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look for keys that have fallen off somewhere in the bag. - And they take so long? Why are you so red?

My question is somehow somehow more embarrassing for Marina. She even glanced away from me somewhere into the emptiness of an almost unlit corridor. And the moans seemed to me to grow louder. Yanka was already nearing peak pleasure.

- Somehow, he will listen to that. How can you not blush to such sounds. - Marinka said uncertainly and closed her door. - Already half an hour, probably listening to them.

- Wow! In give! - I was surprised to hear the next moaning of Yankee, startled from excitement, it became so the body below the tummy. - Didn't you see who she is?

- I did not see Ilonka. - Marina answered and it seemed to me that she was now blushing even more. - Just heard everything. And you, if you want you can sit with us, Oksana is still there.

I even thought about it somehow. I was tormented by some doubts. I wanted to go into my room and find Yanka, but on the other hand I didn’t want to embarrass them. I groaned her growing louder. Now they could be heard in the neighboring rooms. Marina was even somehow nervous, it was noticeable. Although the moans of Yankee mny decently excited. Even scrolled in my head now go to them and join. We somehow both stood in thought. Then Yanka moaned loudly and most likely finished with some shout. It immediately became quiet near the door. I was now probably as red as Marina.

- I think I'll go to myself. He Janka has already finished. - I said and pulled my keys out of the bag and smiled at Marina.

- As you want. - Marina answered me with the same smile and slowly walked down the corridor towards the showers.

I quietly inserted the key into the door and started turning the lock. I couldn't open the door so quietly. The click of the lock was well heard. I made two turns, gently pressed the handle and so quietly began to open the door. Trying that Yanka and her partner did not immediately notice me. I opened the door a little and tried to look into my room. It is true to hold a handbag in your left hand and laptop was a little difficult. She glanced at the Yankee bed by the window, but there was no one there, opened the door even more. Now it was already clearly visible scattered things on the floor. Yankee pants, men's jacket, jeans, jacket. A slight anger swept over me. Here's a bitch, so fucked on my bed. Everything will be wet, and how can I sleep afterwards there. I opened the door even more and had already seen my bed by the wall.

Yanka lay slightly veiled, and under him someone hid with his head. It was clear that Yana was still leaving after orgasm. She was breathing deeply, her hair was disheveled, cosmetics started to flow in her eyes, she already saw me and blinked her cilia, but did not say anything. Her nipples are so prominent. So I wanted to caress her, play with her breasts. But it became very interesting who fucked my girlfriend so much. Yanka was still silent. I entered the room, closed the door, put my bag and laptop on the table. Yanka lay quietly. I didn't say anything either. Just took off her jacket and hung it in the closet. Nothing stood on the table, she still didn’t cook for food, I did her tasks for her, and she fucked here while I wasn’t there and still on my bed. I looked at her again. She has already recovered. I came closer. Her partner never showed up. Curiosity took its toll. I really wanted to see under whom she moaned so violently. I almost went tight to the bed and dramatically pulled the bedspread.

From surprise, my mouth opened and my jaw dropped. I quickly looked at naked Yanka, then at Cyril. Which already all reddened and tried to pull back on itself a coverlet. I already all shuddered. She felt blood pounding in her temples. I never expected it to be him. He was always so quiet and modest, not like his friend Yura. Not to say that I was very angry, but I was very surprised by this picture.

Kirill is the elder brother of my classmate Milana. I met several times with him. He always seemed so quiet, and here he was fucking my girlfriend. Cyril is a tall, rather dense guy, he was then about 25 years old, with short blond hair, a round face. He tried to pull the cover back with his big hand, and I held it and did not let go. He tried to hide his eyes and did not look at me. I myself did not know what to do. Tolley get away from them, felts scandalize at least for the view. Cyril as a whole is not a bad guy, but I had no special feelings for him. I nevertheless decided to break the silence and a shootout with looks.

- And what are you doing here? - With some anger in my voice, I asked and looked again, then at Yanka, then at Cyril.

- Ilonka you do not be angry. - Yanka answered me with pauses. - It somehow happened. We were waiting for you. They wanted to go for a walk. I called you, but you didn't answer.

I somehow narrowed my eyes. The phone definitely stayed on vibro after steam. I didn’t look at him, but the bag was against the wall, and I definitely didn’t hear its vibrations. It even became a bit interesting to watch their reaction. I still admired Yankee’s naked body. It is still not completely closed hole after a member of Cyril, hard nipples. And the trunk of Cyril, covered with a condom, continued to stand. He was not big with him somewhere centimeters to 16, with a small head. There was some kind of silence in the room. Nobody knew what to do. I just looked at them. I felt my cheeks burning. Pussy also plentifully gave out their grease. In her head scrolled options for their further actions. I was not going to make up for it. And from further it was difficult to decide the right decision. There was a desire to just go anywhere and let them do whatever they want. Or another option and to participate in their bodily entertainment. Their naked bodies lured me away. I didn’t even know how it would be better to first suck on Cyril or lick a girlfriend’s rastrous hole. I so hesitated in making a decision. But lust was taking its toll.

I wanted to caress them more and more, to feel the touch on my body. Her cheeks seemed so hot. I breathed deeply. I went tight to the bed. They were almost there. Yanka looked at me like that. Cyril hid his eyes. He probably thought that I would hit him or Yanka now. Somehow he tried to move further to the wall. Between the legs it was already so wet. I lightly touched the leg of Yankee, who was already startled, and lightly stroked her. A shiver of excitement passed through my body too.

- Want to join us? - quietly and not confidently offered Yanka, and so with lust she looked at me and blinked further with her beautiful eyelashes.

Kirill didn’t expect such an offer, he stopped and stared at Yanka, who was looking at me and waiting for my answer.

- I would not refuse. - I said in response, and more actively began to stroke the leg of the Yankees. - Your moans brought me so.

- Did you hear us? - Cyril asked in a somewhat hoarse voice and looked at me.

- Yes, I just listened to you for 5-10 minutes. Even with Marinka, she chatted in the shower. You brought so poor girl that she decided to caress herself in the shower and she was all red. - I sat down already on the bed and with one hand took Cyril's dick, and with the other I stroked the other leg of Yankee.

Cyril shuddered at my touch. But he didn't take my hand. His dick pulsed so nicely. I gently spent on covered with rubber band member. He was wearing a lot of Yankin grease. She twisted her legs. Now I am even more comfortable on my bed. The three of them were cramped on her, but no one paid any attention. I already wanted to immerse his dick in his lustful mouth.

- Are you not angry with me? - somehow Kirill did not confidently ask, and he was already more comfortably seated on my bed, apparently realizing that I wouldn’t be exactly on stage for jealousy.

- What is angry at you. - I replied with a smile and leaned over his penis and straightened her hair, touched him with her lips.

- Kirill! Ilona is not angry with us. - Playfully said ... Read more →

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