1. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 1
  2. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 2
  3. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 3
  4. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 4
  5. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 6
  6. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 5
  7. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 7
  8. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 8
  9. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 9
  10. Diary of Colonel Aviation. Part 10

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Early the headquarters insistently asked to drive in his car with snipers to the 172nd division, the spotter tortured them there, and they won’t find out where he was hiding. At the same time to transfer a new bag with medicines to nurse Anastasia Pavlovna Vishnevskaya. And laughing, they say, be careful with her, Kuban Cossack and just like a hereditary witch, a beautiful and terrible impatient. One of our dashing major wanted to “loan” her, and then walked half the night, he could not even find his house in which he had settled before, on the next day he even became unwell a little. Well, she told him in the morning:

- Once again you will pester me - blame yourself, got it? Then not one will get up. In general, you will be like semi-idiot. - A bit I was even afraid of this witch, even if I didn’t blurt out anything by accident, but I must go - the order of the army chief of staff! We went five of us, hid the car, examined the positions from the hillock and I almost immediately spotted the spotter in the excellent trophy binoculars "Carl Zeiss" - in the oak crown. So the girls soon blurted out in one gulp, and right there German, as we later joked - "crashed down from the oak." So beautiful he crashed! More boldly, in hell you were already waiting!

And only we went to the headquarters of the division to report, the girls were very pleased that they so dexterously fulfilled our Petrushevsky request, as you see here - a nurse goes towards us, yes, just like a Cossack, like in a movie - tall, stately, a figure - you will rock , on the chest is almost horizontally a medal, and what a beauty! She passed by, proudly looking away from the girls, and I came out from behind the trees and after her: “Anastasia Pavlovna! And I brought you a gift! ”She slowly turned around, I smiled at this beauty and just wanted to file a new bag with a cross, and she suddenly loudly sighed and stroked her smart chest with her hand. She took a step towards me and stumbled a little, and I set my hands and our hands met, I squeezed her hot fingers firmly, but gently. We stand like this, we look each other in the eyes and we are silent. Echida Zoya immediately issued, of course she could not keep silent at all:
- Comrade Captain, you hold her hands so tightly, and the nurse Vishnevskaya is known as touchy. Release her hands already, otherwise you hold them so tight! It seems that she is not going to run away.

- And I don’t want something to let my hands go. It’s even strange to myself, for some reason, it’s so good for me that Comrade Captain holds my hands, ”this amazing beauty said quietly, and the girls were clearly taken aback. Well, what her eyes are, you can just drown in them. And her lips are plump so burning, no lipstick is needed, I even moaned softly - I want to kiss them so much! Well, I finally handed her a bag and tell the girls to step back, otherwise they’ll just cover us with mortar gunners, they spotted the shots. Already shoot, hear, they want to revenge for their spotter. And this stately Anastasia's hands in the sides, like a true Cossack girl, well, and quite slyly: “What, were you scared staff? Do you hang out? Cowards? ”Yes, there was a whistle of mines, I shouted at the snipers, and grabbed this steal and, holding tight to the waist and, clinging to me, literally dragged to the side, there was an explosion, a very strong blow to the back and we both fall.
When the Germans stopped throwing mines, we looked, the girls ran towards me, and here the situation was - I lay in the ravine on this impish Anastasia, and even got settled between her legs, brashly spreading them apart, but I can’t stand up, my back became dumb and something so much pain.The girls picked me up, Nastya started screaming that I was a little coward, so I was also a scoundrel and a libertine, and the girls, seeing that I was not in myself, pulled off my German satchel and gymnast and gasped - my whole shirt was bleeding. Well, here Olya, no less malicious, than this Nastya, loudly issued that this “rascal and libertine” saved the nurse, he closed his body and two pieces from the knapsack stick out. You, Nastya, now he has to drink vodka for the rest of his life, such a word! Now tie it up, or you know how to scream, you see, his back is covered in blood, you closed it!

I sat down, Olya filed a German first-aid kit and Nastya, having washed off the blood, covered the wounds with streptocide and sealed them with plasters, also making an injection from the same first-aid kit - the pharmaceuticals of the Germans are strong. And then Nastya asked, looking at the girls, saying that you, girls look at me like that, you have such evil looks that I did not do that, well, they turned away, and Olya was loud:
- Why, one coward saved a girl, cowardly covering her with his body, cowardly getting two pieces in the back. If it were not for this coward, then you would have torn off your beautiful tits and then you, my dear, would be dragged by your feet to the mass grave. These are the cowardly captains in our army. Fool you ungrateful, Nastya! Yes, you owe our captain the coffin of life!

I began to dress, and Nastya began to kiss me and apologize, realizing that I had definitely saved her. And then there is laughter and sin - some senior political instructor flies up and let's yell that we are kissing here, immediately to all of us in the trenches, we need to destroy the German spotter. And, of course, behind him, what kind of political worker with the rank of six is ​​behind him — henchs. And while he was screaming, I saw the short brilliance of the optics in the distance on another big tree and, with a snarl - “Sniper!”, Grabbed Anastasia and threw her to the ground. A deaf thump of a bullet into a tree, the senior political officer goggled at the perturbation that he was not being listened to, and then another hole appeared on his forehead, then, when the second, vociferous political officer screamed like a woman and began to run away - yes, he also got a bullet in the back . Dashing German sniper! But the girls are great - noticing the place, then with two exact volleys they tore the crown of the tree and the body of this sniper flew down, tearing off the branches.

And I lie on Nastya and kiss her with delight! The girls then told us that they were in shock - the sniper was beating him with might and main, they responded, they all were yelling, he had filled up two more brave commanders, and we were kissing. Well, apparently it worked instinct self-preservation! After taking the girls and Nastya, we went back so that nurse Vishnevskaya would receive medicines for the whole division from the head of the army. Well, once lunch, then we all then sat down in a cozy dugout snipers and, after eating a liquid soup, paid tribute to canned food.
And to Nasty's malicious question, that they say, staff officers were given out of German canned food, I replied that the girls had cowardly almost destroyed the German landing force, and that was them, the fascists, the landing bag from the NZ - our trophy, we also took it cowardly in battle , cowardly lumping a hefty Essesovtsev. There are two “Schmeisers” on the wall, we also "cowardly" took them from battle. Zoya and Kira came in too, then I asked Zoya to look at my back, it hurts a little. She conjured and made an anti-tetanus prick, then anaesthetizing, slightly cursing Nastya, at the same time changing the adhesive plasters. And now the new guest, Captain Voronin with a bottle of Khvanchkara, invites me to his regiment.

Everyone in the regiment is delighted with my courage and salvation of pilots. This is simply unbelievable - I dragged both crews from the German rear, and they were already considered dead. The girls are immensely happy - I literally pulled them out of the mouth of death! Her whole regiment thanks me, but Ravil has already seduced her coward navigator and wants to marry her, here's the news.

Well, Zoya could not help but laugh away, saying that nurse Vishnevskaya said that I was a coward. And Galina issued that Captain Sokolov is a real warrior, a real man, very brave and clever, sat in the rear of the Germans and saved two crews from their regiment. And if someone else blurs out such a thing like that, she will simply shoot him — the pilots of the saved will be grateful to Pavel Ivanovich until the end of their days.I got up to put on a gymnast, and Anastasia started kissing me and apologizing right in the chest. Well, Olya again surpassed that now I, like a real man, must marry Nastya, especially after what happened between us. Nastya sat down, but I got dressed and, after kissing Nastya, asked her not to leave, he went to headquarters - once the task was completed, we had to report urgently, otherwise soon there would be eight or nine "eagles" who boldly destroyed the spotter and the sniper. Well, tell the girls pilots of the 223 regiment ...

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