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To her surprise, Ivana was no longer there, and in the upper room stood some unpleasant, doggy spirit. Frightened, I ran out into the yard and only then noticed in the distance at the edge of the forest a strange company consisting of Ivan, a blue monster in a mortar, from which water was splashed out, and a large gray wolf. Trinity was clearly heading for the hunt. Lyubava sighed and returned to the house. Something stabbed her in the side, and she immediately pulled out a magic mirror.

- What kind of dream will you show me today? - whispered, almost touching the mirror smooth surface. The mirror was sweating and slightly trembling. Lyubava quickly took off her dress and threw herself on the bed. Lips hotly pressed to a cold object and felt her again sleepy. The girl tried to hold on, but her eyelids were filled with lead and after a moment she was asleep.

A new dream began quite differently. The girl was waiting for the familiar lights, but they were not all. Suddenly a wave swept over her feet and rolled back. It cost her to think that the water will now flood and soak everything in the hut, as the next one fell on her feet, reaching to the middle of her calf. Soft foam waves enveloped her body, giving a slight chill. The waves were clearly not in a hurry to pour it over their heads, they then advanced on a certain part of the body, then retreated again. She longed to accelerate them, but they did not submit to her desires. A centimeter by centimeter, they conquered her body, conquering it with the cool tenderness of water flows. She spread her hips, but the waves again, like yesterday's lights, went around her bosom and rose on her stomach.

Suddenly, an incredibly large wave covered her head. Lyubava was terrified, realizing that she had nothing to breathe, but the wave recoiled. Only she took a breath, as the second, even more impetuous, washed over her. Streams of water flooded her body, caressed and rolled back. The pace of the waves was growing, and she lost count of how many times they poured her head. What is strange, she was already waiting for each next wave and seemed to be eager to meet her. The waves were all accelerating, and at some instant she felt the elastic pressure of water between her legs. Smooth flow rammed her bosom, but something stopped him. Faster and faster the waves rolled on the girl, and between her legs she felt something that could not be described. Suddenly she arched, so that her body burst out from under the waves that enveloped him, and with a silent scream again plunged beneath them. A few more shudders in the snow-white foam that covered her body, and she fell silent.

Lyubava woke up, still feeling a slight chill. In the upper room was an unusual, fresh smell, which she had never heard before. Her lips were barely noticeable, she licked them and felt a strange salty taste. Ivan never appeared. Thoughtful, she came out of the hut and decided to walk in the woods. Going quite far away, she heard the sounds of a drunken revel. Coming closer, she saw a familiar trinity in the company of forest mawok, a kikimor yes leshey. They were clearly fun and cozy. Unable to withstand this spectacle, Lyubava turned around and ran, wherever they looked.

She ran and walked, and ran again, until she fell exhausted in the deaf more often. Sitting on a soft moss under an old oak tree, the poor thing fell asleep. Tired and beautiful and forgot to think about their wonderful dreams, but this time something strange happened. In her dream she did not have a sundress or a shirt. She lay naked on bare ground, waiting, not knowing what would happen to her this time.

Having felt how the soil heats up under it, Lyubava was hardly surprised. Suddenly she thought she was going underground. There was almost no fear. Then I realized that it was the earth itself, turned into warm and soft clay, enveloping her body. As if the diligent sculptor created a new masterpiece from her body. Softly and lightly, someone invisible doused it with viscous clay, stroked, patted, forcing them to turn into an amazing clay vessel filled with live and hot flesh.The earth pulsed under her, and Lyubava felt incredible force pushing her legs apart, raising her arms, and a heavy layer of warm material enveloping them. She was practically immobilized and shackled to the ground. Invisible hands deftly wielded, shackling the body in real armor. The girl felt how the material on her hands and feet dried up, how the surface of the clay on her body tightened. The flesh burned and melted with every new touch. Finally, she was completely covered with a thick layer, cementing her, not allowing her to move, pressing on her chest, so it was hard to breathe. Only the entrance to the fold again remained open. And now the master of invisibility got to this last island of her body. Clay took a strange form and again tried to push a move to fill it from the inside. Lyubava's shackled body felt smooth blows between her legs, which made her drunk, she waited for them and received, faster and faster. In ecstasy, she felt the body again overtaking an incredible sensation, first experienced in a previous dream. More and more, it exploded it without ever getting inside, and now, with the last wave of pleasure, the clay creation of the wonder-master trembled, began to crack and crumbled into thousands of tiny pieces.

In the following days, Lyubava lived in a fog. Ivan came and disappeared again, she almost did not pay attention to him. Strange personalities, already familiar grandmothers, some suspicious grandfathers, visited the house, once they tried to climb a couple of Gorynych's heads at the door, but she rather rudely slammed the door right into the monster’s face.

After another dream, which turned her body into smooth blocks of pink marble in combination with precious stones, Lyubava lay still and remembering the details. She enjoyed in her memory the brilliance and weight of the stones that had recently decorated her breasts and lower abdomen. Rose quartz flickered gently on her nipples. Yakhonts and huge smaragdas appeared from nowhere, pricking her body and forming a thick belt at her waist. The forehead covered the precious crown of individual pebbles. The auricles were lined with smooth river pearls tickling her. From the chin to the shoulders, a dense necklace of small stones covered her neck, which did not allow her to move her head. And at the very end, heavy and smooth invisible someone again tried to get to the very center of her nature. She shuddered, still feeling the stinging of the stones and the way they were poured from her body along with the giant wave that washed over her after another unsuccessful attempt to attack her.

The girl could not wait for new dreams, and they came without disappointing her. With her was the wind turning into a turbulent whirlwind in the most sensitive places; hail, which showered its tender skin with sharp ice blows; lightnings slid along it, leaving a light pink scent. The mirror did not leave her for a second, but now she wore it on the very chest, near the heart.

After another dream, she found a mirror with her hand, pressed it to her lips and began to whisper passionately and hardly audibly:

- I do not know who you are, where you came from, what you want from me, but I ask you, show me, appear before me, complete what you started in my dreams. No more my strength to endure this sweet flour, no strength not to see you, not be able to touch you, not feel you near. Whatever you are - come to me, I implore you.

And her tears flowed on the mirror, and her lips kissed the salty moisture on him. She repeated her words again and again, but nothing happened. Lyubava got up, upset, went to the corner where she first found a mirror, put it in place and returned to the bed, bursting into tears. Her whole body trembled with unbearable helplessness.

Suddenly a hiss was heard, and the darkness in the corner sparkled. Lyubava turned and froze. A dark shadow, as if entwined from an even denser dusk, appeared in the corner of the hut. The shadow turned into a silhouette, more and more clearly and therefore terrible. The maiden trembled with all her body, but she could not tear her eyes away from a clot of darkness, which took on an inhuman guise. His appearance was unusual for the human eye and even scary. But Lyubava already knew this creature differently, without any fear or horror. Only impatience to quickly see it.His features were becoming more and more clear. Suddenly she saw his eyes, burning and filled with incredible sparkles. She rushed to him and fell to her knees, wrapped around his unearthly body.

It is difficult to hit the demon, but she did it. He picked up the girl, picked it up and carried it like a feather to the bed.

“I didn’t want to connect with you, not here and in this guise,” he said silently, but she heard him.

- I beg you, my dear friend, do not torment me more, my strength is not to see you only in dreams! I want to be your here and now!

He growled and found himself in it in an instant. One movement did what all the forces of nature tried to accomplish day after day. One moment lasted their merger, and at the same time it was infinite. Words cannot describe what happened that second between an earthly woman and a demon. Immediately after that, he disappeared, much faster than he appeared.

Lyubava came to her soon. The demon disappeared without a trace. Nor did Ivan appear. She could not find a place for herself, peering into a mirror, drawing strange figures along it. Suddenly the mirror flickered, and the demon’s appearance was reflected in it by darkness. She heard his thoughts:

- Lyubava, your Ivan is with us. He rushed to the wolf during the hunt and fell off him when he jumped over the gorge. His soul is already here. I still keep it at myself, not giving further. Only I suggest you make a choice. Who do you want to return to earth? Him or me? The choice is yours, and it should be made now!

Lyubava all shrank from the terrible news and from what she is about to do. Thoughts were confused, but only one word pulsed in my head.

- Ivana, save Ivan! - her thought was unspoken out loud, but the demon understood her.

- Goodbye, bright! - these were his last words for her.

The mirror was extinguished, and almost immediately the door swung open, a blue and a wolf burst into it. Lyubava saw the body of Ivan, thrown over the back of a giant wolf. Her soul went to the heels, and she rushed to her betrothed. With unprecedented force, she grabbed him and carried him to the bed, and then in fear put her ear to her chest. She snatched the mirror from under her dress, raised it to her lips, whispered something, and began to drive it over the white lips. He did not move, but the girl persisted. The mirror almost touched Ivan’s body; she was putting strange circles above him with an incredibly calm and focused expression. Friends stood quietly at the door, mouths wide open. The lips of Lubawa were barely moving.

Suddenly, Ivan’s body trembled and arched, as if someone had cut him off from the floor with unprecedented force. Lyubava held him without taking her eyes off. Taking his hand, she put it to her lips. Ivan slowly lifted heavy eyelids, and the girl screamed. She immediately saw the familiar, incredible sparkles in his eyes. The ones that I saw only once, but with nothing to confuse.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you ...”, she repeated in her mind, knowing that her message would reach her destination.

  • Fff (a guest)
    November 29, 2015 10:43

    Life does not teach women anything ...)


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2015 13:46

    Here you would write a little more :) And then it is not very clear what, in your opinion, it was necessary to learn in this case :).


    • Rating: 0
  • Fff (a guest)
    November 29, 2015 14:41

    I meant that Ivan turned out to be not such a good man and behaved like a pig, actually this behavior brought him to the point that he died and Lubava should have thought about whether to return him or not.


    • Rating: 1
  • November 29, 2015 15:04

    He was just weak, had a lot of fear. But she believes in him, knows that he can become strong. Moreover, after this test, he returned to others. Surely a revision of values, discard fears and embarrassment, and all they will have ok :).


    • Rating: 0
  • Fff (a guest)
    November 29, 2015 18:29

    That is why I wrote that women's life teaches nothing))
    People do not change)


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2015 19:34

    Nuuu ... yes))


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2015 13:48

    Dear readers, this is my first experiment in a fairy-tale genre, written not as usual - purely from my fantasies, but as a competitive task.
    Therefore, I will be very grateful for your ratings, and especially for comments.
    Write, criticize, this is important!


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2015 13:52

    And yet - as I later understood, after writing, this story is actually a hint or allegory of one process, which is very popular today. Which impressed me so much that, without realizing it, I reflected it in a fairy tale :)
    If you guess - write pliz!


    • Rating: 0
  • November 29, 2015 13:54

    Here is a link to all competition stories:
    They are all worth it to read them :) Especially if you like a cartoon and a fairy tale.


    • Rating: 2
  • November 30, 2015 23:13

    Great tale, beautiful fantasy. And, as befits a fairy tale, with deep meaning. Written very well. Thank you, Fairy.


    • Rating: 1
  • December 1, 2015 12:35

    Thank you very much)) The one who understands sees the meaning))


    • Rating: 0
  • December 1, 2015 23:06

    Link to another wonderful competitive story-continuation of the tale:


    • Rating: 0

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