1. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 1
  2. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 2

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like-minded person. Together they crank up an operation called "unleash a young biology teacher to have sex with him for free." By the way, she herself threw this idea to them when she offered to sleep with herself as a payment for silence. Somehow this was how she saw the picture of what was happening.

Svetlana Viktorovna thoughtfully walked around the office and stopped at the window, continuing to beat up in the head the upcoming evening visit of incomprehensible guests. The excitement of seducing a female seducer woke up in her. Not that the prospect of sleeping with several partners much younger than her. No, rather, there was hope that, because of the inexperience and youth of the blackmailers, she would be able to quickly break them off. Perhaps she can not avoid sex, but at least the situation will not get out of control. Moreover, for some time now, masturbating under the shower, she sometimes imagined how her high school students were raping her. For some reason it was so exciting that she managed to bring herself to orgasm in a few minutes.

And now she felt excited. The excitement of an experienced woman for which young males are fighting. And most importantly, she was not at all against a good ride in bed with these unknown males. If only they had enough sense not to tell later about their exploits.

On the way home, she bought three packs of condoms. Just in case, Svetlana reasoned, let it be better. The first time she was in the position of a call girl, who does not even know with whom she will have to get laid this evening, but, oddly enough, she didn’t really care. It is better cynical certainty than the torment of expectation and suspense. In such a decisive mood, she came home. Without giving herself the chance to think, Svetlana did the cleaning, put the linen on the big bed in the bedroom and took a shower and began to clean up. Time was not much, so I wanted to meet the guests well prepared.

At about eight o'clock in the evening the doorbell rang shortly hesitantly. “Apparently the intercom does not work and the access door is open again, or they didn’t call for it from the bottom, went with someone to the porch,” thought Glimpse of Light, going to open the door. She looked defiantly gorgeous - cream-fitting short little dress with a deep neckline frankly showed all the feminine charms. Long, well-groomed legs slender, and without that wonderful, figure of a young woman, and completely fucking open shoes, on a huge thin heel, gave notes of spicy eroticism to the image of a strict teacher, the role that Svetlana Viktorovna intended to play at today's meeting. The combination of veiled profligacy and impregnable coldness in this image, she managed perfectly. The severity of makeup and hairstyle, soft matte lipstick, discreet but expensive earrings and rings, dark nail polish, stylishly combined with a short monotonous fitting dress. The half-open bra lifted the breasts soaked, and in the neckline of the dress they looked beautiful balls with immodestly bulging nipples. All these nuances complemented and improved the proportional contours of the body of a long-legged, slender beauty. Now Svetlana perceived herself as a sexually anxious teacher from an adult film.

Not looking into the peephole, she yanked the door open, ready to show no embarrassment if she saw someone familiar. On the threshold stood a little embarrassed, her two pupils from the eleventh class - Nikita and Roman. No matter how hard Svetlana tried not to show sight, she could not hide her surprise.

- It is you? - she exclaimed, retreating, and immediately cursing herself for expressing her feelings, making an invitation gesture, reservedly added: - Come on in, undress.

It sounded from her mouth unexpectedly ambiguous, even the ear shattered. The guys looked at each other and entered silently, closing the door behind them. Svetlana, giving a formidable look and trying to immediately take control of the situation, stood with her hands on her sides, frowning at the well-known to her high school students. She always distinguished them from the crowd of her students. Roman was actively involved in sports, had a good athletic figure and was a year older than his classmates. His biology was not so good, but he honestly tried, often staying for extra classes. Svetlana liked to watch how, dreamily, he surreptitiously examined her chiseled legs during the classes. Nikita, she also caught on peeping behind her during the lesson. He seemed to undress her with her gaze, which made Svetlana feel pleasant and restless. He was eighteen and, unlike his friend, Nikita always knew biology perfectly well.

The guys did not start a conversation in the corridor. Passed into the room, pushing each other. Sat on the edge of the couch, looking at the decor of the room. Silence broke the first Light.

“So you threw a disk at me,” she said in the affirmative, “and you want to see me undressed?”

“Svetlana Viktorovna,” Nikita began judiciously, “in the correspondence you offered a slightly different service for silence ... We’ve already seen you in the video ...”

- Do you understand what you are carrying? - Sveta interrupted him loudly on purpose, pretending to be seriously offended.

- You yourself suggested it. We didn’t pull you by the tongue, ”Nikita calmly retorted.

Svetlana began to realize that he is the brain of the operation. Also, she has already realized that nothing will be achieved without a footstep, you have to bargain and make concessions.

- Well ... Suppose I now undress and voluntarily give myself to each of you in turn, - she specifically singled out the intonation "voluntarily" and "in turn", gently indicating the conditions under which she agrees to fuck in this piquant situation - this will hopefully be quite enough and you leave me alone?

- Well, no, Svetlana Viktorovna, once will be definitely not enough ... - Nikita confusedly looked away.

- What? Are you saying that I will have to sleep with you several times?

- Actually, everything will depend on your behavior, quantitative restrictions are not provided, - he said insinuatingly.

- Are you out of your mind? - again she was indignantly indignant, raising her voice. - What do you mean restrictions are not provided? This is too much. Well, no, that won't do. I am an adult woman and I want to clearly know how much sexual intercourse is required to work out. Suppose five times or ten, it is still possible to discuss ...

“Svetlana Viktorovna, stop building a girl from yourself,” Roman suddenly interrupted her, impatiently fidgeting on the sofa. - Either you play by our rules, or we disagree.

Sveta pretended to be anxiously thoughtful. Then she coquettishly stood up, letting her see herself to the full, and, as if surrendering herself, said sternly:

- Okay, I agree. Tell me how you came up with me to have fun.

“It's very simple,” Nikita immediately agitated excitedly, “you, Svetlana Viktorovna, are a very beautiful woman, so of course you will be required to go naked with us and ...” he hesitatedly hesitated.

- And good to fuck, huh? - quietly finished for him Svetlana.

“Something like this,” Roman confirmed laconically, while Nikita nodded his head.

“But this is not all,” continued Nikita, “we will punish you if you decide to refuse to fuck or if you break the rules that we will voice to you.” In essence, we want you to obey us completely.

“Wow, you made up your head,” Svetlana shook her head. - At what time are you going to privatize me?

- For a month, unless of course there are no comments. This does not mean that we will have to serve us every evening. Of course not. But three or four times a week is for sure.

- Maybe one week will be enough, because you two - a week with one fuck, a week with another, eh? - She tried to get out of herself, having already resigned herself to serve a month in the prison invented sex.

- Let's not put the conditions - busily going to “you”, Roman stopped her. - We do not demand anything obviously impracticable .... Read more →

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