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the scene, felt the sharp musky smell of an excited male.

- I wonder what it tastes like? - asked Sveta and, not waiting for an answer, licked her head. - Cool, girls, like olives. Want to try?

- What else, lick this shit! - Vera was indignant. - We are punishing him here, and he will catch the buzz? Stop fooling around to suffer, Svetka, better jerk him off.

“I don't know how,” said Sveta, “show me how it is?”

- Well, where do these fools take? - Vera complained. “It's very simple,” and, without another word, taking Fedka’s dignity in her hand, she made several reciprocating movements. - That's it, understand? Come on, now you.

Sveta again cupped the member of the defeated offender with her palm and, with the curiosity of an inveterate naturalist, began to repeat the actions of the mentor. The girls surrounded the improvised scene, wishing not to miss any details. Fedka breathed louder, pushed more actively with his pelvis, and after a few seconds he stiffened and with a moan splashed a whitish trickle, and behind her more and more ... The first, the strongest one, hit Svetka on the face. The spectators giggled, and Sveta was surprised:

- What is he, described, or what? - The answer to her was a general laugh. Valya found it necessary to explain to the fool what happened: - This is sperm, from her children are. - Light was frightened:

- I now what, can give birth to a child from him? - All laughed again, and Valya reassured the simple one.

- Do not worry, silly, nothing will happen. But if he let you go there, - she waved her hand in the direction of Svetka's belly, - then yes.

“By the way, girls,” Vera decided to intercept the initiative, still annoyed that she was not allowed to humiliate Vostrikova in full, “this reptile here is happy about life, and Olya is not thrown out of the window there. Isn't it time to let him feel what is truly embarrassing? Light, do you want him to make you very nice?

- Well yes. And what to do?

- Take off your pants first.

- What for? - Sveta was surprised.

- Do not ask, you will see. Well, Svetik, do not be a fool, you will like it, I promise.

The girls, in anticipation of the new entertainment, began to assent to the Faith, urging the Light to do as said. She doubtfully pulled off her panties and put them in her purse. Fedka apparently guessed that he was waiting, and tried to get up, despite the connected limbs, but one of the classmates quickly stopped this attempt, using a proven method - deduction for "dignity." Vostrikov, with tears in his voice, began again to ask to let him go, but the crowd was already unstoppable.

Valka felt that the stage being played out caused her ambivalence. On the one hand, a hooligan who dares to disgrace an unresponsive girl in front of the whole class receives a fair punishment. On the other hand, they seem to have gone too far in this punishment. In addition, she felt a vague longing, some vague, but pleasant feeling, akin to the likelihood that the rest of the girls who became participants in the events experienced. This was probably the same feeling that excited the ancient Romans, who gathered to see where early Christians fed hungry predators, the same things that medieval townspeople felt when they witnessed burning inquisition of naked women at the stake. Realizing that she could not stop the inevitable, she gave herself to this exciting element.

“Now sit on his face,” Vera continued to instruct the frightened engineer. - No, not so, turn to face him. And lift the dress higher.

- Oh, and he will not bite me? - scared asked Light. “Let him try,” was the answer. We'll tear him off quickly. Yes, I'm joking, not with ... s, this is Fedka, who, with the last words, turned pale and seemed ready to faint. - Do not bite?

Fedka with burning ears was pathetic.His cock wilted and cringed again, despair was written on his face. He was ashamed to answer the question, it was impossible not to answer. He shook his head.

- Well, you see - will not bite. His household is expensive. Come on, sit down.

Sveta lifted her dress, knelt down and slowly began to fall on Fedkino's face. The camera clicked, and the face of the punished woman's crotch hanging over him lit up with a bright flash. Sveta suddenly stopped and asked:

- And he will not suffocate?

“Nothing will happen to him, he will breathe with his mouth, but do not press with all the weight,” said Vera and, taking Sveta in front and behind, gently planted it. The captive's nose sank between the beauty's buttocks, and his mouth turned opposite to her bud. “Now, lick your feet,” Vera continued, turning to her classmate, “if you will lick well, you will soon let go.”

Fedka hissed indignantly and even tried to break free, forgetting that one of his classmates was holding him for personal belongings. He was quickly reminded, and the poor fellow had to start working with the language. At first it didn’t work well for him, but under the strict guidance of the Faith, he got a taste and, it seems, even began to enjoy. In any case, this was evidenced by his newly strengthening process, which developed in the direction of the girl sitting on it. Svetka, too, felt pleasure and, instinctively seeking to strengthen it, pushed the pelvis, literally pushing a hot vagina on the tongue of the boy lying under it. Again and again clicked the camera, capturing rare shots in a boring school life event.

“Look, no matter how he breaks something up to you with his tongue,” Vera said, beginning to envy the cool little fool. - Looks like a trick!

Something to answer articulately Sveta was not able to. She breathed deeply and continued to fidget wet crotch on Fedka's face. He worked the language of his last strength. Suddenly, with some animal roar, Sveta arched and huddled in her orgasm. From her vagina dripped right into the open mouth of the guy lying under her, he coughed, but, not daring to spit out the girlish juices in front of everyone, he was forced to swallow them. Inexperienced girls were scared that Svetka became ill and caught her by the arms. She gradually began to recover, then got up, straightened her dress and, rolling her eyes, said:

- Oh, girls, how cool! You can not imagine! I am in complete lag! Who wants it too?

It is not known whether they were willing or not, but no one confessed. Valya thought that the action was delayed and put forward a proposal to round out. Nobody spoke against. Faith, which, apparently, was dissatisfied with something, sarcastically said:

- Well, okay, Valka, you started it all, and you should finish it. Untie his hands and his legs. If anything, you have a shocker, give it away. Well, we went, chao!

She opened the door and, looking out carefully, walked out. The girls, looking down, reached out for her. After a few moments only Valya and a prisoner classmate remained in the toilet.

In order not to get caught at the last moment, Valya again took the mop and secured the door. She looked at Fedka lying on the floor. His appearance was pitiful: the visible part of the thighs and buttocks was covered with red and blue stripes, on the face there were dry traces of Svetka's discharge mixed with his own tears or snot. Oddly enough, the "tail" of the punished was on edge. She came closer and asked:

- Well, now you understand how badly you did to Ole?

Involuntarily, she remembered the defenseless posture of her classmate, who was visible in front of everyone on the gym floor with lowered shorts and legs apart, with a pink rose slit and thread sticking out of it, and she realized for a second that Oli could be herself. She shuddered from the instant sensation of acute shame and, at the same time, some kind of incomprehensible sweet languor. Vostrikov was silent and looked at her with a pleading look. She thought she didn’t see the details when Svetka came on the scene and exposed the last defense on Fedka’s body. They were alone, and no one could stop her.Taking in his hand immediately strained trunk, she gently pushed the skin toward the root. Fedka breathed louder, and chose ... Read more →

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