1. The stone of desire. Prologue. Part 1: Stall
  2. The stone of desire. Part 2: Park
  3. The stone of desire. Part 3: Toy
  4. The stone of desire. Part 4: The Stranger
  5. The stone of desire. Part 5: Fisherwoman
  6. The stone of desire. Part 6: The Village
  7. The stone of desire. Part 7: Metamorphosis
  8. The stone of desire. Part 8: Bath day
  9. The stone of desire. Part 9: Dreams Come True
  10. The stone of desire. Part 10: Role Playing
  11. The stone of desire. Part 11: The Power of the Stone
  12. The stone of desire-2. Part 1: Off the city
  13. The stone of desire-2. Part 2: On the Run
  14. The stone of desire-2. Part 3: New Temptations
  15. The stone of desire-2. Part 4: Going Back
  16. Wish stone -2. Part 5: In a new place
  17. The stone of desire-2. Part 6: The Big Secret
  18. The stone of desire-2. Part 7: All-in
  19. The stone of desire-2. Part 8: Public Games
  20. The stone of desire-2. Part 9: The collapse of hope
  21. Stone of Desires-3. Part 1: All over again
  22. The stone of desire. Part 2: Revelations
  23. The stone of desire. Part 4: Preparation
  24. The stone of desire. Part 5: The Other Side of the Medal
  25. The stone of desire. Part 6: Payback

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“It’s time to correct the mistakes,” I sharply rose and tried to reach Nicholas’s consciousness.

It boiled right before our eyes, and since the excited consciousness was more difficult to control, it was first necessary to cool it. The images of the incident were the brightest in his head, so I decided not to waste forces on their removal, but replaced myself with them.

The anger immediately subsided, and Nikolai relaxed, as if after a good, albeit a stranger, sex.

I did the same with Zina. Most likely, this couple had plans to play a little bit, because I could not explain more than others, its readiness for intimacy. She was just excited when the talisman tied our minds together.

While I was doing all the manipulations, Zina managed to pull on her dress, so when I got dressed, I made the last adjustments to this performance: my unexpected appearance.

I snapped my fingers theatrically, attracting attention.

- Good afternoon! Are you not closed yet? As time I managed, - I broke into a smile as friendly as possible.

Zina looked at me in confusion, but apparently her mind finally digested new memories, building them into a logical flow, and she smiled.

- Hello, is there anything in need? - she turned and, making a relaxed look, went to the counter.

Along the way, she threw a fleeting glance at her panties, lying around the wall, but tried not to focus attention on it.

“Sorry if I interfered, it was just revealed,” I made a guilty look, barely restraining myself from laughing.

“No, nothing,” Zina replied, and exchanged a glance with the man.

- You see, I am going on a small hike, and I wanted to buy groceries on the road.

Trying to keep myself in hand, the girl helped me to deal with their poor assortment, and, typing a full backpack of provisions, plus a couple of bags of intoxicating drink, I paid, and, having wished a good day, I got out.

“Yes ... went for some bread ..." - I finally allowed myself to laugh, and, taking a cigarette, hung it on my lip.

Having made a couple of puffs, I took a deep breath and sauntered toward the forest. And where else would I go? At least on the shore of the pond, it was possible to combine business with pleasure. There, I, at a minimum, will be far away from the population, and as a maximum I will rest.

My road to the reservoir passed almost without incident, except for one interesting point.

On the way to the forest, internal tension began to gradually increase, gradually turning into a little excitement. The strange feeling of deja vu made me stop and look around. No one.

After waiting a couple of minutes, I moved on, slowly walking under the spreading arches of the trees. Excitement slightly increased. No, it was not a wild desire ... so ... butterflies in the stomach, as they like to express themselves over the hill. No more. However, I stopped again and listened.

Silence, and only cheerful chirping of birds, quickly fluttering from branch to branch.

- Stop! Come on! - I blurted out loud, not believing my own hunch.

No matter how trivial it might seem, the explanation was only one. All those sounds of nature with which we are so touched, in essence, mean a few simple things: someone wants to eat, someone eats, someone wants to mate and someone mates. The last for me was already a sore point. And the memories of how, upon arrival in the village, the dog unconditionally listened to my mental order and recognized me for his own, put a fat point in my reasoning.

“Now what? Jump on the twigs and fuck squirrels! ”- I tried to defuse the oppressive situation, gradually returning to the edge of the forest.

Having listened to my inner feelings again, I went into the depths of the forest several times until I finally became convinced that I didn’t lose my mind, which means that it was not dangerous for me. But nevertheless, I decided to move forward on light forests.

At the pond everything was quiet and peaceful. A couple of fishermen, a few holidaymakers and a warm sun. Having found a secluded place, I had a wonderful day, finally getting a good rest.

Honestly, I even had the idea to stay, spend the night there, but the lack of shelter, and the setting clouds, forced me to return to the village in search of refuge.

By the time I got to the first house, it was already starting to rain.

It was getting dark. There was not a soul on the street, and this allowed me to look around a little. There was no desire to wait for a wait, so I simply looked for the presence of an outbuilding suitable for an overnight stay.

Looking around a bit, I headed for one of the houses. I do not know what attracted me exactly in it, however, having come closer, I realized that perhaps this is an ideal option. The house was on the extreme line, and its site, with its distant end, rested against the forest. There was also a small building, which, judging by the presence of the pipe, was a bath, which meant, perhaps, a comfortable overnight stay. The rain was getting stronger, so I did not go in from the rear, but by carefully opening the gate, I came in from the main entrance.

From the booth, which I didn’t notice right away, I heard a romp and a rather impressive size muzzle popped out of it. Confirming my recent conjecture, I easily touched the consciousness of the watchdog, who, having immediately lost all interest in me, lay down again to sleep.

Carefully getting past the luminous windows, I went into the courtyard, and headed for the bath. Fortunately, the door was not locked, and, pulling the handle, I went inside. As soon as I crossed the threshold, warm, dry air enveloped me. Bath recently heated. I touched the stove. She was still hot.

- Kaif! - I threw off wet clothes, and hung them on a rope closer to the heat.

Dressing in the dry, I sat down in the waiting room and, taking out my simple supplies, slightly refreshed myself, after which I sat down near the ajar door, enjoying the sound of the rain, and pounded a cigarette. My eyes began to stick together, and I began to look at how comfortable it was to sit.

There was a wide bench in the waiting room filled with basins and littered with a bunch of clothes. Having carefully loaded everything into a corner, I cleared a place for myself to sleep, and, settling myself comfortably, I immediately fell asleep.

Balancing on the verge of sleep and reality, I felt like I was literally overwhelmed with warmth. It became very cozy and ... a familiar light appeared in the back of the mind.

I abruptly sat on the bench and opened my eyes. The dream disappeared like a hand.

“Quiet, quiet ...” - I tried to calm myself.

Focusing, I made sure that there was only one light, so you should not panic. I lay down again, I closed my eyes and watched him. He gradually grew, which meant the growing excitement of his mistress. In fact, there were two lights, which is obviously true, the second one, which belonged to a man, could be considered the shadow of the first one, since he did not bother me with absolutely no sideways.

Having nothing to do, I tried to touch this consciousness and again I was overwhelmed by the heat of love and desire.In the groin nicely tightened, and the blood began to flow slowly to the genital organ.

I opened my eyes again and took a breath.

"Yes ... someone is very good now, and it will be even better ... if the peasant has enough strength," I smiled mischievously, and taking out a cigarette, I went out into the street.

It's already dark. The rain cooled the air and breathed easily and freely. My head cleared, and I lit a cigarette, I sat right on the threshold. I closed my eyes and watched the light when another crazy idea came to my mind.

“And the truth is, what am I waiting for ... a better moment for experiments and you can’t think of it!” - I began to fidget.

Having made a deep draw, I tried to fully focus all my attention on this firefly, and to begin with, at least to determine where its owner was.

I succeeded almost immediately. I just went from reverse. After all, I could see a person, catch his mind, and why not the other way around. Not,... Read more →

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