1. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 1
  2. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 2
  3. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 3
  4. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 4
  5. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 5
  6. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 6
  7. "Happiness here" or in a nudist camp. Part 7
  8. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 8
  9. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 9
  10. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 10
  11. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 11
  12. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 12
  13. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 13
  14. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 14

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such a dedication friend.

- And now this your Hope is still your obsession?

- More likely no than yes. Still, these four months with Sonya rather distantly rooted from me an affair with Nadezhda and drew a line. And then I immediately after Hope could not look at other girls. Just then was nutty from love afflictions.

- Do I have something like Hope? Maybe you are excited at me due to the fact that something in me reminds her? We even have the first two letters of the same name ...

- You are different both in height, and in body shape, and in voice, and in hair color. You are brown and she is brunette. So I’m not exactly confusing you with her. The only thing that unites you is the fact that for some reason I am crazy about you now, as I used to miss it. Yesterday I was so short on you. I myself am not happy about this and I am afraid that I will involuntarily drag you into Sony's position if suddenly the old begins to cycle again.

- Tell me, why are you still not getting along with Sonya, if you are friends and you still have a good relationship?

- In short, I am not in her taste, and she is not in mine. Well, Nastya, I actually told you everything that is essential for me, which is slowing me down from the past. If we had even a few days, I would probably somehow lead myself to you in a different way. And then everything sank so sharply and only nine hours left. Pasha and I plan to leave by bus to the station at 19-30.

“So we have nine hours.” A full nine hours. This is a little and a lot. How to look. I need to think about what you said. And in any case it is better to discuss problems than to hide your head in the sand.

My eyes fell on a bottle of apricot oil, which left Irina. I gave it to Seva with the words: “You know what, do me a relaxing massage now. And let the whole world wait". And she turned over on her tummy, as if she had cut herself off from all problems.

- By the way, massage was not taught to us in the theater, but recommended to learn, too, taught. Because after some difficult stage studies, you need to relieve muscle tension. If suddenly you will be tickled or uncomfortable, immediately say. Put your hands along your body, ”said Seva, rubbing his palms with oil.

- I obey and obey, you are my doctor.

Seva dripped me a thin trickle of oil from the neck to the tailbone and began to massage my ass with soft, as if ingratiating movements. I, surprised by his arrogance, tried to rise.

“A relaxing massage is supposed to be done in the direction of the venous blood and starting from the pelvis or the legs,” he explained.

“Well, you are a director and you know better,” I said. And she thought: “I wonder if he will excite or relax me with a massage?”

However, the movements of Seva were completely correct. He carefully avoided my most intimate areas. He only commented that I have a very beautiful “pink shell” there, as he put it. And moved on to a back massage, and then neck and head. It was a really nice relaxing massage, after which you just wanted to wallow and not move anywhere. And at the end of the session, Seva kissed lightly the lips, which he massaged, but in the reverse order.Finished ass.

- Oh, our young people are not bored and do the right thing! - Irina’s voice rang out. I turned around. Irina went under the tent with Vika. Men were still at sea.

“Seva, I also want a pleasant massage at parting,” Vika announced with a capricious tone, “otherwise you will leave today ...”

- Well, the desire of the ladies - the law for men. You are welcome to settle down. What aromatic oil do you prefer at this time of day, madam? - in the tone answered her Vsevolod.

I got up, with some surprise looking at Irina. She took my arm and said: "Let's go and whisper." We moved away from the tent.

- You, Nastya, for your loyalty to Hachiko during the massage Vicki, do not be afraid. Neither I nor Vika betray their husbands. And they - to us. I asked Vick to take Seva away from you for a while. From my own experience I will say that sometimes such interruptions of communication are useful at the beginning of a relationship. You know, I'm still worried that the situation would not get out of your control.

- I would be happy to lose my head - yes he does not. Restrains himself and me. He says that we have a few hours of communication and that he does not want to be irresponsible with me.

- However, it characterizes him very well. Well, are you absolutely in love with him?

“I fell in love,” I nodded, “and I don’t know what to do with it now.” If we met at least a week earlier. And here everything is on the last day ...

I told Irina about Seva's relationship with Nadezhda and Sonya. Irina just shook her head:

- Oh oh oh. Psychologically traumatized men - this is a terrible thing. And they themselves do not know how to swim in a relationship, and drown their women with themselves.

- What, absolutely everything is bad?

Irina thought for a few minutes. Then she asked:

- Want some advice?

- Of course I want. I need at least something to lean on.

- You know, Viktor and I also met on the beach in Sochi. And it was three days before my departure. He then fell in love with me completely, and I didn’t touch him. I just let him be my humble admirer beside me so that much more zealous admirers would not reach me. On the last day, Victor asked me for permission to see me in Moscow. I made him a meeting in the center of GUM near the fountain at eight in the evening. But six months later, a day a day. And while it has not promised that I will come. Like, as the situation develops, so be it. Just said so as not to immediately upset a good person with refusal.

- And you came in six months?

- Actually, I did not plan to continue this beach acquaintance and was not going to go to any fountain. Immediately after returning to Moscow, my affair with a popular artist from the Vakhtangov Theater, which has been filmed a lot in the TV series (I won’t mention his last name), made a boil over with me. It was just some kind of extravaganza. He literally snatched me out of the stream of pedestrians on the street, met me, charmed me, canceled all my plans, invited me to a restaurant, and that evening put him to bed. So here - all at once and in the same breath.

- However, he is a smart man!

- I got my head in full. I am attached to him like a dog. All performances with his participation revised. And after four months he had a new passion. So he didn’t introduce me to her - he suggested we make friends and go to bed with him.

- Here's a bastard!

“I broke all the dishes in his kitchen in frenzy and left.” All burst into tears. It was completely knocked out of life rut. So, I didn’t accidentally warn you yesterday that actors in relationships with girls are mostly a bohemian public. As you see, it went through this fire and copper pipes.

- And what about the meeting at the fountain?

- I was very sad that day and I decided to go anyway, so as to be distracted somehow. Victor was amazed that I came. He was completely taken aback, speechless lost for a few minutes like a timid boy - it was so touching and so cute. And somehow all at once I grew together with him. Since then, we are together. In fact, we can be said that the newlyweds are also not a year since the wedding.

- All is well that ends well. I'm very happy for you.

- My advice to you: when you will say goodbye today, do not take his phone number from him and do not give your number. Make an appointment with him six months a day. If both of you come to the meeting, it means that you have a common future. If not, then you have no common future. Make at least a semi-annual pause - and time itself will judge you. Just postpone the decision for half a year to decide whether to continue your acquaintance.

- I guess I'll go there

- And, maybe, I would even put the Seva condition in your place. So that he would try these six months to build a relationship with some other girl - at least contractual, at least non-contractual. And you, in my opinion, should not assume obligations to him ... Read more →

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