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around the waist.

- Here?

“No, higher,” I felt him move his hand over his back, “even higher, yes, here it is somewhere.”

At the level of the shoulder blades, he touched me, and then I felt his hand on my neck, and this was not a touch through the fabric.

- What are you doing? - I was not too convincing.

- Check your seam that bothers you. I can't find it outside, as it should.

His palm went down my back, and I had no idea if he was touching that unfortunate seam. But he touched my back precisely, and he did it again incredibly gently and slowly. He reached for the bra clasp and slid under it. I already felt a growing ripple inside. He stopped and led the line up, then down again, as if on purpose, clinging to the clasp, then up again. I caught myself stopping and catching his every movement.

“Your skin is just too delicate,” he said in a low and, it seems, in a deeper voice, leaning toward me slightly, “of course, this fabric irritates her.

Already the usual movement, he turned me to him, still holding his waist, but was in no hurry to let me go. He looked down, carefully examining the shape. Then he removed his hands from his waist and began to study all the seams on the uniform, sweeping his fingers through it with light pressure, which I could clearly feel through thick matter. He ran along the line of his shoulder, sank down to the armpits, lightly touching his chest. Then came back, and led on the fastener from neck to navel. The fabric was really annoying, and he must have seen it. Then he returned to his breast pockets, and here I was a little frightened. He seemed to be completely cool, taking this incredible test with full seriousness.

“I’m sure these pockets annoy you too,” he remarked in a completely even tone, “I doubt that you can use them.”

- Why? I will use them like everyone else - trying not to show slightly shortness of breath, I replied - you can check!

He looked at me and reacted immediately. With two hands, he slowly, and even hesitating, as it were, opened one pocket, naturally, touching my most sensitive points. Then he took his smartphone out of his pocket and, without haste, leading them through my body and, of course, touching the already tense nipple, put it in his pocket. Not satisfied with this, he with an incredibly serious look, slowly pulled him out, still leading right across the chest, and lowered him again.

- Doesn't it interfere? He asked, not taking his eyes off me.

I hoped that I didn’t give out too much of my excitement, because he looked so cool and calm, as if he was doing something completely trivial. But my lips were open, and I was breathing clearly more often than it would have been supposed to be a normal fitting. I raised my hands, unbuttoning my second pocket, to the right. He understood, and repeated the experiment with the phone and on it, holding the pocket to the bottom with one hand, so that I felt it perfectly, and with the other, again leading the phone through my body. I was already very hot, and something incredible was happening in the lower abdomen.

Suddenly we heard a light creak, someone entered the door. He, as if nothing had happened, pulled his phone out of my breast pocket, put it in his, and slowly went to the first hall, telling me something like “sorry.”

I stood rooted to the spot, not understanding what was happening. Everything was so sudden and so fabulous. Who would have thought that an ordinary purchase could turn into such a strange, but so far insanely pleasant adventure. His game obviously turned me on and made me do things that I would never have expected from myself. I listened to what is happening in the next room. Male voices were heard dictating orders. My seller answered clearly, and his voice was completely calm. Footsteps were heard, and a couple of men entered the room where I was.I pretended to be looking at something on the rack. They seemed to pay no attention to me, quickly called the necessary things and left. The seller quickly walked past me, diving through an inconspicuous door, and soon came out with a mountain of boxes and packages. I heard how he calculated the buyers, and soon I heard the familiar creak of the door. I heard his quiet footsteps, and felt myself shivering.

He entered, and our eyes crossed. No matter how hard I tried, I did not see anything unusual in his look. He seemed calm, even too much. Coming close to me, he said:

- I think you were right. You should try on the form of another manufacturer. What do you think?

“I don't mind,” I answered quietly.

He turned around and disappeared into the storage room. He returned, already unfolding a large transparent bag. Putting the form next to me, he turned around, clearly intending to leave.

- I can not unbutton it, - I blurted out for some reason.

He turned to me, smiling softly.

- Do you want me to help you?

- Yes, if it's possible.

- Of course. Moreover, as long as there are no visitors, I can easily take care of you and only you, ”he said it absolutely smoothly, as if he was not going to do anything unusual.

He came right up so I could feel his breath. Once again I ran over my shoulders, my hands, up to my palms, then ran along the center from the abdomen to the neck, and only then began to slowly unbutton the fastener. At first he took me by the chin and made me lift my head. I looked at the ceiling, feeling, as he slowly, centimeter by centimeter frees my body from the coarseness of the matter tormenting it. He did not just touch, he caressed the more closed, hidden areas, but as soon as he opened them, he immediately immediately touched the very fingertips, gently, barely noticeably. Insanely slowly, he descended lower and lower, and I stood with my head thrown back, at the same time trying to breathe as quietly as possible, and hide from him what I was beginning to suffocate. The zipper of the jacket was finished, now I felt his hands coming back up, over his naked body, as he brushed his nipples through the thin fabric of his bra. I bit my lip to keep from groaning. His hands are on my neck, he strokes me, the fabric is roughly slipping over his shoulders, but this feeling is immediately softened by his fingers. The jacket falls to the floor, he does not pay attention to it. I feel his hands on my back, my eyes are closed and I concentrate on these sensations.

“My God, you’re really all but scratched,” he whispers, and I feel the touch of his lips on his shoulder. - How are you going to wear this uniform?

He kisses my shoulders, gradually coming down to my chest. I freeze in anticipation, but his hands are again at the waist, and he again turns me around as he wants. Now I have my back to him.

- Your back ... I even see where every seam touched you, - and now I feel a chain of kisses on my back, they all drop to the very end.

His fingers lead through the body, right above the belt, connecting above the navel, and penetrating below, slipping under the belt and under the pants, and even under the panties. I try to break free, he immediately gives in, but only to unbutton the belt and the pants themselves. I feel completely defenseless.

“Poor girl,” he whispers, driving over my hips, pulling down my pants. Then he makes me sit down on the bench, and he turns out to be in front of me, and then undresses me. With two hands he leads one hip first, then returns, one palm on the outside of the thigh, and the other on the inside. He rests on the already wet panties and goes to the second leg. He lowers them to his knees, then below, remembers the shoes, removes them quickly and dexterously, caresses the feet. I open my eyes, and finally I see his desire not hidden by anything else. He literally trembles, the muscles above his lip tremble, he does not control himself anymore. I want and wait for his next touches and kisses.

Suddenly he rises and leaves abruptly. I listen, frightened, when I decided that I had missed the creaking of the door into which, probably. already entered a new visitor .... Read more →

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