1. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 1
  2. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 2

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dear whore, and for free to fuck such a prostitute tempted in love as you is a pleasure. Believe, we are delighted with you, - Nikita’s rudely smoothed out his friend’s lunge.

Biologichka, smiled shyly, as if she heard a refined compliment.

- What are you doing with this nipple ceremony, it is time to fuck, and we are talking to her kind conversations, - said Roma irritably. - By the way, this slut did not admit that she is a whore who likes to swallow her master's sperm. Remember how she dared and drove us out?

Roman stared expectantly at the undressed biologist, but she, while looking evil in his direction, kept pause.

- Well, why are you silent, Svetlana? - Nikita asked deliberately politely. - You really have nothing to say?

Sveta and hurt again overwhelmed the Light. This jerks, in addition to violent physical proximity, are trying in every way to humiliate her morally, forcing to pronounce words for which she will then be terribly ashamed. But she did not intend to give in to emotions, therefore squeezing her will into a fist, taking a deep breath and suppressing the insult, dryly slowly uttered:

- I'm a whore and I love when they cum in my mouth.

- Bravo Svetochka! - Nikita clapped. “You are such a delicious minx!”

And again, from Nikita's praise, that exciting lustful feeling from which the fever from the abdomen flared up and wanted to do something stupid turned on Svetlana. But from staying in this sweet state, she was led out by another trick of Roman.

“Now, say this to the camera,” he ordered, directing the phone at her.

She was a little confused because she did not expect such a trick.

- I love to finish in me ... Or rather in the mouth ... I am a whore ... - she confused, looking confusedly, looking at the black point of the lens.

- Wow, our doll still wants to end up certainly in it! - Nikita laughed.

“No, I didn’t say that, I was mistaken, I don’t want it now,” Sveta twisted her head, agitated, and frightened, frightened, so as not to say too much.

- Who will ask you that, - indulgently stroked her cheek, like a dog, Roman, then sharply shouted: - Why are you standing with a pole, going to bed quickly, slut fucking.

Naked Svetlana showered him with icy eyes and pulling time, invitingly wagging her hips, with a cheeky gait of a fashion model, walked into the bedroom. There, hoping that the conversation about flying days, had an effect, took out condoms from the bedside table and laid them out with a pile on the table, and she, throwing off her sandals, lay down gracefully on the bed, watching Roman take off her clothes. So first today it will fuck him. Well, it is quite expected - after all, Nikita was already discharged into her mouth.

Really first climbed on the bed Roma. Even more jumped. He crumpled and squeezed his seductive naked teacher for a long time: he kissed wonderful breasts, parted his labia and poked his fingers into a moist vagina, his tongue twisted his swollen clitoris, and so skillfully that Svetlana flexed like a cat and even purred with pleasure. But only when he busily straggled between her gorgeous legs, having rested his hard cock into the parted lips, which had lost her watchfulness to Sveta, it suddenly, through pleasant pleasure, clearly realized that Roma had not opened the condom, and the pile remained untouched on the table . And this could only mean one thing, that now her again, like yesterday, will fuck right like that - without protection.

- A condom? We seem to have agreed! - She indignantly threw up, trying to close the hips, but immediately received a slight slap in the face from Roman, and immediately fell silent offended.

- Who allowed you to give a voice, whore? - He said gently. “It's not up to you how I will use you.” Do you understand?

Sveta, raising herself on her elbows, looked at him discouraged, not understanding how to behave further. Looks like she was shamelessly thrown again. So it just seemed to her that the recent explanations about flying days caused them to understand. But in fact, they don’t care about her problems and are deliberately mocked at her specifically to make her feel like a real fallen woman, powerless sexual slave. Objections will not give anything, only vice versa will lead to a worsening of relations, she will be punished for the altercations and will be even worse. It turns out you have to fuck without a condom, risking becoming pregnant. Svetlana, marveling at herself, today made it pretty easy to decide to have sex without protection, somewhere in the depths of her soul hoping that she would carry it.

- Yes of course. I just wanted to warn ... - she let out a depressed breath and paused a little, again spreading her slender, slim legs as a sign of unquestioning obedience to her young second master, as she had already called him to herself.

Today, she was fucked especially rudely and deliberately ended up deep in her vagina. And in turn they took off all this long abuse with their phones. Taming of the Shrew, as they called it. Several times she involuntarily screamed and even tried to escape when Roma, without preparation, pushed her standing member into her ass. Of course she knew that she should not show them her vulnerability and dissatisfaction, but the sharp pain of the stretched anus was really unbearable. For a short time of being in the role of a sex doll, Svetlana began to get used to being given silently and to any place, but every time, after being forced into it, she instinctively felt a burning shame from such self-treatment. Now, lying with a full vagina of a sperm, she thought over a line of conduct for the next few days.

And to think about what. She began to seriously fear that she would not endure a month of such intensive intercourse. No, of course, just sex, she would have endured quite calmly, but she would not endure outright mockery like today, for a long time. Rubbed to red, stretched vagina unpleasantly stung, before the anus was painful to touch, as if she was shoved into the ass with ignited sandpaper. In fact, today she clearly showed that the owner can do with a sexual slave.

In addition to the usual sexual intercourse, she again had to participate in group sex, and endure a completely ugly procedure of sucking a member who had just been in her priest. When the first time, after hateful anal sex, Roman brought her mighty reproductive organ to her lips, she categorically refused to take it in her mouth. If Roma, as usual, had finished in her vagina, and stuck her lick, manly dingy, thickly smeared with slippery slime, she would not have said a word, because this evening they had done this several times with her, but it was too much disgusting and overcame disgust immediately failed.

- Are you completely fucked up? - in a terrible tone said Roman. - Suck on, come on!

- Svetlana, you are wrong. We will be forced to punish you, - Nikita supported him, coming from the arc of the room to the voice of his friend and seeing a naked biologist lying around and Roma hanging above her, trying in vain to push his wet gun into the teacher's mouth. Evil Svetlana Viktorovna, snorting her head every time the head of Roman's member touched her brightly reddish scarlet lips.

The threat of punishment had its effect, and Sveta, overpowering herself, reluctantly rounded her lips, letting her young master in the mouth of the rearing sexual organ. The whole look of a young woman said how disgusting this violent blowjob to her. When Roman finished, she held sperm in her mouth for some time, not daring to swallow, finally looked defiantly at Roman who was getting out of bed and made a swallowing motion.

“Here's a good one, but your punishment is not canceled,” Nikita gently summed up, slowly taking off his clothes, which he managed to wear during the time that she spent fucking with Roman.

Svetlana raised her head and stared in surprise at Nikita undressing.

- I did a blowjob, why punish me? She panicked in a broken voice. - It's not fair!

- You, Svetlana Viktorovna, dared to resist, and did not immediately fulfill the wish of your master, which is completely unacceptable. Besides, you continue to behave too cheekily now and ask a lot of questions, ”Nikita calmly answered, lying down next to Svetlana and turning her sideways away from him.

“But I didn’t know that it was necessary to fulfill desires instantly,” Svetlana howled indignantly, feeling like a hard member of the guy easily squeezes into her designed delicious ass.

“Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility,” Nikita said with aspiration, instructing extensive frictions, anally pulling out her delightful twenty-six-year-old teacher.

She did not ask anything else, fearing that in addition to the regular bullying, she would be given more time. Of course, Nikita, too, after prolonged anal sex, thrust her wet cock up to her, but this time Svetlana did not hesitate to take it in her mouth and even pretended to do it with pleasure. And when she felt her master's ejaculation, she calmed down, patiently waiting for her to completely discharge her tongue, and only after that she swallowed a viscous mash of saliva and sperm. Then she opened her mouth wide, showing that nothing was left there and smiled sweetly and leaned back tiredly on the pillow.

After a while, having rested, she was again roughly fucked in various poses. She was just amazed as soon as they had enough strength and energy to rape her in the sixth circle. At the same time, Nikita and Roman were not bothered at all that their adult sex toy could easily fly into the air. And although the amount of sperm poured into it, has noticeably decreased, and the duration of sexual acts has increased, she still experienced when one of the guys left a portion of translucent sticky slurry in her.

All this orgy has ended at about eleven in the evening. Svetlana was so exhausted that she no longer paid attention to the fact that she was still being photographed even when she, after asking permission, went to wash herself.

The guys also behaved wearily. Today, they have clearly gone overboard with sex, and therefore it was time to end the entertainment with their slender, leggy teacher.

Finally, they got ready and stripped out Svetlana Viktorovna went out to conduct young males who were satiated with sex.

“Tomorrow a very unpleasant punishment awaits you,” Nikita pensively warned her when she, without showing internal turmoil, high-heeled, went to open the front door.

- What? She asked hopelessly, getting ready to hear something completely indecent.

- Surprise! - he laughed and slapped her on the pope. - You'll like it...

Svetlana opened the door and released her students into the common corridor.

“Don't forget that at school you have to go without panties and a bra,” Roman reminded her as she left the apartment and turned around to say: “You’ll have a short skirt and a tight top, you should look like a first-class darling, understand?”

“Yes,” she answered shortly.

“And one more thing,” Nikita turned around too, as if remembering something important, “if you accidentally get pregnant, then these are only your problems, and you will solve them yourself.” And remember today's photos ...

“Well, to hell with you, you bastards,” she thought detachedly, but didn’t answer out loud, remaining standing naked in the opening of the door of her apartment, watching her young rapists get into the elevator.

  • July 15, 2017 0:39

    Good writing, waiting for the continuation. I am sure that I will not wait long.


    • Rating: 0
  • July 15, 2017 1:55

    liked it too1


    • Rating: 1
  • July 15, 2017 8:47

    With the continuation do not tighten


    • Rating: 0
  • July 16, 2017 17:38

    The stories are good, but the girl is sorry. one thing deserved, and so ...


    • Rating: 0
  • master (a guest)
    July 20, 2017 5:08

    Disgusting turns out. If this happened in reality, then a real person with a limited supply of patience would either have committed suicide or killed them. Such stories could not end otherwise.


    • Rating: 2
  • July 20, 2017 18:45

    What authenticity can be, if the victim, fearing the publication of nude photos, allows you to shoot porn with your participation? there is no smell of logic here.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 24, 2017 20:29

    It's good that it's ugly, not all are reading romantic nonsense, plunge into another world) Where there is a plus, there must be a minus. Negative emotions are not always destructive.


    • Rating: 0
  • Thetos (a guest)
    November 29, 2018 21:49

    Bazaar Zero)


    • Rating: 0
  • July 29, 2017 11:37

    I look forward to continue! And the girl really is a pity, it was necessary to catch up with these small snatches, sexual obedience to them is a bondage, from which you can’t get out.


    • Rating: 1
  • August 24, 2017 20:22

    This is just a story - a fantasy on a given topic. Do not be so worried about the girl))) She is efimerna and exists exclusively virtually, in our imagination. Reliability and reality, in sex stories, as a rule, not in respect - it will be too boring to read)


    • Rating: 1
  • a guest (a guest)
    August 27, 2017 15:19

    in the end everybody will know that these two fuck her and go from hand to hand


    • Rating: 0
  • a dodge (a guest)
    September 11, 2017 9:37

    and it is worth waiting for the continuation?)


    • Rating: 0
  • October 29, 2017 21:05

    I look forward to continue)) for 3 months)


    • Rating: 1

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