1. The stone of desire. Prologue. Part 1: Stall
  2. The stone of desire. Part 2: Park
  3. The stone of desire. Part 3: Toy
  4. The stone of desire. Part 4: The Stranger
  5. The stone of desire. Part 5: Fisherwoman
  6. The stone of desire. Part 6: The Village
  7. The stone of desire. Part 7: Metamorphosis
  8. The stone of desire. Part 8: Bath day
  9. The stone of desire. Part 9: Dreams Come True
  10. The stone of desire. Part 10: Role Playing
  11. The stone of desire. Part 11: The Power of the Stone
  12. The stone of desire-2. Part 1: Off the city
  13. The stone of desire-2. Part 2: On the Run
  14. The stone of desire-2. Part 3: New Temptations
  15. The stone of desire-2. Part 4: Going Back
  16. Wish stone -2. Part 5: In a new place
  17. The stone of desire-2. Part 6: The Big Secret
  18. The stone of desire-2. Part 7: All-in
  19. The stone of desire-2. Part 8: Public Games
  20. The stone of desire-2. Part 9: The collapse of hope
  21. Stone of Desires-3. Part 1: All over again
  22. The stone of desire. Part 2: Revelations
  23. The stone of desire. Part 4: Preparation
  24. The stone of desire. Part 5: The Other Side of the Medal
  25. The stone of desire. Part 6: Payback

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- uh ...

The elevator door closed, leaving me alone to stand in the stairwell.

“We must get out of the city!” - with this thought I slammed the door and rushed to get ready.

To my inexpressible joy, Kate thought of throwing the bedclothes into the washing machine, and she had to finish the laundry soon. Having estimated that in half an hour nothing criminal would happen, I set to work.

While I was collecting all the things I needed, a whole swarm of thoughts was spinning in my head. Obviously, my morning dream was not such, and I really was in the body of that girl. That this is another talisman prank, too, there was no doubt, but what is he still capable of ... here, as always, some questions. The first thought was to hide it somewhere and get some rest. But as soon as I thought about it, a slight panic swept over me.

“What if they steal?” What if ... "- I immediately threw this idea back and returned my reasoning to the previous rut.

Probably, such a surge of activity, caused by my arrival in the city, which means you need to get out of here and try to figure out everything in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Having finished my preparations, I closed the door, went out into the street and looked around. I was surrounded by a bunch of people going about their business, and to be honest, such a flock, in the light of recent events, was slightly frightening.

- Well! What to be, that cannot be avoided! - I waved my head and, after lighting a cigarette, set off.

Public transport definitely disappeared, so I immediately went to the cars, standing next to the bus stop. Going to the nearest taxi driver, I shoved him a couple of large bills, and, saying what the village was called, he plopped down in the back seat.

The car began to shake and smoothly began to move, and I, leaning back on the seat, silently stared out the window.

“So, what we have in the dry residue. First, the talisman not only replenishes my strength, but also overwhelms them. This has its advantages, you just need to keep everything under control. The question is how? Secondly, the talisman can transfer my mind to the body of another person. This is already something new ... Thirdly, either the strength of the talisman is growing, or my skills in using them are growing. Or ... his skills in using me grow ... "

The car in the meantime got out of the city, and gently swaying, rushing on the highway.

Gently taking out the talisman, I began to examine it. During the time of owning them, I probably learned by heart every dimple on its surface. Here he is. Exactly the way I found it.

“But something has changed!” - I took out a cigarette and opened the window.

The taxi driver wanted to be indignant, but having touched his consciousness, I completely discouraged his interest in his person. It was so easy and unobtrusive that I was even slightly surprised.

"Yes ... Riddles in the darkness ..." - I smiled, remembering Gollum.

I lit a cigarette, I removed the talisman and sat back in the backseat. We had already driven away from the city for a considerable distance, and the fact that the escape had passed without any excesses could not but rejoice. The anxious feeling was gone, and at the same time, a little fatigue came, therefore, having finished smoking a cigarette, I sprawled on the seat and dozed off.

I woke up, because the car slowed down sharply and, opening my eyes, I saw that we had almost arrived. At first I wanted to go to the “center” and take a short walk, but then I decided that at the moment this is not the best idea. Therefore, the taxi driver drove me to the house.

Going into the yard, I closed the gate behind me and went into the house. To my joy, the door was open, though there was no one inside. Throwing my junk into the room, I went outside again and walked around the site looking at buildings, in one of which I found Natalia.

- Knock Knock! Good afternoon! - I knocked lightly on the door jamb and went inside.

- Oh! Scared! - Natalya turned and, recognizing me, broke into a smile. - Have you returned?

- Yeah, where is everyone?

- Swim gone. Already, probably, about an hour, - she pulled down her robe, putting herself in order.

I remembered how the first time I attacked her, in a nearby barn, and this memory, responded with a shiver to me.

- Probably, in two hours they will only return, or even later ... - Natalya slyly smiled, giving a slight wink at me.

I literally felt how the excitement arose in the depths of her consciousness, and began to grow rapidly. She took a couple of steps to meet me. Her eyes glittered treacherously, and her breathing became deeper. I did not expect such a pressure, and slightly pulled back. However, my groin was pleasantly tightened, and the slight excitement slightly turned my head, so instead of going outside, I made a mistake with the direction and put my back to the wall. Natalia came closer and I was enveloped in her intoxicating aroma. As if in slow motion, I saw her hand rise to touch me.

"So! Stop! I'm not going to be a puppet! ”- my mind literally exploded from the inside.

I tried to pull myself together and concentrate. For a moment, closing my eyes, I seemed to see her consciousness in front of me and, without hesitating for a second, tore the scarlet thread of her lust for me with the root, after which, completely, removed all the memories of our closeness, replacing them with her fantasies.

Sensing her touch, I opened my eyes.

“You’d walk, you’ve rested from the road, otherwise you’ve already got dirty ...” She shook the dust off my shoulder and, smiling sweetly, returned to her business.

My heart was pounding.

“Yes, I'll wait for them at home,” I mumbled, and carefully went out into the courtyard.

Excitement slowly subsided, as if he had never been. Walking along the path, I sat down on my favorite stump, behind a bath, and lit it.

“Eh ... Again, almost covered. This is not the first time today ... “- I deeply inhaled and, firing a cloud of smoke, I looked towards the barn.

Leaning my back on the bath, I tried to analyze my condition and understand what was wrong again. It is obvious that Natalya has long been dominated by a talisman. From our first meeting. And her excitement is also understandable. However, why such a violent reaction ...

"It is not clear", - I dragged on one more time and stretched my legs.

There was not a cloud in the sky. The sun was shining with might and main, red-hot the surrounding air, and even in the shade it became hot.

“Although ... And where did I get that the reaction was stormy. Yes, she came to me. I wanted to touch. Why not? After all that was between us. I know that she is influenced by a talisman, but for her, everything is natural. Heck! I'm going to be so paranoid! What, I am now from all scare! Not! So it will not work! ”- I abruptly rose and, having extinguished a cigarette, went into the house.

Having quickly changed clothes, I again left to the yard.

"To hell with all of it! It’s necessary to unwind! ”- with these thoughts, I glanced over to Natalia, and, putting her on notice, headed towards the reservoir.

The weather was wonderful. In anticipation that I would soon reach the pond and plunge into the cool water, I did not notice how the whole village passed through and found itself on the edge. Entering under the arches of the trees, I literally felt that a wave of excitement was covering me again.A shiver passed through the body, and the penis began to show signs of life, gradually increasing in size. I froze and looked around.

No one ...

- Yeah! Gotcha! - with a loud cry, Ksyush jumped out from behind the tree and literally hung on my neck.

- Ha! You should see your face! - at the same time, Nastya’s contented face appeared from behind another tree.

Fully immersed in my thoughts, I did not notice when they had time to ambush me, which allowed them to take me by surprise.

Today, Ksyusha was wearing one of sarafans, bought on arrival here. He was almost the same cut as Nastin, except for his length. Hanging around my neck, the girl deftly threw me around with her slender legs, and in order to prevent her from falling, I automatically caught her buttocks. And without that not a long hem ... Read more →

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