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- Yanka screamed angrily and jumped up - a long drop hung humiliatingly from her eyelashes, which she did not nervously wipe away.

- Well, you yourself asked ... I just could not stop ...

“So, get dressed,” she said severely, and grabbed her blouse and bra, carefully examining them, didn’t she splatter them too.

“It was excellent,” said the man with the camera, admiringly, setting his apparatus back on the tripod, and nodding his head approvingly.

Yanka, satisfied that her clothes had passed the fate of her face, no longer said so angrily:

- Go to the corridor. Wait there.

And went to the shower, involuntarily wagging hypersexual booty.


As if an unfairly removed hockey player on the penalty box, Sasha was sitting in the corridor, hanging his head, periodically shaking her in frustration.

Still, in vain he is. Overdid it. It was necessary to restrain the ardor and especially the audacity. What does he think he is? Who counted himself? Damn ... in vain ...

Now what? Get drunk on beer. Take a walk a day or two around Prague and go home. The whole trip is a waste of money. To get acquainted with some lonely Prague woman, to stir up with her, linger here ...

On the bench opposite were a guy and a girl. More precisely, the uncle of forty and a very beautiful girl with black hair shoulder-length. Here too? Now, now, guys, only Yanka will wash up. Uncle rykhlovat. Although what he has there in his pants? Maybe he has a giant penis who can do everything on time and by order. Besides, maybe he is from “these.” I mean, not against it, when it ... And Sasha categorically indicated about his heterosexuality.

The girl is pretty damn pretty. What big eyes. Strelnaet, straight goosebumps. And dimples on the cheeks.

“I would take this without even testing. Although no, I would have tested it for a very long time. And I would not take it. For nefig. There would be only mine. Good devil! It seems to me that not only does she blush, looking at me, but I already begin to blush. Beautiful So cute shy. "

The door opened and Yanka looked out with wet hair and fresh makeup on her eyes. All those sitting on the benches shook up. Yanka gave a long appreciative look to the new ones, but turned to Sasha:

- Alexander, go.

"Well that's all. Now he will say a lot of unflattering things, heaped up reproaches that I was doing wrong ... “- Sasha sighed heavily, got up and went to a rented apartment.


- So. Alexander. We are leaving you, - Yanka Sasha was shocked in a serious tone.

- Where do we leave? - Sasha began to slightly blunt from surprise.

- So where? - imitated, though not at all evil, Janka. - Here.

- In what sense?..

Yanka smiled (oh, a miracle!) And slowly added:

- You are accepted.

Sasha confusedly nodded his head, not knowing what to say.

- Only I will need an assistant. Sign here, - she slipped the contract to Sasha. - Can you help?

“Yes, of course,” Sasha agreed, feeling awkwardness and uncertainty in his voice — he had already cocked himself into a completely different dialogue, was not ready for such an unexpected turn now and did not know how to behave. - What do you need to help?

Trying to keep up the conversation with Yanka, he quickly read the contract, the letters and words jumped in front of his eyes, but there was no trick. The contract was extremely simple - the hourly payment amount and even insurance were indicated.

- Because of you, - Yanka playfully pointed at Sasha with her finger. - We are a little beat out of the schedule. Need to catch up.

Sasha put the signature on two papers and gave one to the Czech polka.

“You will help me test candidates,” she continued.

Her voice was not at all the same as during the "interview" with him - calm, without pathos, moderately business-like, even slightly crafty.

“Yes, well,” Sasha nodded and turned to the man with the camera.

He smiled at him and showed his thumb.

“Hike ... Right here, who's the most important! And Yanka is here ... How can I say it more softly ... Well, yes, and who else could she be - fuck her and fuck today and two more days ... Here you have a silent dude with a camera ... "

- Who will invite now? Yanka asked the most important gray cardinal.

“Girl,” the cameraman replied with a slight smile.

“But they take turns there now ...” Yanka glanced at the computer. - Milos Plavsky.

- Never mind. He'll wait, ”the man with the camera said kindly, confirming Sasha’s suspicions, who is really in charge of everything here.

“Good,” Yanka agreed quickly.

Perhaps it would be nice for her to alternate between men and women - Sasha still decently pounded in her uterus.

Yanka rose from the table and left.

Perhaps, it took me some time to persuade Milosha to be patient without sex for half an hour, for Yanka returned only five minutes later.

With her there was a black-haired girl with big eyes and dimples on her cheeks. Sasha had already fallen in love with when he was sitting on the “penalty bench” in anticipation of “disqualification until the end of the season for unsporting behavior.”

“Hello,” the beautiful brunette nodded to those present.

“Come in,” Yanka again took her place at the computer. - Your name, please.

- Gabriela. You can just gaby ...


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