“In the kitchen or in the hall? Where is the best? The hall, of course, is bigger, here is the TV. In the kitchen, you will have to get up early - mom will not cook light and dawn, and dad will pull up. And surely Aunt Nina will also wake up and be there with her mother. The kitchen is worse.

But how long will they sit here?

Everything goes to having to sleep in the kitchen, and then in the morning I will move here, to the hall.

Well, they are here and smoked. Aunt Nina is like a steam locomotive after a couple of glasses of wine ... ”

Sasha from propriety sat with the elders at the table - mom, dad, and aunt Nina - and thought that from the same propriety it was time to leave this adult company with their conversations, less and less needed for his ears.

Sasha was a freshman at the University, successfully passed his first session and enjoyed a week-long vacation. Unfortunately, I had to stay at home - I could not escape from the stone jungle on any trip.

Her old friend Nina Andreevna, Aunt Nina, came to visit her mother - she was going to stay for three or four days. Mom even took a special vacation at this time to hang out with her friend for shopping, show the city. Dad on this occasion to spend the days of vacation did not make sense - the “girls” would cope without him, he would even have been in their company more likely and would definitely be saddened by their endless tedious (only in his opinion) shopping.

Now the four of them were sitting in the hall at the table, drinking culturally (Sasha modestly refused) and talking about life.

“I'll go to the kitchen,” Sasha finally announced, wisely realizing that now was the time.

“Yes, son, good night,” my mother said with gratitude and a little guilty look — after all, guest Sasha was “kicked out” from his room for three nights.

“Good night everyone,” Sasha left the table and went into the kitchen.

Even before the arrival of Aunt Nina, he had collected a bag of the most necessary things — underwear, jeans, pullovers T-shirts — as if on a trip, or as if the guest were him. And of course the laptop.

“Or maybe not so bad in the kitchen - a fridge with food, a coffee machine. Yes, fine, I can handle it. ”

Immediately did not want to go to bed.

He turned on the computer, went on Skype and called his girlfriend Tanya.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Well, what, the aunt arrived? - asked Tanya.

- Yeah.

- Kicked you out of your room? On the carpet in the hallway will you sleep?

- Yeah, - and Sasha gave a bunch of emoticons.

They chatted for half an hour, Sasha hung out on the Internet for some time, then undressed to his underpants and went to bed. Parents and aunt Nina continued to feast.

A bursting bladder, accompanied by a powerful erection, woke Sasha at half past five in the morning - in vain for a night liter of juice blew out. I really wanted to sleep, but the bladder had to be saved.

Having barely opened one eye, leaving a small crack in it, so that at least a little bit could be seen, but still more by touch, Sasha went to the toilet. Still not opening his eyes (trying not to frighten off the dream), he eased with pleasure, shook his stuttering member who was not going to pack, tucked it into his underpants and slowly, still with half-closed eyes, slapped into his room.

He shuffled to his bed, yawned, shrugged his shoulders from chill room proholad and quickly slipped under his blanket.

And he literally pounced on a woman's body, slapping his chest on someone's back and sticking someone with his erection to the beach.


Sasha jumped up as if he was scalded, unwittingly throwing off the blanket. The dream disappeared like a hand.

Aunt Nina abruptly sat down, turning to face Sasha.

- What are you doing? She asked in a whisper.

- Sorry, I forgot that ... - Sasha also mumbled in a whisper, staring at her big breasts, unable to look away.

Chest was gorgeous!

She was gorgeous! Just stunning! Round, with high-set huge nipples.

Aunt Nina did not hide her chest.Even it seemed, having noticed with what admiration he looked at her in the bright light of a lantern outside the window, Aunt Nina slightly straightened her shoulders, accentuating her magnificence.

It was impossible to leave, although it was necessary.

But Sasha was not chased away.

He caught the eye of Aunt Nina - he was sent to his cock sticking out in his underpants.

“If you want, I'll go to the kitchen, and you'll be here ...” Aunt Nina suggested sweetly.

- No, no, I ... - Sasha continued to stand, unable to leave.

“You’ll freeze at all,” Aunt Nina whispered with care and crawled at the foot of the bed behind the blanket, bending her back, showing off the beauty of her big round ass in sexy panties. Breasts erotically swayed on her body. - Hide under the covers ...

Sasha, obeying her, carefully lay down, still not knowing whether Aunt Nina was supposed to take his place in the kitchen.

But she was not going to go anywhere.

She covered him and herself with a blanket and approached him.

She smelled of wine and cigarettes, but it did not seem unpleasant and repulsive - the big, playful eyes of a beautiful woman over forty sparkled with debauchery.

She pulled off his pants, grabbed his cock and pressed her lips to his lips in a hot kiss. He reached for her vagina, gently pushed her panties aside and felt for a large clitoris, to match his long labia and hot wet slit. Nina quickly freed herself from her lace thongs, and still face-to-face on her side, she sent his dick to her pussy. Sasha did not even imagine that you can fuck like that.

Aunt Nina hugged him and pulled over, slowly turning onto her back and spreading her legs wide. Sasha lay down on top of Aunt Nina and began to fuck her - at first carefully, then more confidently and gradually accelerating, all the more, judging by the movements of Aunt Nina’s hips, slowly and carefully she did not need it.

Her vagina was wider than his girlfriend Tanya, but there was definitely more lubrication, and very hot inside.

- Do not rush, do not sleep, - she whispered in his ear.

But it was difficult - Sasha wanted to finish in a pose on his side. Now he got his lips to her nipples and it was incredibly nice to eat them - they literally completely filled his mouth.

She laughed softly, feeling his cum inside her.

“Oh, at least not make children. I hope she knows what she is doing - she has her husband and two daughters ... “- Sasha thought, wondering how to get out of it, so as not to leave marks on the sheet - that’s my mother“ will be happy ”.

- Stay. “Don't take it out,” Aunt Nina whispered. - Can you reach for the towel?

- Yeah, - in the voice said Sasha and frightened.

- Hush you! - Aunt Nina hissed at him and laughed again silently.

Having laid a towel under her ass, she gently rested herself in Sasha's pubis, and he slowly left. Her vagina indecently smelled sperm. Sasha wanted to admire it, but Aunt Nina immediately covered herself there.

She got up and, holding the towel between her legs, began to dig in her bag, showing her divine figure and especially gorgeous ass in all its glory.

"And her chest, of course, super in her ..."

Aunt Nina fished out wet wipes from a bag, gave two to Sasha and began to clean herself.

Having wiped his penis, Sasha was sitting on his knees on the bed, not knowing what to do. Perhaps it's time to go to your kitchen?

“Climb under the covers, don't be cold,” Aunt Nina nodded, hinting that nothing had finished yet.

Blowjob from Aunt Nina was magical. She immediately swallowed his penis easily, managed to stick out her tongue and lick, tickled her head with a deep throat. At the same time, she inevitably turned her ass in the direction of his head. When she turned him completely on his back, his mouth covered her writing.

The clitoris was very big.

He looked like a small dick. You could suck him, you could play with his tongue with him, you could try to hide him in a hood or bare as much as possible, and he, grateful, seemed to be gaining an even bigger erection.

Aunt Nina turned her head away from Sasha's cock and buried her face in the pillow - he felt her vagina convulsively compress in her orgasm, literally squirting out greasing Sasha's nose and lips.

She crawled off him, still lying prone on the bed, breathing heavily and shuddering.

“Now is the time. And then, if the parents wake up and look into the kitchen and ... "

Aunt Nina slowly pulled her knees under herself and lifted her ass.

Cancer fucking aunt Nina Sasha madly in love. Perhaps the fact that the spermatoxycosis was removed the first time, now he could feel everything much calmer and better - yes, the incredible heat and squishing swamp, and not bad at all, but it feels like a member rests on the uterus. What a woman!

She pulled his hands to her chest, obviously Aunt Nina’s nipples were her large erogenous zones, and it was unacceptable for her to be left alone during sex.

But for a long time to lie breastfeeding on Aunt Nina’s back — to play with her breast — was uncomfortable, and Sasha again straightened behind her, admiring her chic booty and especially her anus, who slyly opened herself.

Not daring to try Nina in the ass member, Sasha, taking a little grease, put his thumb in there. Aunt Nina not only did not mind, on the contrary, this maneuver almost immediately turned on her second orgasm - she vaginatrialas compressed his penis, and the anus strongly bite his thumb at the very base.

“Oh, I had to be a member there after all ...” - Sasha thought, and Aunt Nina withdrew from him and again lay prone for the usual post-orgasmic breathing space.

Sasha himself was at the very peak, and he did try to take advantage of the relaxed state of his woman and insert it into her ass, and was even to the depth of the head successful. But Aunt Nina, laughing, jerked and quickly turned over:

- Not today. Today I am not ready to go there ...

And swallowed his dick.

She did not say a bit ...

It did not take long to search for cowards.

"She said - not today?" - Sasha thought, hastily "dressing." - “What does it mean, not today? Because ... Because she is here for two more nights? ... "

Aunt Nina first wisely peeked out of her (yesterday Sasha's) room and, seeing that everything was calm, stepped aside, letting out her lover, passionately kissed him on the lips and playfully slapping the pope.


At half past five in the morning of the next day, Sasha felt that he had never experienced such a powerful, before biting his lips in the blood, pleasure, like anal with Aunt Nina with ending deeply into her ...

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