pressed the button returning home from the guests.

Mandy gasped and squeezed into the wall when Andy stumbled into the open door. Just a few hours ago, she inadvertently bared in front of him. The guy smiled broadly, seeing and recognizing her. Behind him came another boy, whose face Mandy remembered, but no name.

The elevator stopped on the 3rd floor where the guy went out. Mandy felt extremely embarrassed by remaining in a confined space with Andy.

- Having fun? - the guy broke the silence. Where did you go tonight?
- Yes. - Mandy muttered, barely wriggling in a naughty tongue that stuck to the sky. the girl could not get rid of embarrassment and growing embarrassment. Went with friends in "LoRider".
- Too noisy. I prefer Piper.
“It seems the whole institute is going there.” Everyone is crazy about Piper.

Mandy felt ill at ease under his gaze. She was not at all about to lay bare before him, but in any case, she could only blame herself for what had happened. Suddenly, she felt almost naked in a short skirt and tight top. Every inch of bare skin made this feeling more vivid. Mandy regretted not having dressed for today's party more modest.

Meanwhile, the jerks and light shocks of the elevator crawling upwards did not help the vestibular apparatus poisoned by alcohol. She felt herself floating in a boat, swaying and lurching from every wave, while the world around her stopped.

Mandy squinted at the guy. He seemed not to look away from her at all.

... Imagine me naked right now! I'm sure. I myself contributed to this ...

The elevator crawled to their floor and the doors opened.

Mandy stepped on the way out, and then a sense of balance let her down. She tilted to the left and rested against the wall so as not to fall. So she did not get drunk for a long time!

Suddenly, a strong hand wrapped around her waist.

- Oh, no, please! - the words flew from her lips, but sounded like an unintelligible drunken mumbling.
- Come on, I will help you?

Her hand against her will rested on the guy's shoulder. Hall swung and swam before my eyes. She saw off the door with a blank look. Mandy's thoughts carried her back to the events of the evening. She again experienced the confusion of horror and shame caused by the fall of the towel, shock and excitement in Andy's eyes, looking at her from the corridor. She remembered his gaze, hot, sticky, licking. She remembered her own fear and absolute helplessness. I remembered the heat between my legs, my heart pounding.

The girl's body went limp, almost slipped to the floor, so the guy had to hold her second hand. In this case, her blue top unwittingly rode up, showing a strip of tummy Mandy with a small navel dimple. She did not understand anything until she felt the touch of a hot just burning palm under the material holding her waist.

In other circumstances, she would have considered it an innocent gesture, but now, along the spine of the girl, there was an electrical discharge from the butt to the back of the head, which exploded with sparks in her head, making involuntarily bend her back and shudder, feeling the hairs on her hands stand on end. Mandy, as if instantly back in the back of a taxi, hugging Sarah. A fever rushed to her face, she instantly became drunk again, as if she had poured a glass of strong alcohol into her mouth, and now it spread over the body with hot fire. Mandy began to murmur something unintelligible that she was hot and convulsively clutched at the guy's shoulder.

She tried to make herself surprised to see the door to her room float by.

“I have a little Typene in my room.” This will help with the hangover. - as if guessing her thoughts said Andy.

... Do not do that! Go to your room and go to bed until you have done something stupid! ...

But the girl's legs obediently moved forward. The guy opened the door of his room and almost dragged her inside. He took a bottle of water from a small fridge and a bottle of acetaminophen from the nightstand.

- Here ... Take it.

Mandy with pleasure stuck to the bottle. She took several convulsive sips, spilling liquid on her chin.Obediently she took two pills, swallowed, and again ... Read more →

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