As soon as the train started moving, you climbed onto the top shelf and immediately fell asleep. You have been exhausted for the last 24 hours: preparation for departure, completion of urgent matters, panic trying to find someone to whom you can transfer non-urgent matters. All this pulled the rest of your strength out of you and you with pleasure gave yourself to sleep under the measured beat of the wheels.

Once or twice you woke up to get off the shelf, walk a narrow corridor past the locked compartments to the toilet, and then returned to your compartment and climbed onto the shelf to fall asleep again.

The day came to an end, twilight slowly fell. While you were sleeping, conversation was lazily flowing in your compartment. If you were not so tired, you would have paid more attention to your companions, and so you just threw a couple of quick glances at them.

They were a business-like middle-aged man and a young girl, most likely a student. At first she was sitting on her lower shelf, staring at a book, but now between them, it seemed, the conversation was usual for fellow travelers. You heard fragments of their conversation when you woke up briefly:

- ... and then everyone knows that they have better not to buy anything ...

- ... and I barely lost a few kilograms, although I did not eat almost anything for that week ...

- ... I have relatives there too, beautiful city! ...

- ... he told me that such a bang does not suit me, although I was sure that he liked ...

Scraps of low masculine and velvety girlish voices united in an incoherent dialogue. However, this dialogue and in fact did not differ wit. As befits the dialogue of two strangers who happened to be on the same train, which are not united in the past and which will not meet in the future. Such communication makes it possible to relax a little more than usual and give out a secret secret, or ask something that always afraid to ask. This is the beauty of such one-day dating.

When you woke up completely, it was already dark. You lay listening to the rapping of the wheels. The fellow travelers must be already asleep, and you will have to toss and turn all night, since you have slept enough.

But no, they did not sleep. Their voices became quieter, and, it seems, the voice of the girl now came from the place under you, on which that man originally sat.

- ... to tell you the truth, I feel like a fool. So embarrassing!

- Do not worry so much. Women are interested in this no less than men, you know?

- Yes, but not the same!

- And this, too, believe me.

In the resulting pause, you felt the tension from the embarrassment of this girl. It hung in the air.

“Did you do that too?”

- Yes.

- Often?

Pause. The man seemed awkward.

- Not as often as I would like.

Pause. The girl gathered strength and continued the conversation:

- Is it really so nice?

- Yes. Of course.


- Better than, well, ... sex.

- This is different. Sometimes it is that much better, yes.

Debt long awkward pause. Finally her velvet voice broke her.

- I really do not know. Suddenly I will fail and he will not like it. I do not want him to treat me badly after that.

Long pause.

- Or ... suddenly it will be unpleasant for me.

- You hate to think about it?

- No, not that that. I read a lot about it on the Internet. And now I'm not at all scared by this.

Long pause.

- To tell the truth ...

Long pause and even heard her resolute sigh.

- To tell the truth, sometimes I even want to try it myself.

- It is natural when you want to make your man nice. And very nice.

Pause again. Rustle sheets. And finally, his deep voice.

- Are you embarrassed?

- Yeah. I feel like a fool. It seems to me that you think that I am a complete idiot.

- No, you, you're not an idiot. And honestly, I think I was lucky to be in the same compartment with you. Let it be selfish.

She couldn’t find an answer, and he continued:

“Even if you don’t make up your mind to it, I’ll still have wonderful memories in my memory.”

It was felt that she did not know what to answer.Then she said:

- Thank.

Long-long agonizing pause. It was evident that she did not dare to continue, but he did not know what to say so as not to frighten her off.

- I'll take off my pants. You do not think this is to start. It’s just that our conversation makes me feel hot, and I don’t want everything to sweat. It will be unpleasant for you if it comes to this.

- Good.

The rustling of sheets, the creak of the seat, he got up, unbuttoned his pants and let them go. They sat down again.

- Tried before?

- Well, a little bit. Before him.

Awkwardness increases.

“Does your wife do that to you?”

- Not. I'm a widower.

- And the ring?

- I don't take it off in her memory.

- Oh sorry.

- Nothing.

- I am so sorry!

It seems she stroked his knee.

- You have very gentle fingers. Nobody touched me like that for a long time.


- Can you dissolve your hair?

- What for?

“You're going to look so much sexier.”

- Hmm. True?

- Yes.

The rustle of hair.

- Like?

- Highly! You really go like that. Don't forget to do this when you're ready to start with your boyfriend.

- Hmm. Strange. I read that it is necessary on the contrary to remove all hair so that they do not interfere.

“But then he won't feel your hair touching his hips and abdomen.” This is a very nice soft feeling in itself.

- Is that so ?!

“I still remember the first time I experienced this sensation.” This is a memory for life, I assure you.

Easy rustle.

- Like this?

- No, a little closer, so that it touches here.

Light rustle and subtle masculine breath.

“Uffff ...” he exhaled loudly.

- Wow, I never thought!

- About it did not write on the Internet?

- Nah. Maybe this is just you so nice?

- I don’t think, although it’s strange that they don’t write about it.

- It says that the gesture with which a girl removes her hair from her face before starting to make a blowjob - he himself is already very turning on a man.

The word “blowjob” she uttered almost without embarrassment. A sure sign that she already feels more relaxed.

- I never thought about it.

- If you want, I will do so, and you look.

- Come on, honey.

Pause. She was obviously embarrassed that he called her cute. But she still continued.

- Only it is necessary to open the curtains, but it is too dark, you will not see.

- Careful. Look, don't wake him up.

- Okay.

She got up. You pretended to be asleep. Spread the curtains. I sat down again. Light rustling hair.

- Well, how?

- There is something in it, really.

- Maybe I change a little pose? What if I do this?

Rustling again. She probably removed the gum from her hair and, changing her position, again removed her hair, gathering it under her.

- I think the first option is better.

- True?

- Yes, you look so more innocent, it gets. And it will be better if you look into your eyes.

- Well I do not know. I'm embarassing.

- I do not insist. Eyes lowered is also good.


- Do you want me to do it again?

- Highly.

The rustle of hair. Pause.

- You're just a miracle!

She did not answer, but her breathing could be heard that she was confused, and seemed excited.

“You know, some people like it when they put their hands on the back of their heads and bow their heads.” Let's try?

- Well I do not know.

- As soon as you say, I'll let go.

- Well, I'm not sure.

- Come on.

Silence. Then she is interrupted by her whisper:

- Not.

- Too much?

- Not. Not in this case.

- And in what?

- No, okay.

- Tell me, I do not insist, just say. Better to know about it now than with him.

- Do not.

- Is it me?

- Well ...

- Did you feel something?

- Well ...

- Speak already, do not be afraid.

- Well ... he does not seem to wash.


- Yes, I did not wash here, of course. I'm sorry. I did not think at all about it. I always watch myself and just somehow there was no where. Sorry once again.

- Okay.

- I have wet wipes.


- I rub them, so you do not have it unpleasant.

Pause. She is not responding. He began to fussily rummage through the bags. Polyethylene rustle. Male tense pant.

- Should I do this with you?

- Yes.

Men's chug, rustling clothes.

- Well, now I feel like an idiot.

- Well, then we are even.

Pause. Awkward and long.

“He is beautiful with you.”

- Thank...

Pause. Silence. His breath. The sound of a kiss. His breath.Then you hear the rustle of fabric. Then his breathing becomes louder.

- Well, how?

- Awesome!

His loud breathing is heard again. Already you can hear the sound of saliva slightly champing. Flick. And her excited voice:

- What?

- Nothing cute, I just can not more.

— ?

- I'll finish right now.

- OU.

She is clearly upset.

- You understand, it's not about you. It's just that I have been without a woman for a long time and I’m no longer 20 years old. And here is so young and beautiful. I barely restrain myself.


- Well, do not worry, please. I never thought it would upset you so much.

The sounds of hugs. Silent sobbing. You froze, listening to the sounds. For a long, long time, she whimpered softly as he embraced her. Then she got up.

- Cover yourself, I'll get out.

- Where are you going?

- I need to be alone. Excuse me.

The door opened. Then she slammed shut.

And silence. A long knock of wheels, and occasionally the sound of steps along the corridor. You lay, remembered every sound, every word. And then the measured silence of the night compartment was broken by a squeezed man’s not a moan, not an exhalation from the lower shelf:

- Oooooooohmmmmmmm ...

The sound of wiping with a napkin, the rustle of tensioned pants. And measured snoring after a couple of minutes.

  • March 17, 2015 22:22



    • Rating: 0
  • April 6, 2015 21:30

    Loved the story. There are no pink snot, bows and ryushechek there, everything is extremely tough and truthful, I put 10 points!


    • Rating: 0

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