1. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 1
  2. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 2
  3. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 3
  4. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 4
  5. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 5
  6. “Happiness is here” or At a nudist camp. Part 6
  7. "Happiness here" or in a nudist camp. Part 7
  8. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 8
  9. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 9
  10. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 10
  11. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 11
  12. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 12
  13. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 13
  14. “Happiness is here”, or in a nudist camp. Part 14

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girls are unpleasant feelings when frictions. Not everyone, of course. But it hurts some to do it in water.

These words of his, spoken in a distant tone, acted like a cold shower for me. Playful mood, I immediately passed. I peeled off with my hands and feet from him and stood on the bottom.

- I see that you have a lot of experience with girls. And what is the second thing?

- And secondly, I now do not know myself how I should treat you. I am attracted to you. But we have only one day. And I do not know that it is more responsible towards you - to succumb to this burden or restrain yourself.

- Do you have any obligations to another girl?

- Just not. In this respect, I am a man this very minute.

- Something you are not too similar now to the free and self-satisfied. Can you tell me what's wrong?

- Oh well. Just come on the shore, not here.

- You are afraid that I will drown you here, if I do not like the conversation? - I tried to joke, but Vsevolod only looked at me gloomily.

I apologized for the unsuccessful joke and said: “You know, I would not want to do something that annoys you. I do not insist on your explanation. You can just throw the problem out of my head. After all, you have your last day at sea this summer. ”

- Nastya, I have to apologize to you for my cockroaches in my head. With the past strong love just because of their own will and volitional decision quickly will not break up.

After a pause, I decided that the most wise thing for me now is not to interrupt him with questions. He wants to speak out - he will tell. He does not want to - well, it means such a fate. So I decided to turn the conversation to a neutral topic:

- Tell me, where are you now after your directing department? Surely, because there is no long line of theaters eager for young directors?

- We are accepted at a huge competition, and released to nowhere, into space. If you want to know, then from the graduates of theatrical institutions of higher education they get a permanent or temporary job in the theater if it is good for twenty percent. And even that is if the course leader is a charismatic figure in the theatrical world. There are courses completely failing in terms of employment. In general, there is a lottery in which the lucky ones to recount.

- And where do the other eighty percent go?

- They spin, who as they can to survive. Many go to child pedagogy, to lead the art schools or to dance. Someone even goes to business coaches. Someone succeeds in settling into animation projects with a model for computer-generated animation. Someone is corporate. Here Pasha, by the way, from the second course works as a waiter in a steep restaurant. And going to stay there. I must tell you that he works as a waiter really artistically and with good tips. Especially from the company of drunken ladies. He's a textured guy, with good organic matter, as we say. Such a one-man show can suit them on the theme “To eat is served!” That Meyerhold is just resting. We were, in fact, taught and taught a lot.

- Very severe and very sad. What prospects do you personally have?

- I can not say that it is absolutely brilliant, but also not quite a failure by our standards. Maybe I'm not the steepest in our course of directors, but definitely not the last rated. I even have an invitation for a second director, but to a completely deaf province.

- And will you go?

- This is absolutely in case of an emergency if all my Moscow projects are stalled. As a matter of fact, Nastya, I wanted to tell you this. Those who want to stay in the director's profession are much harder than the actors. Because to become a master, we have a lot more time than actors. The director is a life-long diagnosis. Maniacs we are, simply put. With us it is not boring, but also very difficult. And our girls, and our women ...

- Well, thank you for warning. Who warned - that is armed.

- And you, Nastya, looks like a girl with character, - Seva smiled, - and I like you even more.

When we went ashore, Irina introduced me to her neighbors, Vika and Yura. And she suggested that we go under the tent so that my bikini unburners would not burn in the sun. I agreed and at the same time asked Vika to tell how they had gone yesterday to Utrish. Yura accompanied the story of his wife with a photo report taken so that I had a feeling of being fully present during the events described. The fact that they spent their time cheerfully was felt, if only because on some selfies Vika kept her husband for dick, and one picture was clearly taken at the time of her orgasm in the pose of a rider. “However, the neighbors were liberated from Viktor Ivanovich,” I thought. Vsevolod, on the other hand, reacted to the photo report quite calmly as a person who had repeatedly visited Utrish.

Both adult couples soon tactfully left us with Seva alone under the tent, going to splash in the sea. Seva paused and said:

- You know, I still better speak out now. And then judge for yourself how we should be today and whether we should be further together today. The only thing that matters to me now is that you don’t treat me blindly just because it's easier.

- If you need it, then I listen to you carefully.

- I had a girlfriend three months ago. Classmate But only she was my girlfriend by appointment.

- How is it by agreement? Do you have that there was no real relationship, chewing?

- Yes, it was all. Sonya and I were and remain true friends. And we parted as lovers because our agreement expired and therefore I felt sorry for her. I tortured her with my reflection about another girl called Hope. The tumultuous and hopeless romance with her lasted for more than two years. And she ended up marrying another.

- That's it...

- Seeing how I was tormented by worries, Sonya said that she herself went through the same. She also said that the best way to erase Hope from your life is to switch to another novel. But only right away I have a normal relationship with the next girl just will not work out, because fresh memories of Hope are too painful. And that is why now I need some kind of “intermediate” girl for no more than a few months, and without any expectation that the relationship will result in something long-term. And she offered herself as such an “intermediate” girl for four months.

- Tell me, and this Hope was also your classmate?

- No, I wanted a family with her.

- I did not get that. And how is this related?

- I just decided for myself that my wife should not be from the acting environment. Seen enough planned wedding attendants, divorces colleagues in the shop. I do not want to stomp about this fretful track. You see, I myself grew up fatherless. Parents divorced when I was six years old. But I am acutely experiencing it so far. As if I was then torn into two halves. I do not want my children to suffer from the fact that I got to someone for a minute infatuation, and then we went our separate ways, leaving our children with the same deep trauma that I myself received.

- Do you think that you have not moved away from psychological trauma with Nadezhda? I asked carefully.

- Honestly, I do not know.But I definitely would not want you to be in the position of the second "intermediate" girl. It would be just swinishness of me for you. You are very dear to me now. But I do not know, all of a sudden I torture you with my “cockroaches from the past” as well as Sonya. When we had sex with her, I threw Hope out of my head. But as soon as I moved away from sex, I was again obsessed with the obsession of Hope. And he began to get mad at Sonya for every difference in behavior compared to Nadezhda. It was awful, but I couldn't do anything with myself then. How Sonya with me heroically endured these four months - I just don’t know. And I am very grateful to her for her ... Read more →

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