1. The stone of desire. Prologue. Part 1: Stall
  2. The stone of desire. Part 2: Park
  3. The stone of desire. Part 3: Toy
  4. The stone of desire. Part 4: The Stranger
  5. The stone of desire. Part 5: Fisherwoman
  6. The stone of desire. Part 6: The Village
  7. The stone of desire. Part 7: Metamorphosis
  8. The stone of desire. Part 8: Bath day
  9. The stone of desire. Part 9: Dreams Come True
  10. The stone of desire. Part 10: Role Playing
  11. The stone of desire. Part 11: The Power of the Stone
  12. The stone of desire-2. Part 1: Off the city
  13. The stone of desire-2. Part 2: On the Run
  14. The stone of desire-2. Part 3: New Temptations
  15. The stone of desire-2. Part 4: Going Back
  16. Wish stone -2. Part 5: In a new place
  17. The stone of desire-2. Part 6: The Big Secret
  18. The stone of desire-2. Part 7: All-in
  19. The stone of desire-2. Part 8: Public Games
  20. The stone of desire-2. Part 9: The collapse of hope
  21. Stone of Desires-3. Part 1: All over again
  22. The stone of desire. Part 2: Revelations
  23. The stone of desire. Part 4: Preparation
  24. The stone of desire. Part 5: The Other Side of the Medal
  25. The stone of desire. Part 6: Payback

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accompanied by a weighty slap, it is not difficult to guess that it lasted not long. Nastya clung to the cover and pulled it towards her so that it cracked.

- Oh yeah! Yeah-aah! Aa-A! - All her body shrank like a spring.

The entrance to the vagina became very narrow, and I had to make my way inside. Overcoming muscle spasm, I hardly penetrated inside, with great force pulling it on my club. At some point, it seemed as if an invisible barrier had burst, and I literally fell into it by the very balls.

- Ahhhhh! - a double echo spread throughout the forest.

My cock really exploded, erupting like a volcano. Nastya, twitched all over, and ... turned off, losing any connection with reality. Her body periodically shook from the waves of pleasure, but these were already unconscious movements.

Infusing my seed, I literally felt like a member takes its normal size, but he was in no hurry to fall. I made sure of this when Nastya gently crossed herself on the side and crawled out from under her. I turned my eyes to Ksyusha. She was sitting on her lap, gently and, at the same time, passionately caressing her body, squinting like a cat. The power to control her mind was gone, so I just walked over to her and kissed her. The girl ran her hand over my penis, richly covered with sperm and lubricant, and squeezing him, as if checking for strength, smiled.

“You never cease to amaze me,” she broadened a smile even wider and, turning her back to me, bent, exposing her holes for tearing to pieces. - Take me from behind.

Twice did not have to ask. Having attached to her hole, I easily penetrated into it, and gently shaking my hips, began to fuck.

- Yes, so! - moaned Ksyusha.

Relying on one hand, she led the other behind her back, and began to caress her ass. Her finger easily penetrated inside and, pulling to the side, as if inviting, slightly opened its anus. I added my own to it, and together we began to prepare her ass for something more. Removing my hand, I stretched her buttocks to the side, and admired two sweet holes. True, one was filled to overflowing by my member, and the second was just to be. Pulling the barrel, I carefully put the crimson head to the sphincter ring and pressed.

Mmm, Ksyusha moaned softly when the head disappeared inside.

Taking her back, I repeated again and again, each time penetrating deeper and deeper. When my thighs pressed against her buttocks, I froze. The muscles of the rectum were reduced, gently caressing member. From the impatient behavior of the girl, it was clear that she was waiting for the continuation, but her strength was running out.

“The main thing is to be in time, while Nastya did not wake up,” I smiled at my thoughts, and, slamming on the elastic buttock, pulled the penis almost to the very head and abruptly threw him back.

From surprise, Ksyusha lost her balance and fell forward, almost jumping off my trunk.

- Where! - I squeezed her buttocks and pulled back, again pulling her ass on the penis.

- Yes! Still! - The girl ran one hand between her legs and started pulling the clitoris while I fucked her ass.

Sometimes I changed the place of penetration into the girl, and when the head of my penis began to hollow about her uterus, she limply dropped her breasts on the bedspread, pulling her pussy even stronger.

Nastya stirred, and sat down, wrapped in the edge of the blanket. My heart gave a little ekkula, but from her absent glance it was clear that she got her full. From this thought I felt a little better, and I completely switched to Ksyusha.

Having driven my dick into her anus, I bent over, and, hugging her, I pulled myself to get up. Squeezing her elastic chest with one hand, and slightly supporting her, I ran my other hand between her legs. Now I was everywhere. Holding her close to me, I penetrated her ass even deeper, my fingers moved into her vagina, sometimes switching to the clitoris, and I squeezed her breast with my hand. Reaching her hands behind her back, she dug her claws into my buttocks, and, gritting her teeth, groaned.

At some point, she leaned all the way forward, and literally collapsed on the litter, dragging me along. Having seized the initiative, she began frantically pulling at the clitoris, and I, lying on it from behind, slightly raised myself on my arms and began to hammer at her butt.

ABOUT! So much better! Keep going - she was moaning, buried in a blanket, and I worked as a member, like a sewing machine.

Yes, yes, yes-ah! - her body shuddered. - Now! A little bit more! Mmm!

The last words could not be disassembled, as she finally burrowed into the coverlet, and her body began to beat, as if in a fit of epilepsy. Her orgasm is already familiar flash burned my mind, forcing growl and discharged into her rectum. We froze.

I have this orgasm, the joy is almost not delivered. Fully exhausted and exhausted, I rolled over onto my back and stared into the blue, cloudless sky.

“I didn’t give a ride to the village. These girls will drive me to my grave, ”I smiled sadly to myself.

The day was approaching the sunset and mosquitoes began to overcome us. Quickly assembled, we went home. The girls talked about something, but I hardly listened to them. My plan failed. In part, I could control the situation, but basically it developed completely unpredictable. It turned out that while there is a woman nearby who wants intimacy, I will not rest until I fuck her. And if you take into account the young and healthy body of my companions corrupted by the talisman, one thing became clear. We must part with them. With this thought, I entered my room.

Having waited until everyone had supped and went to bed, I neatly packed up and left the room. Alternately approaching each and touching their consciousness, I replaced the recollections of myself, after which I walked out into the yard just as carefully.

In the sky there was a full moon, the cool air refreshed, and taking a deep breath, I again went on the run. Out on the road, I looked around and, remembering the abandoned hut on the outskirts of the village, went there.

"The morning is wiser than the evening," I thought, and, reaching for a cigarette, I walked along the road.

  • a guest (a guest)
    21 February 2017 21:57

    Thanks to the author for such a wonderful series! Well, a small thanks for the work)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 22, 2017 10:41

    And thank you for the feedback. I am glad that you enjoyed my “creativity”.


    • Rating: 0
  • Guest2 (a guest)
    February 22, 2017 20:51

    Ie our hero, having in his hands an artifact of such power, having the ability to stop all war, to overcome hunger, to change the history of mankind, just spoils the girls in the village? Priceless.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 23, 2017 10:12

    If we take into account the talisman's principle of action: to control the consciousness of people, then you propose to achieve world peace through the total enslavement of the entire population. :) There is a very old joke on this topic:
    In one kingdom, a cannibal was wound up, which kept the entire population in fear, and no one could cope with it. Until one day a beautiful prince appeared who killed the ogre. Killed and ate.


    • Rating: 0
  • Guest2 (a guest)
    23 February 2017 19:28

    Wash the world by manipulating the minds of a couple of politicians is still more interesting than just enslaving and raping rural girls. It is strange why the hero has no ambitions.


    • Rating: 0
  • a guest (a guest)
    23 February 2017 23:46

    Hmm, power over the world? It seems to me that the main character is somehow not very necessary, at least for now.

    The talisman is very cool, but not studied thing, if before the victims of the impact themselves forgot the fact of the order, now the hero has to put the brains in place for the one that works with varying success, in one case there was success, in the second only “worse”.

    Yes, let the opportunity grow, but what actually started the transition between the first and second part? The hero can not fully cope with the talisman, there are side effects. Why did he return to the village? And since it’s already easy to be in a city where there are a lot of people, it is associated with very specific difficulties.

    So, before the sudden emergence of ambitions for power over the world, you still need to at least find out about the talisman maximum and cope with its capabilities, and then suddenly when you brainwash politicians, the talisman will take it and it will fail ... Somehow silly will be Moreover, the hero already has everything he needs - be it money or freedom of action, he has something to lose.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 24, 2017 9:38

    Thank you very much for your comments. Everything said in the previous post is absolutely true. Plus, do not forget that the events described in the story take place in the distant 2003 and the main character just finished the 3rd year of university, so far from the desire to command the world, it’s still far away. At this stage, he should at least understand his life :)


    • Rating: 0
  • Fay (a guest)
    25 February 2017 17:49

    Super!!! When is the sequel?
    Let Alexey try himself as a bi ... I must try everything :)


    • Rating: 0
  • vatnick (a guest)
    February 27, 2017 17:55

    I reread the previous parts and appeared prostba-do not throw Seryoga, with him even more diverse


    • Rating: 0
  • February 28, 2017 8:58

    Thanks for your comments. Regarding bi ..., I do not promise anything :), but we will try to introduce diversity without Sergey, although it may also appear.


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