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but will not rust behind us.

We somehow, united by a new idea, carried it in our beautiful heads. And in no case could not now share with their husbands. Let it be a complete surprise for them! And our men secretly looked at us, but so far have not taken anything, they pretended that they were not with us. And we all merrily at once fled to the sea, flopped into the wonderful fresh water, and enjoyed this amazing freedom ...

Nastya and I lingered a bit in the sea, splashing and swimming nearby. And our boys went to the beach. And when we returned, we noticed that our men strongly moved together all four loungers !!! We looked at each other and just smiled at each other, our dreams seem to be coming true. And yet, we went to bed the same way as before. But again, with my eyes closed, I didn’t want to show that I knew what our men had time to think, and simply enjoyed the gentle sun after the sea ...

So I lay for some time. I did not see, but I guessed that the husband was lying sideways with me, putting his knee on my legs. It was possible to assume that he is torn between meanwhile, how easy it is to admire my beauty of the body, and the desire to immediately take possession of everyone here! Well knowing his desires and possibilities, I had no doubt that sooner or later he would be inclined to the second option! Of course, he liked my tall third-size elastic chest, my calm yet, and the tummy tummy, which at the very bottom between the shifted legs was decorated with a slightly raised hillock of a smooth-shaven pubis. The top of the head, and even my eyes, I covered with a straw hat, and now he could see only my slightly parted moist lips and chin, a long elongated neck ... well, I’m all naked, presented to him on display. I also knew that he would not long endure his inaction next to me. I could not excite him! Besides, yesterday, tortured by the road, for the first time in our life together, we even went to bed separately from each other, and slept well, therefore ... And now, his desire just boiled over the top!

From these reflections, I quickly became excited ... His gaze almost physically touched me everywhere ... and I, it seems, even began to flow! My excitement could not remain unnoticed for my husband, because my chest and breathing became more frequent, she rose from deep breathing, and her nipples somehow quickly poured and hardened! Vlad, hesitated, and nevertheless put his hand on my thigh far from him. I shuddered, making it clear that I was not at all against it! And he began to lift my left leg up, and take it to the side. I just choked! Because he opened me to the whole world! And even the first thing a fresh breeze from the sea peeked into me, and I tried to hide behind my hands with shame ... But the overbearing male hand was already ahead of me! Vlad whispered

- You yourself wanted us here and now to have depraved sex?

He said this quietly and only for me, but Nastya and Victor were very close to us, and they immediately came to life and began to stir ...

I was absorbed by amazing sensations of sensuality. On the one hand, it was thought that he was already ready to have sex with me, in plain sight. Still, people were walking past, sometimes children ran, and even black aborigines ... I vividly painted a picture for myself, imagined how they would all be curious, breathless, to look at us! And it was starting to get me stronger than physical contact with my husband! And when his hot palm began to stroke me there ..., I already didn’t care!

Somewhere in the depths of consciousness, for some reason, a ridiculous question arose: is it possible there, in Russia, is something like that possible? Of course not! You need to be a complete idiot to allow yourself to have sex on the street among people, and especially children ... But now this thought evaporated as quickly as it appeared in the brain, I had more sense of freedom and pleasure! I could open a new page of my birth right now!

And most importantly, we were not alone with my husband.With us were our new friends. And throughout, they were altruists of the same kind of love fun, only with a huge experience of similar communication swing with other couples. How did it all fueled my interest in everything, on the threshold of which we just brought one leg in, but it would happen, I knew for sure ... it might happen right now because I am Vlad, and Nastya, and Victor - we all want it! It will not happen here, so in our bungalow, or in them, everything will be, and everything will be extraordinarily exciting and healthy, and I had no doubt about it at all ...

To be continued.

  • December 4, 2014 23:01

    I liked the story touches from the heart


    • Rating: -1
  • December 4, 2014 23:04

    Thank you, Nelia. God grant you a good friend!


    • Rating: 0
  • December 5, 2014 5:49

    Mediocre ...
    The words are repeated the same in the adjacent sentences.
    The plot is stamping.
    The story does not correspond to the stated genres.


    • Rating: 1
  • December 5, 2014 8:35

    And what do you want to say that in life there are no repetitions, there are no absolutely identical people? What does a stamp mean? What kind of bureaucracy is such in relation to the romantic story that occurs often, which eventually happened in my life? The story is just beginning, and can not cover all of these genres. Or do you know in your life in advance what will happen to you tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a year and in tens of years? Before you rush into different tricks, weigh your thoughts to yourself, and then write complaints. But I am glad that I cause so much criticism from you. Thanks you.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 5, 2014 12:35

    I expected a similar reaction, reading the discussions under previous stories.
    Let us then constructively.
    Consider the 2 sentences that I wrote in the previous comment:

    “Nastya and Victor, you see, overslept from the road, and appeared on the beach a little later us. They, too, arrived from Moscow yesterday, but they see that they were tired of more from the road than Vlad and I, but they came to rest and personal affairs of everyone how much to get up, and what to do. ”

    "From the road", "see", "they", "but" ...

    Honestly, it caught my eye simply.
    About the fact that the plot stamping - a huge number of similar stories on the site. He persuaded her to group sex, she broke the 2 lines of the story and set off for all the hard.
    Well, about the genres ... Exposing the story to the site, you already know what is in it?
    There is no “blowjob”, no “group” or classics. "Observers" can still agree.
    If you wrote a story from 5 parts, which at the end of 5 parts came together and began to live together, Vasya and Petya, this does not mean that in the first 4 parts there will also be “homosexuals”.

    And there are no tricks in my comments, only my subjective vision.


    • Rating: 1
  • December 5, 2014 13:02

    Yes, I agree with you completely. I will try not to rush in the future.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 6, 2014 13:26

    The story failed. The presentation is strange. It seems the author is not very old, unreadable and the language is not delivered


    • Rating: 2
  • December 6, 2014 17:32

    And I liked it, just laying out everything is in order.


    • Rating: -2
  • December 6, 2014 23:54

    Good evening. I am very pleased that there are people who can appreciate the work of others. Naturally, we are not Maupassaries, and it is difficult for us to struggle with the classics of literature. But, like me here, said one, a smart lady, the main thing is not a prize, but participation!


    • Rating: -1

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