You loved coming home along a shady path winding between the birch trees behind the cottages on your street. There was rarely anyone there, and on a hot day it was very pleasant to walk slowly. You took the usual route, when suddenly your attention was attracted by a company of guys crowded around the window of a glass greenhouse behind a country house. They shifted from one foot to the other, lifting themselves on tiptoes, and looking at the window with the whole band, obviously trying to look at something better, but not to get caught.

Their mouths were mostly opened as if by surprise, but sometimes they would comment on something in a whisper. From time to time they suddenly squatted all together, hiding in the tall grass, and then slowly and carefully protruded, again looking into the window. Sometimes they both groaned at once and came to a clear excitement from what they saw, sometimes they just froze.

Finally, the door of the hothouse opened and an adult woman in a bathing suit came out. Her tanned body was covered with drops of moisture and sweat due to the high humidity in the greenhouse. Holding a bucket with a crop and garden tools, the woman disappeared into the house. The teenagers left their observation post and poured out onto the walkway.

You quietly stepped off the path and disappeared into the bushes. They were getting closer, their excited conversation was becoming more discriminating.

- Yes, I told you, there is something to see.

“Yeah,” one of the friends stupidly replied.

- Sorry only boobs did not show, - said the third dreamily.

- And you just saw them?

- Yes, I tell you exactly! Yesterday she was in her underpants without a swimsuit.

- What, just went like that?

- No, I went there in clothes, it became hot there, so I undressed into panties.

- Oh, well, clearly. Today has already become smarter, just came in a bathing suit.

- Oh, those urban ...

- Come on, I would have fucked this city right in a bathing suit.

The guys were talking louder, gesticulating desperately. It was evident that they were local, from the nearest village.

- Well, Che, on whom will we go on pozyrit?

- Yes, no, this was the most juicy. I would have been staring at her all day.

The guys stopped, believing that no one hears them. Lit up. Incompetently alternating speech with mothers, they freely continued to discuss what they saw.

- Do you think she sucks?

- I do not know, it's hard to say ...

- Yes, you saw her lips - gentle, it should be.

- Okay, let's go ...

And they left. You left the shelter, walked around the fence, opened the creaking gate. Entered the house.

- Hi, mom.

“Hello,” she threw a quick glance at you and continued to cut the salad, glancing now at the table, now at the included TV. - What is so early today? Hungry?

And she gave you a bright green cucumber, from which she just cut off the tail.

- Will you?

- No thanks.

- Well, as you wish. Juicy such, just cut in the greenhouse.

As proof, Mom brought the tip of the cucumber to her lips and ...
You could not stand it, turned away, went into your room. You should have been alone. Needed to defuse ...

1 comment
  • May 2, 2016 18:58

    Dear Shy Sinner, will you have more stories similar to Vulnerability?


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