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foreplay to play with her hands on her lower “hairstyle”, but the thought of giving her pleasure in another way did not occur to him, and she herself was shy to ask him. Therefore, she had a thick triangular cap on her pubic hair. However, she was familiar with the shaving procedure - after all, the hair under the armpits is considered a bad form, especially for women. The last packaging of disposable machines, which she used for this, ended, and she did not have time to buy a new one in time. And now she is due to this too much humiliation.

Sighing, Valya meekly spread her robe on the couch, lay down on her and spread her legs. Igor Matveyevich picked up small scissors and began to cut her "hair". Shura continued to shoot. She thought that instead of shaving there would be just a haircut, but the doctor, as if hearing her thoughts, said:

- When the hair is long, shaving is uncomfortable. Therefore, first trim, then shave. Shave dry razor, so less irritation.

- And you will not cut me there? - scared asked Valka. She heard about the fact that in hospitals they like to shave “on dry”, but it seems that someone complained that her hair was shaved off along with the skin.

- Do not worry, girl, - the doctor said gently, - I will be very careful. Nothing bad will happen to your rosette.

Realizing what he meant by his colorful metaphor, Valya felt herself reddening again. Positively, today its main color is crimson-kumachevy. Meanwhile, Igor Matveyevich put down the scissors and began to smoothly drive his razor down her stomach. Light tickling touch near an intimate place began to excite her again. She closed her eyes and tried to distract herself; This did not work out very well, especially when, for better skin tension, the doctor pulled off his big lip, and she realized that the “rosette” had opened, towards the looks of two men and - oh, horror! - Witness-camcorder. Her cheeks were burning, it seemed to her that a greater shame was no longer possible, but, alas, she was mistaken ...

Opening her eyes, she noticed that Shura, together with the camera, had left his position in the corner and approached the couch. The camera first drove over her face, and then rushed down, slipping on her bare chest and stomach and stopped right in front of the open crotch. Valya could not see for herself what turned out to be visible to Shura and, in future, future students, but she could imagine: close-up, widely spread hips, pubic vegetation remnants, skillfully shaved off by a man's hand, a wide gap between large lips, pink hood of the clitoris, slightly open vagina, wrinkled dark ring of the anus ...

Then she remembered that just next to him, in the crotch, a little to the side, an old scar should be visible, the same one that she had earned, breaking through the bushes behind the vile little boys who had stolen her clothes. Now this figure scar, which has always been hidden from prying eyes, was in full view, a macro-plan. From unbearable shame Valka almost groaned. There were tears in his nose, two tears appeared from under the closed eyelids. And - a strange thing, at the same time, she felt a pleasant heaviness in the lower abdomen, which gradually grew into a surprisingly sharp feeling directly in the perineum, between divorced sponges.

At that moment, Igor Matveyevich, who shaved off the remains of hair from the big lips, accidentally slightly touched the clitoris with his finger, and the body of our heroine seemed to be pierced by lightning. She twitched, with great difficulty she restrained the moan of unthinkable pleasure rushing out and, unable to resist mother nature, shook for several long moments. A thin stream spattered from the opened vulva and fell on the doctor's sleeve, spreading along it with a small wet spot. The doctor took out a napkin and rubbed it in confusion with her wet skin of a girl ...

Consciousness returned to Vale fragmentary. She saw herself in the same posture on the same couch, the doctor who finished shaving and Shura, who was still shooting in the same position, opposite her interdustry. Realizing what had happened here just now, before the impassive eye of the camcorder, she was dead. Both men, shamelessly staring at her intimate parts, of course, also understood everything. You can pretend that nothing happened - they still have enough tact to play along with her, but this is all recorded on video! In a shaking voice, she asked Shur to erase the last footage.

“Of course, we’ll remove, there are no questions,” answered the cameraman, the director and someone else there, Shura. Valka looked into his eyes and realized that he was cunning. And what was she to do now? Could she verify that the most disgraceful episode would really be deleted? No way. There was nothing left but to close my eyes and try to do a good face on a bad game.

Finally, execution with a razor ended. Our heroine did not have time to rejoice at this, as her tormentor got somewhere oilcloth, put it on a vacant couch and told her to stand in a knee-elbow position. To her dumb question, he answered that now it is necessary to do an enema. It was too much. Valka turned red and demanded that Shura come out, after all, at least for the duration of this procedure. He, however, did not even move.

- Sunny, - he familiarly turned to her, - I don’t really want to get our contract again, in which everything is described in detail, but you remember, you can only refuse to shoot when the contract is broken. The procedure that you have to, is not very pleasant, I agree. But absolutely necessary, right, doctor?

The doctor mumbled something that was not completely intelligible - it was possible to understand that he confirms the words “impudent”. The same continued:

“And this procedure is necessary not for the entertainment of my or Igor Matveyevich, but precisely for preparing for an uh ... operation.” And, therefore, she must enter the film.

He glanced at her bewildered face and added cheekily:

- Do not worry so much, baby, everything will be in chocolate, as they say, don tori bi hepi.

What did she have to do? Break the contract, pay a penalty, pay for the operation? With that, in front of the camera, she already lit up from all sides ... She again took a deep breath and stood "in position."

While she bickered with the cheeky Shura, the doctor did not sit with folded arms and, as it turned out, had already prepared everything for her execution. He asked her to move her elbows forward and bend over. Then she felt a wet touch, and by slightly massaging the entrance, Igor Matveyevich’s finger penetrated her slightly. It was not painful, but very strange and terribly embarrassing. Despite this, Valka again felt that she was excited. "If only she did not run down," she thought scaredly, and at that moment the doctor finally took out her finger.

The well-oiled hole closed with a faint, smacking sound, and a hot wave of shame again filled her face with a purple flush. Then a new touch of something solid, and, having overcome the natural resistance of the virgin entrance, a plastic tube penetrated into it. And then she felt that cool water was pouring directly into her belly and gradually begins to fill it. After some time, the pressure of the water began to cause her tangible discomfort, if not to say - pain. Then the doctor twirled something up - the water went slower - and advised her to breathe more deeply. It really helped, but not for long. However, by the time the distention in the stomach became almost unbearable, the water, fortunately, was over. The tube left her body, and she was asked to stand for five minutes, for optimal effect.

What kind of optimal effect was needed by her tormentors, Valka did not understand. However, she had to obey and continue her shameful kneeling. She tried to move her legs to hide her uncovered charms from the audience, but this caused her stomach to hurt even more, and she had to move her legs apart again.Finally, the doctor relented and allowed her to go to the toilet. She did not dress up - what's the point now? Yes, and from the inside propped up so that mom do not worry. In the toilet ... Read more →

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