1. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 1
  2. Strawberry jam on pineapple in champagne. Part 2

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From the very first frames, it became clear that this is a record of her striptease in the club. The focus was often lost, the camera trembled and sometimes removed the void, but a ten-minute recording was made at close range and anyone, if desired, could easily recognize the dancing half-naked skater beauty, her biology teacher at the secondary school. Of course, now she looked a bit older and much more expensive, if you can say that about a young, well-groomed woman with a flawless sexy figure and a bright, expressive face. However, in the current strict teacher, it was easy to guess exactly that girl who wagging her hips obscenely and invitingly stroking her breasts and taut belly, squirmed on stage in some thin panties and sandals on tall heels. Svetlana immediately remembered the music, because she herself chose her for private dances. Yes, and sandals, too, remembered. They gave them to her after some kind of outing party, with a clear hint of what a beautiful student is doing in between her studies. She looked like a shoe on Svetlana’s long, slim legs, defiantly catchy and frankly prostitute, so she was ideally suited for striptease and also for traveling to rich clients when she had to make an impression with her excellent model appearance.

Thoughts are confused. Who needed to blackmail her with this record? Svetlana lit a cigarette that she never did at home. The fact that this is blackmail, she almost had no doubt. Although on the record she only danced naked to the waist, but this was quite enough to disgrace her at school and badly damage her reputation. Now it was necessary only to understand what exactly they wanted from her, and somehow without noise and publicity to hush up the problem that had arisen. In her mind, she several times went over the circle of her acquaintances and former boyfriends, with whom she probably annoyed or offended, but could not recall any obvious clues, which made her even more upset, not noticing that she was smoking the third cigarette in a row.

Svetlana spent the rest of the evening and half the night in a painful misunderstanding and painful search for an answer - for what purpose was this discrediting disc placed on her. What exactly they want from her, is it not easy to frighten, but that they will be required to ask something, for not disclosing compromising evidence, she was sure. That's just what?

The next day lasted endlessly, although nothing unusual happened - routine lessons, laboratory work and verification of control tests. Svetlana was still waiting for a hint of clarification - who and why planted this damned disc with its disgraceful record, and therefore nervously walked between the rows of desks, unable to sit in one place. But on this day, nothing happened. Nothing happened next.

A week has passed. Incomprehensibility unpleasant Svetlana. This damn disk was sitting in a subconscious thorn, a constant question that was not answered. So why all the same it slipped? She already mentally went through all the options, including the most ridiculous, and made a preliminary conclusion that it would not seem to extort money, they would want to get something else. After all, if they wanted money, she reasoned, then most likely they attached a note with clear and specific content. At least she probably would have done so herself if she were an extortionist. But in the case of this ill-fated disk, no inscriptions on it and notes were observed. There was absolutely no hint of material extortion. Svetlana persistently had the impression that she was deliberately decided later to make her nervous about the uncertainty, in order to make her more compliant when the demands were finally announced.Women's logic suggested that they would not want something too serious and obviously impracticable from her. She doesn’t have much money, the cat wept for jewels. From the worst that came to mind - they will offer to become someone's permanent lover, and from the best - they will simply put a condition to sleep a couple of times. And exhausted by anticipation, Sveta pragmatically understood that she would agree to everything, so long as her past would not get publicized.

A letter with no subject, from an unfamiliar addressee, through his school email, came in the middle of the day. It only had two words:

- I looked at the disc? - but this was enough to understand - they got in touch with her.

Svetlana did not hesitate immediately to write: “Yes,” and leaning back in her chair, with a sinking heart, began to wait for an answer.

Less than five minutes later, as in the attachment of the response message, two screenshots of photos came from the speech that was on the disc.

“What are you ready for so that no one will know about it?” - asked the unknown in the letter itself.

After hesitating, she briefly tapped on the keyboard:

“For everything,” and not giving herself a chance to back down, she sent her answer. At this moment, Svetlana again felt a rush of that very erotic relaxing energy, the warmth from which it pleasantly warmed in the groin and excited the imagination.

- Even on a private striptease? - asked the unknown in the next letter.

This proposal did not come as a surprise, she was waiting for something like that, so she answered in a monosyllabic way: - Yes.

There was a lull. Svetlana Viktorovna had been waiting for a long time, as an invisible interlocutor would reply, but no more letters arrived. Frustrated, she spent the rest of the day. Nervousness grew as the evening approached. I already wanted certainty, because the unknown blackmailer was not interested in about strip tease. Obviously, he deliberately pulled time, filling the price and making him feel dependent.

She couldn't sleep at night. Tossing and turning, she considered the way out of the current unpleasant situation, but she never thought of anything, having made a firm decision to do everything that they would demand from her, because she wasn’t a girl for a long time, and she didn’t see it when she worked at the club. With this thought, Sveta finally fell asleep in the morning.

The next day she herself wrote a letter to the address of the blackmailer:

- Stop playing mouse cats! What do you want from me? I promise that I will not tell anyone about your demand. Do you want to sleep with me - I agree.

No answer followed. In desperation, she wrote a couple of similar letters, offering herself as a payoff for silence, but this did not give any result - there was no answer.

After the weekend, already in the afternoon, she again received a letter from the address of an unknown extortionist, to which she was delighted. Without waiting for the end of the lesson Light read it.

- Your offer is accepted. You will be a good slut, and no one will know anything. Let's start tonight. Agree? - was asked in the message.

“Yes, I agree,” she answered without hesitation.

- Today at 20:00 wait for guests. Be ready to show what you can do in pastels. And do not be surprised at anything. If you make noise or break, all classes in school will know that you are a whore. Got it? - There was an immediate response.

- Do not worry, I will serve you perfectly well, - Svetlana assured, having a little excited from such frank correspondence.

At recess, locked in the office, Svetlana analyzed today's correspondence. Now she clearly understood that the blackmailer was not alone, and almost certainly he was from her school. She had previously assumed something similar, but when now she was threatened that they would recognize all the classes in the school, it became completely clear. After all, most likely an outsider would simply hint that they will find out at work, or the director will find out. And then it turned out that someone inside the school would spread a rumor that she was in the past fucking and for persuasiveness would confirm this with scenes from a disc. The second conclusion suggested itself by itself - most likely blackmailers students of her school. Surely high school students and certainly two or three of them, no more.Otherwise, the rumors would have long crawled around the school, because at once many people are not able to keep a secret for a long time. Someone would have spilled it out. Therefore, most likely, there are only two blackmailers. One organizer and the brain of this well-thought-out psychological blackmail, and the other just his friend and part-time ... Read more →

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