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The former classmate surprisingly affably greeted her and began to recall cases from their past life under the roof of the gymnasium No. NN. His speech was not annoyed by his hearing with excessive delicacy and abounded with untranslatable idiomatic expressions that gave her special expressiveness. Being, however, supporters of the classical style, we dare to edit some of its fragments, for which we apologize to the reader in advance.

Fedka spoke quickly and excitedly. At some point, Vale thought he wanted to ask about something, but did not dare. Finally, her companion pulled himself together and said:

- Listen, Valyuh, and you, by chance, do not act in a movie? I recently saw one movie here, so the heroine is there - just like you.

Valka immediately stiffened. She was not accustomed to lie, and it was impossible to tell the truth. Seeing her hesitations, the former classmate grew bolder and added:

- Well, surely you, and the birthmark on the neck is the same. Damn, now I can all boast that I was in the same class with a star!

Such a turn did not suit our heroine. She decided to deny everything and, trying to look calm, said:

- No, I did not act - it seems some kind of coincidence. And what kind of movie?

Fedka grinned: - Well, the movie type for adults. As if medical. Oh, stop pretending like you don't know. Listen, and you, it, in nature did an abortion or make-believe? I'm in medicine, not Copenhagen.

I had to do something about it immediately. Looking at the rascal in the eye, she snapped:

- I repeat once again, I have not filmed this in your film. Understand, moron?

“Well, of course, I didn’t act,” he grumbled. - And prove it!

- What to prove? - she did not understand. - Why should I prove something? About the presumption of innocence heard?

“The presumption of innocence,” said Fedka, raising a finger, “is about a criminal case.” And you, while, ”he made a profound pause,“ no one blames anything. ” But if you do not want me to tell everyone that you starred in porn, you can prove it. This one, in the film, has a scar on the fifth point, but one that you cannot confuse. It seems to the right. And maybe on the left - I do not remember exactly.

He grinned. “Sometimes it's better not to remember something” - a new joke.

- In general, if you do not have a scar - I am wrong, and so on. Well, if there is, or if you don’t show it, then sorry. Guys from the class, probably, will also not mind pozyrit.

- That is, you want me to show you the ass? - clarified Valka. - Right here? now? Or maybe you still need the key to the apartment, where the money is?

- Which key? - I did not understand the young bastard. - No, you can not now. Come to me in the evening, well, as a last resort, until tomorrow I can wait.

Still, he drove her into a corner. This delay was necessary to take advantage of. Maybe tomorrow she will come up with something. She tried to win some more time.

- Today I can not - my mother is sick. And tomorrow after classes in a technical school with a friend's birthday - one cannot help but come.

Fedka was adamant. - Yeah, mom is sick, and her friend - birthday. Ok so. In short, nowhere is your girlfriend going anywhere, just think, you’ll be late a little. Tomorrow evening waiting for a visit. After seven. Well, if you don’t come, ”he feigned a sigh,“ you understand ... ”

They exchanged phone numbers and parted. Coming home, Valka collapsed on the bed and burst into tears. Here, everything seems to have calmed down, but here a new attack. And for some reason she declared her mother to the patient, and now she felt remorse - because the magic of the word has a great destructive power, she recently read about it in a newspaper.

She remembered how the class in the ninth or tenth Fedka made such a scandal that he almost got kicked out of the gymnasium. They then sat at different desks and almost did not communicate. In any case, she did not communicate with him. It happened in the gym class.That day Fedka came to school with some mysterious expression on his face and talked for a long time about something with his buddies, “chums,” as he called them. Knowing the character of the former neighbor, Valka realized that she needed to expect some tricks. So it happened. According to the program, on this day their class was engaged in gymnastics. The girls had their own exercises, and the boys had their own. Physical education teacher, an elderly retired military Vitaly Sergeevich gave the task to both of them, and then went out of the hall for some urgent business, telling them not to make noise, to be engaged in business ("nose off") and wait for his soon return.

Exercise, which they worked out, was called "rack on the shoulder blades." The gymnast or gymnast lies on his back, raises his legs and pelvis up, and with his arms bent at the elbows, supports his body by the waist in an upright position. Most of the girls coped with it easily - not the first year they did gymnastics, and this exercise was one of the easiest. However, for some it turned out not beautifully enough, and Valka, as a diligent student, once again began to grind this element. At this time, she accidentally noticed how Fedka, with some absent appearance, was approaching her from the back. She instantly came out of the rack and gave him such a look that a bully would immediately abandon his criminal plans and become a good boy. Fedka, however, was not embarrassed at all, but pretended that he was just passing by.

In three meters from Valka, the same exercise was done. Olya, a modest fair-haired girl, not a beauty, but not a plain woman, who always behaved quietly, did not participate in the noisy amusements of her classmates, studied medium and seemed to be a gray mouse that nobody pays attention, so that it disappear somewhere - no one even probably will not notice. Olya didn’t work the stand, but she tried to follow the teacher’s instructions in good faith and was completely absorbed in her uneasy business. She also chose the villain as his victim.

He quickly approached her from behind, in one motion grabbed the gum of the workouts that were on Olya that day, and pulled sharply upwards. It is not known whether the bastard had such an idea or it happened by chance, but the fact is that not only dark sweatpants rose (went down?) To the poor woman’s knees, but also little white panties went with them, exposing the light, not tanned skin of the buttocks and overgrown rare reddish hairs pubis. Valka gasped. Olya jerked, tried to grab her hands and put the treacherous workouts in place, but lost her balance and fell with a thud on her back. The blow was so strong that she seemed to lose consciousness for a moment and for several long seconds she lay on her back motionless, with her knees bent and her legs divorced shoulder-width apart. A white thread of a tampon dangled from a pink wet hole — apparently, the poor girl had her period, but for some reason she didn’t want to get relief from physical education, or maybe she just didn’t have time.

Silence reigned in the hall. Fedka tried to scream, but got slapped by someone from the girls and fell silent. Valya came to her senses first. She jumped to the victim who was beginning to move and closed her from herself with indiscreet glances, and then began to pull on her pants and pants. That, apparently, came to the senses, and together with half the sin they coped with this task. Some of the boys still silently watching the scene, philosophically said:

- Just think, Eka Nevidal! By the way, they all have it there more or less the same.

This remark, apparently fair and even, in some way, sympathetic, provoked a violent reaction in the unfortunate. She jumped up and rushed into the locker room with loud sobs, away from human eyes. Valka thought that she could not be left alone in such a state and ran after her.She had to work a lot to calm the poor fellow and persuade her not to part with life immediately, but it is better to wait a little, that life is beautiful and amazing, despite the tests, small and large, and that after a year or two she will remember episode as petty ... Read more →

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