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Dear readers in my story 29 will continue to describe their sexual adventures. For those who first decided to read my work in a few words I will describe myself. My name is Ilona. Now I am 24 years old. And so I am of medium height, slim, with dark hair, breasts of the second size. An ordinary girl from Ukraine. Now move on to your story.

Already coming to an end autumn. I then studied in the second year of economics. Recently there was a stormy student day. In the university they only told who celebrated and with whom, and who had any adventures. My student day was great too. Only one minus I then froze. Although some students celebrated it for several days. It is good that the majority did not have money for such boos.

Passed the usual day of study. Gray autumn day. That year, winter began earlier than usual, and a thin ball of snow covered the earth. Although during the day the temperature passed by the positive mark turning it all into an unpleasant mess. At the university was cool enough. I had no special plans for that day. Walk did not want to go. I decided to study and after couples go to the library. Read the notes, do some homework. In the dorm normally learn all the same will not give.

My roommate, Yanka, and I were walking to my room after the last lecture. Yana studied in the same specialty as me only in another group. She is a year older than me, a good girl, although her studies were very difficult. She is about my height. Slender blonde, with a chest of the first size. Such a pretty face and big cilia. We often walked together. Met with guys. It happened that indulged among themselves.

In a large flow of students, we again accumulated, trying to squeeze through the turnstile into our hostel.

- Ilonka! What will we cook for lunch? Yanka asked me and began to unbutton her jacket.

- I somehow did not think yet. - I replied and even somehow thought. “You prepare something tasty, and I thought to go to the library to learn a little bit.”

- You are learning again! - Yanka sighed and squeezed through the turnstile. - Will you give me a task on macroeconomics?

I followed her. We have already climbed the stairs to our room. Yanka looked so cute at me and as always blinked her cilia. I smiled back.

- Okay, I'll do it. - I agreed and nodded my head.

- Hooray! - I was delighted Janka already hugged me and smacked on the cheek.

I was somehow embarrassed by her reaction. But we were almost at the door of our room and there was no one around. We quickly went inside. Yanka began to change clothes. I began to collect what I take with me to the library. She took out a laptop, began to collect notes, English textbooks. Yanka already wore sport pants. I again admired her slim body. She pulled on a T-shirt and jacket. She did not see that I was watching her, but as I turned in my direction, I mechanically looked away at my notes. Then she started stuffing everything in her bag. I decided not to change clothes. I was wearing blue jeans, a light brown sweater with long sleeves, gray thongs and a bodice of almost the same color. I fastened my short jacket, went to the mirror, straightened my hair, put on my lips. It looked fine. To study more and did not have to.

- Jan! I went. - I said, and walked to the door. - In two or three hours I'll be back. Give your assignments.

- Good. - said Yana and handed me her summary. - Successfully learn.

I smiled at her answer, thanked for the wish. I wanted to eat, but I decided to buy something to eat at the university canteen, and then go and work in peace. The hallway was crowded. Students returning from pairs wandered off to where they needed to, and most of them in search of food. Although my stomach was already a little reminded of myself.I quickly went down and went out into the street. To uni was very close. I already scrolled in my head a brief plan of their actions. There was an unpleasant mess of snow under my feet. The track to the university, as always, is not really cleaned. Still not enough to slip and fall into this mess. It’s good that the cars do not drive here, but I remembered how I went to school and the car splashed me. And then my mother scolded that I had soiled my jacket, as if I was to blame for this.

I left my jacket in the wardrobe, bought myself a snack in the buffet and went to the spacious library hall, chewing a bun right on the go. As always, it was not crowded here. I took a table by the wall. Surprisingly, it turned out to be warmer than usual. The wind was blowing from the other side and you could not warm your hands all the time. I am conveniently located and fully devoted to study. She wrote homework, read notes, taught English. Moments distracted and just looked out the window. Sometimes she stretched and stretched her legs. Began to tend to sleep a little. But I tried to drive him away. Rubbing your hands and clapping your body. But fatigue and lack of sleep began to take their toll. I understood that I was already weakly assimilating the English text I had listened to. I decided to end my raid. Began to turn off the laptop, so not noticeably passed more than three hours. It is even more than I planned.

I got up packed my things. People were even less than immediately. But still I'm not the only one, flashed through my head. I gathered and moved to the exit. In the empty corridor, the sound of my heels resounded. It's almost dark. I yawned deeply. I decided to come to eat and, if you can sleep for an hour. Having dressed out in the street. Frosty evening air blew in the face. Already even street lighting turned on. Snow porridge has already started to freeze and now it was even more uncomfortable to walk on it than before. I tried to tread carefully, that did not fall down the road and did not break the laptop.

She looked up at the hostel. In many windows the light was already on. I began to try to find out the window of my room. To my surprise, there was no light in it. Interestingly, I thought, apparently Janka prepared to eat and, as always, fell asleep or could hang out at someone from the neighbors. Walk, she was not going to. The short road cheered me up a little and made me switch from the learned material and various tasks. Frost nicely touched his face giving him a blush. I entered the hostel. A half-awake watchman just looked at me, but did not ask anything. I climbed the not yet lit stairs to my floor. in the corridor it was surprisingly quiet. Only some of the room could hear different sounds. Someone was watching a movie, listening to music. Heard playing the guitar. It’s good that I went to the library, I wouldn’t have done so much here. So I was at my room.

But the door was not quiet. From there came some kind of light moans, wheezing and something else. I even became interested. From the sounds, I guessed that Janka probably had fun with someone, but maybe she decided to watch porn, although the sounds seemed very real. Curiosity began to take its toll. I even hesitated to enter me immediately and scare them or do everything quietly. I decided to try whether the door to the room is closed. Put her bag on the floor. And she began to slowly turn the doorknob. The door was closed. Login is no longer possible. The key I can not quietly turn the lock. And the groans still came from behind the door.

I picked up my bag and started looking for the keys to the room there. They, as always, fell to the bottom and notes and other things prevented them from finding there. Then the next door opened. Our neighbor Marina left the room. She just entered the first course. Slender pretty girl, not so much her neighbor. She was wearing a robe, holding a towel in her hand and some shower accessories. And the face was some kind of flushed. I smiled. She gave me the same smile.

- Hi Marinka! - I greeted and stopped rummaging in the bag. - In the shower gathered?

- Hello! Yeah. She replied to me and smiled broadly again, and somehow looked at me.- And you will wait until they finish?

- I do not know! - I shrugged and started again ...

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