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Igor was the first in his compartment. He immediately hid things - a suitcase on wheels and a bunch of gift bags for his wife - under the seat of his lower seat, sat in a corner by the window and took out the phone. Twenty smsok to his wife, that he had already plunged into the train and would have been impatient to come to her faster, headphones in his ears, you can play toys on the phone while listening to music.

The lower place is, of course, convenient, even for a man under thirty in his prime. Although, for sure, if the neighbors in the compartment with the top seats are elderly or children, then you will have to offer a change. But it is scary. Upstairs there are big pluses - sleep yourself, no one climbs through you and sits on your legs. The main thing is that the neighbors are decent and quickly calmed down. God forbid drunkards or any noisy company that will thump all night, walk back and forth, slam the door. Then it will be hell.

With the first neighbor, or rather the neighbor, everything turned out well - an elderly woman, about fifty-five years old, looks pleasant and calm. She also took her place from below, opposite Igor. It remains to wait for two more ...

This was Igor's first trip after the wedding. It went well. He was well done in all senses - he cleverly coped with all matters and did not succumb to the signs of attention of another business colleague. Although, perhaps, it seemed to him that she had given him signs of attention, but in any case he did not take any steps to meet. And the girl-colleague did not have the courage to make the most attempts to develop relations, if such thoughts were in fact.


Here are two more neighbors in the compartment. Bingo! A woman of about thirty with a child of about six. Such an “adult” child will not be bogus and capricious, like a little one.

Today with fellow travelers lucky.

The conductor handed out tickets and underwear, Igor immediately told the young mother that he would climb up and let the child take his place. Mommy scattered thanks, Igor quickly laid himself on the top shelf, helped with mattresses for everyone - having received general approval and even, as it seemed to Igor, a languid look from an elderly one.

The train started, Igor finished the toilet procedures, climbed onto his upper shelf now, unbuckled his belt and pants on his jeans - he was too shy to undress to his underpants - and, closing his eyes, he began to listen through good old ACDC headphones, sinking into sleep. The night will pass quickly. I want to hurry to my wife. Still, he is a good fellow, that he did not even make a full note to anyone to the “left” side during a week-long business trip.


Igor woke up because someone cautiously touched his elbow. He barely opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at his elderly neighbor in surprise. Yes, it was she. The woman frightened and somewhat nervously flapped eyes.

“You can go down to your shelf,” she said.

Igor wrinkled his forehead, trying to figure out what was going on.

Although the light of the night light was rather dim, but Igor could clearly see that the woman now had her eyes and lips painted. Light, most likely dyed to hide gray hair, hair coyly gathered back in the tail. She was wearing a gorgeous silk nightgown above her knees, with thin straps and lace at the bottom. This nightie would not be ashamed to wear and aunts are much younger. The night gown was fitted, which seemed appropriate - the woman's waist was, and her belly could boast of the lack of a fat pad.

- Mom and baby are out. And there will be no more stops. Three more hours to go, I thought, you will be more comfortable here in your place ...

“Emoe,” Igor was ready to curse out loud, but he didn’t say anything. - “And in order to get me down for three hours, it was enough to wake me up ...?”

But to be angry with, as now it seemed, a pretty good old woman did not want and could not.

“Yes, thank you,” answered Igor, quickly fumbled around the shelf, where he slept, whether he had fallen out of his pockets, and if he had not lost it, and technically he went downstairs.

Jeans, unbuttoned at night, almost fell off him, and the fabric of his underpants did not at all hide his powerful morning (or, more precisely, night) erection.

This did not go unnoticed neighbor. She stared at his puffy groin, as if bewitched, unable to look away.

Igor was embarrassed, turned his back on her neighbor and began to refuel with one hand, and with the other to pull down his bed from above.

- Are you married? - asked aunt.

- What? “Igor was still thinking tightly, moreover, this erection ...” “Yes, yes,” he answered, finished laying the floor for himself, lay down and covered himself with a sheet.

“Listen ... You and I will never see each other again,” said the lady, her voice quivering with excitement, and kneeling on a rug on the floor in the aisle. - Do not refuse a single woman ...

She gently slipped her hand under the sheet to Igor's underpants.

He flinched and recoiled:

- What are you? ... What are you doing? ..

- I have not had a man for ten years. Since you do not lose anything ...

Igor pressed his back to the corner, feeling like a woman's hand reached into his pants and gently touched his penis.

- And your wife will not lose anything.

Igor felt as if hypnotized, unable to resist.

“And this is no betrayal of your wife, I am already fifty-four.”

She began to masturbate Igor. He grabbed her wrist, but she gently removed his hand and returned to the caress of a member.

- In three hours you will forget everything. And me ...

She pulled off the sheet, and they both began to watch the process of masturbation.

- Let's get closer to me ... Yes, and you need to pull already ...

The woman carefully helped him get rid of jeans and shorts, leaned over and added her mouth to the work with her hand on the penis.

The woman sucked diligently, but not deeply. Perhaps she did not know that deeply - this is cool and fashionable.

“I wonder what will happen when I start to finish. She obviously can not cope. It’s good that they pulled off and put off pants and jeans ... But I feel very good ... But I didn’t wash away. It seems, indeed, for a long time she did not have this.

The woman interrupted the blowjob, breathed heavily, and lifting up her painted beautiful (damn, but this is true, she is so good now!) Eyes, said with a smile:

- Tired a little.

She removed her combination over her head and turned out to be completely naked - there was no bra or panties under the nightie.

- Now I have a little more ... - she asked, although Igor was not in a hurry.

Resuming sucking, she took his hand and pulled her to his chest.

“Damn, this is just amazing!” Thought Igor, wondering at how big her pink areola nipples were, how her nipples tensed and seemed incredibly stretched out in length. I wanted to drop their lips to them, but it was uncomfortable because of the narrow shelf.

“That's it,” the woman interrupted. - Unlearned at all Come on me already ...

“And condoms? I don’t have them ... ”- Igor doubted.

- How do I feel better? - asked the woman, turned her back to Igor and laid her breast on her shelf, remaining knees on the floor.

Igor also went down on the rug, but could not settle down - not enough space.

- No, that won't work. Too closely, - Igor shook his head, admiring the magnificent figure and especially the booty of a woman.

"How damn sexy she is!"

“Let me go to the table,” the woman said, moved her gorgeous bosom to the compartment table, popped her ass, brushing Igor’s face with her buttock, and spread her legs.

Igor removed his head, and - “Wow!” - he was shocked by what he saw.

Her genital hair was so long that it protruded far beyond the edge of her large, smooth hemisphere. They were visible, despite the fact that Igor's face was on the side of the buttocks. The protruding hairs also affected by their density and called for a closer look.

Igor moved his knees on the rug and was right behind the woman's booty.

The vegetation between her legs was extremely abundant.

“I wonder if she ever shaved there? ...

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