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It was a quiet and calm Saturday morning. I came to the center specifically to go to one small shop where they sold uniforms, shoes, ammunition and other trifles for people like me. Having run up the steps leading to the basement room, I opened the creaking door and entered the seemingly dark little room after bright sunlight. Getting used to darkness, I looked around, surrounded by rows of shelves and hangers. The room seemed cramped due to the abundance of various goods. I went deeper, trying not to hurt anything and not to drop it.

- Good morning! - I even started, hearing a cheerful voice right behind my back.

Turning around, I saw a short man standing behind me, folding his arms across his chest. He was young, but his gray, short-cropped hair and a small beard rushed to his eyes. For some reason, his dark eyes looked impudent to me.

“Good,” I replied, without inventing anything more original.

- Something to help you? - quite traditionally he said.

“No,” I hurried to answer, “that is, yes ... I need to find a shape.”

- No problem. Which one exactly?

I pointed to the desired sample.

- Now we find. What is your size?

— 46.

- Ok, wait a second.

And the guy retired to another room. I waited, slowly strolling around the store, touching and looking at everything. Half a minute later the seller returned and handed me a package with a form. I held him, not knowing what to do.

- Something else?

“Actually, I was counting on trying it on,” I replied.

- In fact, the dimensions here are clear, everything is exactly by standards.

- But how can you buy such things without fitting? Suddenly she does not suit me?

“Then you will,” he calmly retorted, “or rather, change it.” It can always be done.

- Can it be easier to try on? - I began to get annoyed. - I do not have time to go to you every day. I specially came here on Saturday!

“I don’t mind your fitting, but you see, we don’t have a fitting room.” Usually men take the form from us, and they either do not need fittings, or measure everything right here.

- As here? - I was taken aback.

- Like this. However, if you want, you can go to the second hall. There is nobody there now.

I saw the passage, almost all covered with things, and headed towards it.

“Do not worry, no one will disturb you,” the salesman threw after me. - I will not let anyone into that room while you are there.

I quickly took off my clothes and got into uniform pants. They were terribly uncomfortable, stitched from coarse, dense fabric. The jacket was no better. The form hung on me like a stiff bag, and I felt terrible. Wearing shoes, I looked out of my "fitting room" and called the seller.

- Do not you think that I should try a smaller size?

- What for? She sits on you perfectly.

- And where is your mirror?

- Mirror? You know, somehow we do not often have a need for mirrors.

I hesitated. He glanced at the narrow socks of my patent leather heels, peeking out from under his legs, and he didn’t keep his smile.

“But you definitely need shoes,” he remarked cheerfully. - bring?

- And let's! - I'm emboldened by something.

He cheerfully went into the first hall, and I ran after him, banging his heels.

- These will arrange? - he handed me a rather rough model from the shop window. - Very reliable, good tread.

- Are there any other options?

“Well, for example,” he pointed to others, no more elegant.

- Ok, let's try both pairs. I told him my size, and he disappeared somewhere again. I sat down on a small bench, feeling how hard the skin literally scratches the skin. Terribly uncomfortable suit. The seller appeared with a pair of boxes, and deftly set them on the edge of the bench.

- What will start? - I did not have time to ask how he had already stretched the first shoe to me.

I reached for it and grimaced at the magical sensations that with each movement gave me a form.

- Well, the form you have ...- with a certain anger, I said.

“Our form is excellent,” he declared without the slightest hesitation. - But it was not worth measuring on a naked body, you still have to wear a T-shirt or a T-shirt.

- I'm not naked! - I was indignant. - I...

And then I had to shut up in order not to go into details about what was on me after all was under the form. It seems that I even blushed, but due to the lack of a mirror I could not check this fact.

“Okay, let's help,” he crouched in front of me and took my foot, slowly lowering the heel from the heel, and then even more slowly freeing the sock. I even froze in surprise.

“Your legs are probably tired, walking on such heels,” he said not at all sympathetically.

And then he began to gently rub my feet. I couldn’t find out what to say from such impudence, so I just sat stupidly and watched him, dropping on one knee in front of me, stroking and massaging the arch of the foot, fingers, foot. Whatever you say, it was very nice. But as soon as I relaxed a little, he took the shoe, put it on me and quickly laced it up. Then, just as slowly, he took off the second shoe, and then quickly shod the second shoe. I watched with disappointment as he fastened a neat bow, almost wondering why he had treated the other leg so unfairly. Fortunately, I did not find the right words, so I could not disgrace once again.

- Well, walk around! - he got up and walked back.

I got up and made a circle around the room.

“The left one is fine and the right one is pressing a little,” I said, without even thinking that it was the left leg that had just experienced a mini-massage session. And my words clearly hinted at something. He did not even eyebrow.

“Let's try the second ones,” he had already taken the second pair out of the box.

“Well,” I sat down again and did not even try to untie the laces myself. As if nothing had happened, he sat down in front of me, deftly unlaced his shoes and took them off. Then he reached for a new pair and immediately put on one leg.

“Uh,” I didn’t know what to think of, in order to declare the obvious injustice that he showed to my poor, right leg.

He looked up and strenuously made a deadpan look. As if I didn’t understand at all what I want. I had to continue.

- You know, it seems to me, the right leg, it is very numb from the heel, and now all the shoes seem uncomfortable to me.

He continued to look at me with a questioning and supposedly incomprehensible look.

- Could you massage her a little? - finally squeezed out of myself, I was wildly embarrassed.

- Of course, no problem, - he smiled slightly, and repeated his manipulations with the right foot.

I lay back and enjoyed the unexpected pleasure. This time he paid more attention to the fingers, at least it seemed so to me, and even spent a little time stroking the lower leg. Then, just as calmly, he put a shoe on me. You would think that he only does that, which massages his customers. I got up again and walked around the room.

- Well, how? Are these better?

- Yes, perhaps this model is more convenient.

I turned around and took another lap.

- And what have you got there? Stock? - I clarified, pointing to the passage.

- No, there is another room.

- Can I see?

- Of course.

I walked into the next room, which turned out to be even closer because of the jumble of goods and boxes. I had to bend down so as not to touch things hanging from the ceiling. The seller stood at the exit from the hall, quietly watching me.

- Maybe this form has some kind of defective seam? - I suggested. - He just scratches my back!

- Let's check, - he came up to me and, taking me slightly by the waist, made me turn.

From this touch I gained a little. Somehow it was not too professional for him to allow himself so much in relation to the client. But then he touched my back ...

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