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We, with my husband Vlad, live for three years, and gradually the sex began to seem bland to us. Both wanted something new. Having already tried everything in bed that we could, we realized that we needed to change something in life. And he began to talk to me about group sex more than once. But at first I laughed it off, did not agree, and then nevertheless decided,

“Come on,” I agreed.

He was very happy then and, smiling at some mysterious smile, answered

- Ok, but I need to prepare a bridgehead, just wait a bit.

“Just know that I want to try porn with huge dicks so that they rip me apart!”

The husband even laughed,

“It seems to me that what seems to be waking up in you is a long slumbering whore?”

- Well, not a whore, - I thought for a moment, - And, say, a lustful woman, since her husband insistently offers her this kind of sex.

- Ok, lustful woman. Liz, how do you look at the fact that you were filmed while doing a porn movie?

My eyes lit up, and then immediately went out. Although the prospect of becoming a porn star attracted me much more than the Russian nickname, such as a whore! And at the same time, I somehow did not want to openly express myself, my lustful desires, so I had to turn around, but in the end I shook my head,

- I agree, just promise me that you will always be with me.

Vlad promised me that he would not let me alone by any means, and if not in the frame, but next to him, he would definitely be with me. This is where our negotiation process ended, and for a long time we didn’t even remember it anymore. And they continued to live, as they always lived before him. And yet, one day, my husband, having returned from work, enthusiastically announced that the rush hour had come! And he gave me two trips to the Maldives,

- Here it is a new life! Tomorrow we are flying for two weeks, to rest, and at the same time, there is a film crew waiting for us there.

I jumped for joy, a trip to exotic islands, waiting for adventure, all this could not but make me happy. We gathered, grabbed a minimum of clothes and accessories, and in the morning went to the airport with one travel bag.

We flew with a transfer to Bombay. From there, on a four-seater plane, a short flight to the West Coast, and then set off to the South Atoll on a small motor ship. Only by the evening we were taken to a bungalow, which stood in the shadow of palm trees very close to the coastline of the Arabian Sea.

For the day of the flight, until we got to the place, we are naturally tired. But having unpacked, we quickly changed into beach suits, and we, like a magnet, were drawn to the sea. A magical evening, just delight and euphoria from the fact that our dreams are beginning to come true, literally pushed us out of the hotel.

Behind the threshold of the bungalow, we found that next to our cozy house there are still exactly such houses, forming a whole street along the coastline. Ahead, right at sea, we saw a whole city in the lights. I was surprised and threw up my hands,

- Oh, and what is it there, lights up?

- Well, probably, also hotels, only on the water.

And here we noticed how from the shore in that direction were high walkways, dimly lit by gas lamps. We climbed onto the wet sand, the sea was completely calm, that all the lights of the burning water kingdom of luxury were reflected in its surface!

“We should have rented a place for ourselves there!” - I concluded.

- Oh, it seems to me that we are not bad on the beach. Beach is still safer.

“Yes, right, I read on the Internet, how often a storm rages in these places,” I even shrugged my shoulders as soon as I imagined giant waves attacking this paradise, it seemed, very dangerous!

Fatigue suddenly somehow straddled our legs,

- Vlad, I'm tired, maybe we will be back home?

- Of course, dear. I also want to just fall and fall asleep.

But when we returned to our bungalow, then at the same time an unfamiliar couple approached the neighboring house, I decided to find out

- Hello, are you our neighbors?

- Yes, we settled today for two weeks.

- Here, and we, too, today, and also for two weeks. Are you from Moscow?

We managed to get acquainted with them and decided to be friends with families. We were from St. Petersburg, they are from Moscow. His name was Victor, and her Nastya. Having agreed to go to the sea early in the morning, we stopped at seven in the morning local time, and parted. And, truth, we were so tired that we barely touched the naked bodies of the sheets, as we immediately fell asleep for the first time in a virgin sleep.

On the island the attendants were from dark-skinned aborigines. When I first saw them, I couldn’t understand why the local aborigines looked so much like Hindus and African Blacks at the same time. The males were athletes, the muscles played on their body with strong muscles. And I secretly looked at their unusual loincloths, which, nevertheless, reliably covered there something incredibly huge, it seemed to me!

I almost never met women. Later we learned that, according to local customs, they are obliged to stay at home and be engaged in raising children, and to bother about the housework. All the same work, including cleaning the premises, food delivery, etc., was performed by men and young men.

But they tried to do this imperceptibly, without attracting the attention of tourists. The usual thing, they started to clean when we left their home. On the first day, they put things in order there, filled our refrigerator with food, and fresh juices with fruits, soft drinks and alcohol.

When we went out to the beach in the morning, a lot of things simply surprised us. First, there were few campers on the shore. Secondly, somehow strangely vacationers stretched along the beach in pairs and singles at almost equal intervals along the shore, in about ten to twenty meters, or even more. Of course, perhaps it was still too early now, and we saw a large number of empty sun beds. And thirdly, what amazed us most of all, we were among the nudists. That is, we opened up complete freedom and we followed suit, immediately pulling off our beach clothes. Vlad and I occupied the adjacent sun beds, and with pleasure stretched out on my back, exposing my young body to the first rays of the southern sun! I immediately closed my eyes, in my heart rejoicing that I would get an even tan all over my body!

Vlad lay next to him, and also fell silent. I seem to have dozed off. Silence reigned around us, the sea was calm just like yesterday, and only a cry of restless gulls was in the air somewhere. But you can quickly get used to them.

Nastya and Victor, you see, overslept from the road, and appeared on the beach a little later. They also arrived from Moscow yesterday, but they see that they were getting tired of more from the road than Vlad and I, but they came to have a rest and each person’s personal business how much to get up and what to do. Appearing on the beach, they easily found us and occupied the adjacent sunbeds. Nastya lay to my left, because Vlad was lying to the right, and Victor took his place behind her.

- Hi Babe! - she awakened me.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to them,

- Oh, hello ..., - I replied.

They, having assessed the situation, also freed the bodies from the clothes, and lay naked before me, the first thing I looked through was a muscovite ... And blushed slightly when I saw the impressive size of the male organ lying on my left thigh ... He just lay in a natural form, but how was it good !!! For some reason it seemed to me that he had him much more than my Vlad. Nastya, quickly caught my mood,

- What would you like to sleep with him? - and she asked me. True, in a whisper so that our conversation would not be heard by the men, “Yours, Vlad, is also very cute ...” Nastya hinted openly.

We laughed,

- I do not mind your proposal!

- That's fine, arrange, ...

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