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were in semen. We continued to kiss. At moments our tongues met and spun around each other. We have possessed passion. I felt her hot breath. Cyril was watching us. I do not know that he then flashed through my head.

- In the beauty-slag you give. By you and you can not say that you can. - I heard the voice of Cyril, but didn’t pay much attention to him, so she was completely occupied with a passionate kiss with Yana.

We did not want to stop. Cyril somehow got out of bed. It became a little more spacious. I could feel my breasts touching the hot body of Yankee. Her nipples rubbed over me. Droplets of semen were rubbing between us. I stroked her head and back, and our lips quickly, then slowly danced. Droplets of saliva and sperm still slid between them. The touch of her tongue was simply enchanting. I already somehow began to pry with my body, although I did not expect this from myself. Podomnoy already formed a puddle of my juices, Yankin grease dripping somewhere on my leg. I breathed deeply, girlfriend too. Cyril jumped on the bed again. She slipped so noticeably under his weight.

- Cuties! I want you again! I can not look at you anymore. - Cyril again attracted our attention and somehow tried to settle down behind us, but he didn’t do it very well. - Well, ka go better both next. Stop sucking you.

He pulled Yanka and we had to break the kiss. From it stretched thin threads toli sperm residues, salvage toli. They broke and fell on me. Again, a shiver passed through the body. Although the back is noticeably hot. Cyril's member was again in a condom and it seemed to me standing even more. Even the head has become some larger. Our lesbian pranks obviously brought it. Yanka lay down beside me. Now we lay nearby. Our hot, lustful bodies were waiting for a member. We took the pens. Our crotches were all greased and lured to Cyril. But he seemed confused and did not know where to start. I so wanted him to start with me. Maybe it was noticeable in my eyes. I wanted to finish one more time. My thoughts at that moment were just about that. I have already forgotten about anger, about some kind of offense, about hunger, about studying. I completely surrendered to lust and desire for bodily pleasure.

Cyril apparently regretted that now he does not have two members to simultaneously plant us. And so he had to choose. In some places, the sperm began to dry out and a little bit unpleasantly tightened the skin when I took deep breaths. Still, he became located between my legs. I smiled so widely. He apparently noticed it and just answered me with a smile. His big hands spread my legs a little wider, bent them at the knees. Stroking my hips. I was already flowing like a tap. The clitoris pleasantly yelled, so I wanted to stretch my hand and rub it or put gentle Yankees fingers there. We continued to hold the handles.

- I want you my little angel. - Cyril said and brought me out of some kind of trance lust, his lips touched my knees.

I already smiled. He looked so nice to me. I already wanted to get his trunk in his expiring hole.

- Do not pull! I really want you too! - with pauses burst out of me and beckoned him to her hand.

Cyril looms still above me. Hand sent a member of my pussy. The latex-covered head touched my wet lips. It was so wet there that it penetrated me easily. A moan of pleasure broke from my lips. The walls of the vagina wrapped around penetrating into her penis. I already somehow, and she moved to meet him to quickly take it into himself. I felt my heart beat fast, blood pounding in my temples. He was already completely in me. Lubrication flowed onto my bed. Making the puddle even bigger. He began to sway smoothly. I moaned louder. The hole sloshed so hard that it seemed to me even louder than my moans. The impulses of pleasure streamed toward the pleasure center of my brain. I squeezed Yank's hand even more.

She turned a little on her side and, as she could, began to caress my breasts and nipples. Cyril already for the entire length of his penis drove his instrument into my hole. How I felt good. I wanted all this to last forever. I already closed my eyes from pleasure. Yankee fingers gently crushed my nipple pebbles. Cyril also began to sniff. I seemed to groan louder and louder with each push of his, approaching the peak of pleasure. The bed also squeaked somehow. I did not think at all that she could break under his pressure. I thought only about one thing. Again, the sounds of passionate and hot sex spread through the room. The slaps of our bodies were so loud, he was holding me by the knees and seemed to be stretching me as he could. Even this is not a big dick with a strong push rested on the uterus. That impulse swept through the body and forced him to bend and even more sit down on him. I already shake the beginning.

- Come on, stop it! Come on! Yanka shouted in my ear and seemed to squeeze my chest even more.

I did not answer. Only moaning and screaming. With one hand she squeezed Yank's hand, and the second with a blanket or sheet. Once bent. And the euphoria of pleasure took hold of my body. And somehow the moment I relaxed. It seemed to me that I could not control myself. I was somewhere far away. Although another member and moved me. Yanka told me something. But I could not make out her words. It seemed to me that I might have disconnected for a moment. Cyril said something to me too. I just blinked my eyes and could not answer them.

- You finished so violently! All is well? - Finally, I disassembled the words of Cyril, but it seemed that he was asking me from the next room, although he had already stopped and almost hung tight over me.

I wanted to answer. But somehow my mouth would not obey me. I nodded somehow in agreement. He came out of me. His cock still stood and seemed to become even harder. Yanka extended her hands to him.

- Come on me! I also want to. Ilonka let him go. - Yank's clear voice was already there.

I smiled. But it doesn’t work well for me. Cyril also bent the legs of the Yankees. Mine somehow leaned in different directions. So he had to tilt one of my knees back, so that it would not hinder him. It was so funny to watch him get attached to Janka. She, too, was at the limit of excitement. Her moans sounded very close. I didn’t think that from Kirill’s jolts my bed could repent like that. I began to feel that I was going to fall on the floor from their fuck. On Cyril, there were large droplets of sweat on his forehead. Although my back was all wet from hot sex. Yanka moaned so loudly that I wanted to turn around and hold her mouth. And now all the neighbors are wondering who is pulling us so hard.

The room was already full of twilight. I did not notice how it was dark outside the window. This is exactly what we have for more than an hour. Reflections of street lighting with some strange figures were displayed on the ceiling. Feelings did not return much to my body. Somehow I even straightened my legs. Under the booty I had a puddle of my grease. How will I sleep here, and Yanka will do the second. And the back is still all sweaty. Dried sperm on the face, chest and abdomen more and more reminded of itself. The groans grew louder. I already from their races was on the very edge of the bed and turned on its side, that would not fall from her. She extended her hand and began to stroke her small breast and nipples of her friend. Slapping bodies and squishing holes began to excite me again. I saw how quickly Cyril drives his dick into the hole of the Yankee. How to hit their bodies. No, they are so sure I will break the bed. I already wanted to say this. As Yanka moaned loudly and her beautiful, slim and lustful body mastered an orgasm. I well saw how she shuddered all over.

Cyril also made some strong shocks. It already seemed to me that he would still tear her there, and he also began to finish with some rattles. And so it fell on Yanka. Given his weight, she was not so easy under him. It became so quiet right away. In the room, only the sniffing of those who had just finished could be heard, and the sound of a movie came from somewhere in the neighboring rooms. Yanka, too, could not move normally.

- Get out of her, or you will crush Yanka! - I shouted and shoved Cyril's hand in the side.

- Yes, yes now.- Cyril replied, and although he began to rise from the Yankees. “Oh, you tortured me both.”

He got up and fell off the bed. Yanka and lay next. I got up too. Dried sperm again reminded of itself. I wanted to quickly be in the shower and wash everything off. The crotch was still wet from my juices. Cyril tried in the dark room to look for their belongings.

- You can turn on the light. - I suggested I showed my hand in the direction of the switch. - There at the door.

- Girls you just lovely! - Cyril said and turned on the light.

- Yes, we are!

The room was filled with bright light. He unpleasantly cut in the eyes. Had to squint. Yanka has already recovered and sat down beside me. She was so red. I probably looked the same.

- Yanka! Ilonka! You just do not tell Jura. What we had today. And then he is an emotional guy and all the time he tells me that he really likes Yana. - with a sigh, said Cyril and began to pull on his clothes and looked at us. - I do not want problems with him. Let everything be between us.

- Do not say! - almost simultaneously we said, and so smiled, looked at each other friend.

Cyril did not know that his friend even when we first met us fucked us while he was sleeping. Let him then think that he was so lucky with us. Sitting naked has become even a little cold. A slight tremor went through the body. I began to look at my scattered clothes.

- Girls! Do you want to eat? - asked Cyril and began to correct his hair. - Today I am treated to. Let's go somewhere!

I just now remembered that I had eaten almost nothing. An empty stomach reminded of itself. Even saliva in the mouth appeared.

- Yes, we are happy. Only we need time to bring ourselves in order. Where should we go? There are some terrible. - I answered and looked at Yanka sitting next to me and spread her hands.

- In 40 minutes you are thinking?

- Should.

Cyril nodded in agreement. And we began to gather. Holes pleasantly ached after good sex. And the appetite was already reminded of itself. We got up and started to get ready.

I hope you enjoyed my story. Waiting for your wishes, comments and comments.

  • March 9, 2018 7:42

    With interest I read all the stories in this series. Such a pleasant atmosphere of student debauchery ... Didn’t Ilona have happened to participate in group sex where she would seduce (or was one of the participants of seduction) a young, inexperienced freshman? It would be interesting to read something like that.
    And personally, my subjective. Is it possible in one of the future stories to mention that Ilona is barefoot, barefoot, with bare heels? I didn’t just take off my shoes, took off my shoes, etc., namely with these words.


    • Rating: 1
  • March 10, 2018 1:32

    Thanks for the praise and wishes. It happened that there were freshmen, but I did not seduce them with cabs. Their guys are invited. I will try to take into account the second wish, there is nothing particularly difficult here.


    • Rating: 1
  • March 9, 2018 8:57

    You wonder slut, Ilonka, beauty, 10 - ka!


    • Rating: 1
  • March 10, 2018 1:34

    Thank you for your appreciation!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 10, 2018 14:38

    > It happened that there were freshmen, but I would not seduce them if only. Their guys are invited.
    Well, I meant that the guys are invited, and then you connect.
    > I will try to take into account the second wish, there is nothing particularly difficult here.
    Thank! Thanks in advance.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 10, 2018 18:04

    As always excellent, write about Milan in the next story, and describe the size of her breasts.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 12, 2018 1:20

    We learned together with her, but there was no sex between us. And I can just describe the appearance.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 12, 2018 19:29

    Well, do you describe everything directly? Fiction should be in the novel.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 13, 2018 1:04

    Well, no, of course, but I do not have much fiction. I try to write about what was.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 13, 2018 18:30

    Clearly, I thought you even put fictional names. You just wrote about everyone already, about some of them several times, there was a variety in creativity (I myself am engaged in creativity, I understand). Well, describe it then.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 15, 2018 3:13

    Well describe. The names of her friends are real. I don’t remember from the names of some men, I have to think up that it would be easier to write.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 11, 2018 21:37

    Great story, Ilona!)))


    • Rating: 1
  • March 12, 2018 1:21

    Thank. Glad you liked.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 17, 2018 15:39

    Privit іlonka. On the forum you can write, I write here. If you want to sell, write on the post:


    • Rating: 0
  • Aksler (a guest)
    March 22, 2018 20:58

    Ilona and you are still practicing prostitution? Or are you a decent slave now?)


    • Rating: 0
  • March 25, 2018 23:43

    I will not hide. Sometimes it happens now.


    • Rating: 0

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