1. The stone of desire. Prologue. Part 1: Stall
  2. The stone of desire. Part 2: Park
  3. The stone of desire. Part 3: Toy
  4. The stone of desire. Part 4: The Stranger
  5. The stone of desire. Part 5: Fisherwoman
  6. The stone of desire. Part 6: The Village
  7. The stone of desire. Part 7: Metamorphosis
  8. The stone of desire. Part 8: Bath day
  9. The stone of desire. Part 9: Dreams Come True
  10. The stone of desire. Part 10: Role Playing
  11. The stone of desire. Part 11: The Power of the Stone
  12. The stone of desire-2. Part 1: Off the city
  13. The stone of desire-2. Part 2: On the Run
  14. The stone of desire-2. Part 3: New Temptations
  15. The stone of desire-2. Part 4: Going Back
  16. Wish stone -2. Part 5: In a new place
  17. The stone of desire-2. Part 6: The Big Secret
  18. The stone of desire-2. Part 7: All-in
  19. The stone of desire-2. Part 8: Public Games
  20. The stone of desire-2. Part 9: The collapse of hope
  21. Stone of Desires-3. Part 1: All over again
  22. The stone of desire. Part 2: Revelations
  23. The stone of desire. Part 4: Preparation
  24. The stone of desire. Part 5: The Other Side of the Medal
  25. The stone of desire. Part 6: Payback

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The sun was already quite high when I finally deigned to untie my eyes. I really didn’t want to get up, but the stiff neck did not give rest. Honestly, I had to sleep on the old couch, which was a little shorter than my height, so I was even slightly surprised that there was only a neck. Stretching my stiff muscles slightly, I took out a cigarette and, looking out into the yard, lit a cigarette.

"And now what?" I asked myself, dragging myself out with a bitter smoke.

It was not reasonable to stay here, and there was a dilemma in front of me. On the one hand, it was necessary to find a secluded place, but on the other hand, I did not want to get into the washing pit. Having estimated all the risks, I stopped at the fact that the main task at the moment is to understand what is happening with the talisman and how to manage it. Moreover, both points were equally important, and this can be done only in the field. Therefore, it was decided to find a temporary shelter somewhere on the outskirts, and from there to make their attacks.

My thoughts were interrupted by the quiet rumbling of the stomach. And really. Time went by for dinner, but I still had not even had breakfast. Mentally cursing that I didn’t empty the master refrigerator before I left, I walked out of the rickety house and looked around. In principle, it was possible to look into the nearest hut, and to have a snack, but I did not know how long my exile would last, so it would be advisable to stock up on provisions for a longer period. To my luck, the nearest store was not far, but you still need to get to it, which meant an easy walk through the village.

"So! Now everyone is busy with the housekeeping until the sun has risen even higher and the air is hot, ”I encouraged myself, and smiled, remembering the owner of this store, Zinaida.

At first, I carefully looked around, afraid to get caught on the way, and periodically stopped, listening to my own feelings. But soon I got sick of it, and, adding to the step, I went bolder.

I was right. Throughout the journey, I met only one old woman, who paid absolutely no attention to me. I mentally imagined how my grandmother had been seduced by wild passion and she, shuffling her feet, was chasing me, raising a column of dust. Spreading into a smile, I finally relaxed, and going to the shop, I took the door handle and pulled it towards me. It was already the beginning of the first, and, to my unspeakable relief, the door was open. True, relief was short-lived.

I even managed to wonder why she was so tightly opened and pulled her harder, as Zina literally fell out of the open door at me. Apparently, she just wanted to close the store for lunch, and firmly grasped the handle to pull the door and close the bolt, but at that moment I opened it, pulling the girl out next.

I barely had time to retreat, so that we did not clash with our foreheads, but at that very moment Zina finally lost her balance, and collapsed sideways into my arms. Automatically, not letting her fall, I firmly squeezed her, clearly feeling her elastic, strong chest in my palm. She was in the same dress, so that only a thin layer of matter separated her chest from my palm.

Memories, like a couple of days ago, her petrified nipples slammed into my palm, while I was hollowing her pussy, hit me, crushing my mind like a house of cards.

“Mmm ...” - a small shiver ran through my body, making me shiver.

“... How nice it was to observe her exposure ... submission ...” - my hand squeezed her chest even more.

- Hey! What do you allow yourself! - her clear voice for a moment pulled me out of oblivion, forcing me to unclench my hands.

Zina jerked sharply, escaped from my arms, and jumped back into the store. Her fiery hair was scattered, flashing in the rays of the bright sun, like a fire. The shoulder-strap treacherously fell from one shoulder, and slightly slid down the arm, dragging along a part of the dress designed to cover the chest, slightly exposing one of the resilient mounds. Unable to look away from her chest, richly covered with freckles, I exhaled loudly, and like a predator, who had driven his prey into a corner, confidently entered next.

- And it's you! - Zina recognized me and, with undisguised relief, smiled.

Her voice sounded hollow in my mind, as if coming from the bottom of a deep well. Her closeness, her intoxicating scent, her breasts ... I did not understand what she was saying, I wanted only one ... Her! Everything else faded into the background, hated by smoke, and becoming absolutely not important.

The girl smiled sweetly. Her fear passed, she relaxed, and at the same time her consciousness was completely in the power of the talisman. In the back of her mind, she still managed to figure out that something was wrong, and, following my gaze, her hand jerked to straighten the straps back, but ...

She no longer belonged to herself. As her hand rose to her shoulder, she gradually slowed down, her breathing grew deeper, and her eyes lost their meaningfulness. Touching the strap, Zina froze for a moment, and instead of returning the runaway back, slowly pulled her hand out of it. Then from the other. A moment and the dress hung limply on the hips, and the next moment, formlessly fell to the floor.

She was beautiful.

I took a step forward, and we literally rushed into each other’s arms. Our lips merged into a kiss, and tongues entwined in a passionate rush to penetrate as far as possible. Zina clutched at my T-shirt, and with a force pulled her up, which made her crack at the seams. For a moment, tearing off our lips, I pulled it over my head, and, running my hand into the girl's hair, once again dug into her lips. My cock swelled and begged for freedom, with a force pushing at the shorts from the inside, and threatening to tear them. The lips were already beginning to hurt, but we could not tear ourselves away, literally eating each other.

While I crushed her breasts with ecstasy, lightly pinching the petrified nipples, her deft fingers, unbuttoned the belt, and pulled the shorts down to their knees. A member, jumping out like a devil from a snuffbox, instantly sat up, buried in her smooth tummy. Squeezing his base hand, she eagerly shivered.

- Oh my God! How I want you! - on one exhale, she growled, rolling her eyes.

Before I could, I was free of the shorts dangling on my knees, as she, without releasing my dick, dragged me to the side where, near the window, there was a small table for visitors. Clumsily jumping, I almost screwed up, but finally managed to release one leg, and jerking the other hard, I smashed the remnants of my clothes, far to the side.

Zanaida, turning abruptly, sat down on the table, from which he squeaked tightly, and spread her legs wide apart, invitingly pulled her panties to the side, exposing the swollen sex lips covered with wet hair. I did not have to ask me twice.Having summed up the inflated crimson head to the entrance of the vagina, I slightly pressed my hips, and she almost met with no resistance, fell into her hot bosom.

- Yes! - gritting her teeth, the beauty growled and, having wrapped her arms around my neck, with a force pulled her to her.

Stretching the pliable walls of the vagina, my trunk rushed inside.

- What are you hot! - I groaned, driving him to the very end.

Penetrating ever deeper, he, with a squish, gradually filled the entire free space. As soon as our pubes touched, Zina threw her legs around my buttocks, even more pressing herself.

- Oh yeah! - She moaned, curving with her whole body, and thrusting her claws into my back.

Overcoming the resistance of her legs, I slightly passed back and again fell into her hot cave, loudly slapping eggs on the sticky crotch. Then another, and another, and another ...

- P-continue-AI! - Zina groaned, gasping, shaking her fiery shock of hair to the beat of my dives.

Holding her back, I rhythmically pecked her pussy, which, rather squishing, with greed, took my trunk to its full length. The table squeaked plaintively under the weight of our bodies, but steadfastly held on.

The girl leaned back and lay down, running her fingers into the shock of her hair ....

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