1. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 1
  2. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 2

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A naked, tousled biologist grabbed a napkin from the table, sat down on the very edge of the bed and began to wipe the sperm that was leaking from it. Judging by the form, Light was in a rage. Paying no attention to anyone, she grimacingly opened her reddened labia with two fingers of her left hand, collecting her right hand into an already thoroughly soaked napkin splashed out from the depths of the open vagina and unclear, as if this late hygiene procedure could somehow to help.

“It’s just not enough to fly in,” she thought frantically, not listening to what Nikita was saying, trying with all her might to relieve a nervous breakdown. I didn’t want to show that it was so easy for her, an adult woman, to freak out, because from the very beginning she decided to act like an experienced bitch without silly complexes about sex. They want to fuck with her - yes please! The main thing is that unnecessary emotions do not get out. Fucked and fled, that's what relationship with them she wanted to build. Nothing bad will happen if for some time she stays a soulless sex toy in these jerks, she does not lose anything from her. Of course, then at school it will be unpleasant to meet them, but again, what is the difference in essence that they will think about it. And the fact that they will be silent, Svetlana did not doubt. Gradually, she calmed down and began to listen to what Nikita was talking about.

And Nikita, in an even, calm voice, chastised her for violating the rules of behavior.

- You, Svetlana Viktorovna, have no right to set your own conditions. We can use you as we want and you must endure it and unconditionally obey. For the first time, such bold behavior is forgiven, but from now on we will punish you. You must do what is ordered, not reasoning, and certainly not ashamed. Shame will be considered a serious violation. Refusal of sex is generally unacceptable and is punishable by an increase in the term for another month. It is forbidden to talk, you can only answer questions. Me and Roma called only Mr. Nikita and Mr. Roman, not otherwise. Try not to violate the rules of conduct sexual slaves. Clear?

- What? - only I was able to squeeze out of myself amazed by the Light, realizing that I had run into a full program. There is no turning back, it’s in vain that ten minutes ago they were surrendered to these “gentlemen” by their mother ... - No, it’s not necessary with me ... I don’t want ...

- Shut up bitch! - snapped at her Roman giving her sonorous slap. - Answer it is clear or not.

“Yes ... Yes, yes, of course,” she said in a rush, leaning back in fright on her back.

“Then let's fix the Light, what I just talked about.” Now we will have sex again. I will also try you without a condom. Do you agree? - very kindly, but at the same time he said harshly.

- Yes ... Sir, - barely holding back, so as not to cry for resentment, she answered in a broken voice.

Watching the once self-confident strict teacher easily turn into a luxurious docile whore, Nikita exchanged glances with Roma. His look seemed to say: “You see, but you doubted. We will make such a compliant fuck out of her that we can use her as much as we want. ”

Naked Svetlana Viktorovna, slowly got up, thoughtfully wiped again between the amazing legs with a napkin, threw the used wet lump of paper on the floor, and taking a few steps to the door, as if she wanted to leave the bedroom, stopped in indecision.

- What is the matter, Sveta? - Nikita came up to her gently pressed her to him, putting his hands behind the cool halves of the elastic ass of the lean beauty.

Svetlana buried his shoulder and burst into tears like a girl.She was suddenly terribly ashamed to stand here completely naked in front of the guys who will now again be surrendered. But more than her thought that this was no longer a game and whether she wanted to or not, she would still be forcibly dragged into bed without thinking about the consequences. And she, a beautiful proud twenty-six-year-old woman, besides her own will, is now obliged to fuck with an eighteen-year-old youngster for a whole month, who sees in her only a comfortable unfeeling doll for sexual games.

Gradually Nikita brought the sobbing little Svetochka close to the edge of the pastel and pushing hard, threw him on his back. Quickly throwing off his pants, he climbed onto the lying motionless teacher. Without any preliminary kisses and caresses, Nikita gently tucked his dick into the moist vagina, Svetlana’s legs stretched limply, and whispering soft words to her in her ear: “Everything will be fine, relax, you are so beautiful, you have gorgeous boobs, I will not hurt you , do not worry, you will not become pregnant, I will try not to cum in you, your hair smells delightfully, you are remarkably able to make love ... ”- began to slowly perform deep frictions, gradually increasing the pace. Already a minute later, Sveta was breathing languidly and moaning softly, making shy response movements towards the member immersed in her. And five minutes later, jerking, podmahivala, barely in time to keep such a rhythm, Nikita. And where did the modest Svetlana, who just cried with shame on the shoulder of her mister-lover, just got lost? Now she is fucking, free and easy. And do not care that they are not alone in the room, do not care that she is much older than her students, do not care that they turned her into a free prostitute. But now she is nice and pleasant.

Nikita gently got off her, gesturing that now she is on top. Excited Light fell on the rising member and slightly leaning back, eyes closed, continued the interrupted flight. Slapping the booty of Nikita's thighs, the dispersed teacher of biology, felt only the growing heat inside the abdomen. His breathing became confused, sweat beads appeared on his body. But suddenly they hugged her from behind, seizing in the palms the bulges of the breasts. It was of course Roma. Now she was jumping on Nikita, and Roman was just sitting back and holding her by his chest, confidently leaning forward until she lay down on Nikita with her whole body. Now she could not move independently on Nikita's member, and he did it himself, but with a small amplitude, literally a little bit, driving back and forth inside a warm, narrow vagina of an excited woman. Finally, Roma completely let her go, and on the contrary, Nikita firmly pulled her close, clasping her hands behind her back.

Suddenly, Sveta felt something pushing up her ass in the ass. It happened quickly, she did not immediately have time to react. A member of the Roman with a force parted ring sphincter, and already a quarter was in it, continuing to move forward without stopping. The woman screamed loudly from the unbearable sharp pain and reflexively tried to escape, but two pairs of hands firmly held her in place. Involuntarily squeezing the vaginal muscles, arching like a cat, the deceived teacher was spinning on Nikita, trying to push the anal rapist with her arms behind her back. Now Svetlana Viktorovna understood what was done with her. It was a classic gangbang. She is one on two fronts - ass and vagina. As they say, her without consent, brazenly raped in two bows. Sveta stopped making attempts to free herself, went limp and calmed down, and at that time, at the same time, the members of her new masters used to crawl at her at the same time, with big worms. In my heart, something cracked and broke as if it had fallen somewhere deep in darkness and dirt. I just wanted all this mockery to end soon and she was left alone. But Nikita again softly whispered in her ear soothing words: “Relax, it’s not painful at all, all prostitutes go through it, you don’t have to worry, you are so beautiful, we appreciate you very much ...” and Light became easier.In the end, what really happened was irreparable. Well fucked her at the same time, in the ass and vagina, so what? She would have given each of them separately, so what's the problem with having sex at the same time with two. There is even this in its charm and new experiences. It's okay, because she is not going to tell anyone about group sex with students and they are not ... Read more →

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