All sorts of stories happened in my life, but I remember this case in college forever.

The chemistry lecture was already coming to an end, when I was locked in such a way that I could no longer bear it, And I raised my hand, Irina Ivanovna, a young teacher, noticed me and let me see with my eyes, say ... And what happened to me Further, it is not seen in a nightmare! Our toilet was already at the end of the corridor, and the guys toilet was on the way ... I could not reach the women's toilet, so I jumped into the men's booth, which was much closer.

I managed to do everything ... I released my intestines ... and then the bell came ... I thought I would have time to jump out of the toilet ... And they noticed me even when I just opened the stall doors ... And then they pushed me back ... I gently landed again on the toilet ... and I already had the first member in front of my face ... he was big, but still sluggish ... and the big head clearly outweighed down ... He was also circumcised ... I looked up at the guy and gasped, it was Ashot, the undergraduate!

He was beautiful and arrogant, and enjoyed success with girls. Everyone who passed through him immediately began to whisper about his superiority! And somehow I did not have to intersect with him personally. I was actually a quiet and very closed girl ... I didn’t even try to be friends with any of the guys, thinking more about my studies ...

And then he grabbed my hair and began to send the head in my mouth,
- Suck, damn it! And then suck all the others who go into the toilet!

I choked him with a dumbhead and plaintively tried to stop him with a look ... and behind him, the truth was already sticking up the heads of others ... they were all curious to watch how I deal with this huge x ... Ashot! and now I understood what the words of Ashot meant, all the young people had probably gathered in the toilet ...

He quickly began to finish ... his thick sperm poured me right down the throat ..., he still held my head by the hair, and spread my lips all the way to the pubis ..., I only had time to swallow with horror in my eyes .. ., I was nauseous ..., but his mouth was tightly occupied by his x ...! And I pressed on myself the urge, and swallowed more and more often ... barely coping with the rapid flow of lava ...

“Now follow me to the last drop!”

He smiled, looking as I diligently follow his instructions ...

- What do you like?

I nodded and continued to lick him! And then he lifted me by the hair from the toilet and pulled me into the cramped toilet ... The boys are not neat ... they rubbed the whole parquet ... especially with urinals ... But still he forced me to go down to this filthy place with my knees by holding the hair!

And that one went on ... there were so many people who wanted to ... that sometimes they only had time to stick it in my mouth and immediately sprayed sperm! Some were retreating, others were jerking off, and his place was taken by new ones ... and then a massive orgasm began! Everyone for happiness was to be near my face ... finished on hair, ears, neck, shoulders and breasts ... and then just from all ends, a shower of sperm poured on me!

I even find it difficult to name at least some figure ... - how many were there at that break in the toilet? Everything was as in a fog, I sucked everyone on the machine ... Those who finished, tucked their hot ends into their pants and left the toilet, Ashot left, but their place in the corridor literally lined up like a mausoleum Someone to leave, immediately newcomers came to their place ...

It seems that the call saved me! Everyone was washed away from the toilet room under a clean one ... And I sat there all filled with sperm and could not understand anything, what should I do now? Hair, face, blouse and skirt - everything was completely soaked with sticky cum of guys. Barely lifting myself, I reached out to the edge of the urinal to wash my eyes somehow. They stuck to my eyelashes, splattered with sperm, and almost did not open. I, having felt the tap with my hand ..., only reached out to the running water, as I felt strong big hands on my hips and waist ...

Someone pressed against my back with my whole body, that I heard a hoarse hot breath, which literally burned my neck.But the worst thing is that at the same time a huge hot tool stuck to my naked ass! One hand washing my eyes, I turned my head and saw ... oh, my God!

Behind my back was the director of the college, Ilya Petrovich !!! His snide, arrogant face smiled sweetly and sweetly, his eyes, usually greasy, now burned like a hungry beast. Ilya P., having pressed me with one hand to his body, breathed hoarsely and shivered all over, lifting up my little skirt. I was no panties. They were pulled from me by boys, and they, wet from sperm, were now lying on the floor in a booth, where they tore off not only them, but also my virginity. I was trampled, outraged, and made a public slut.

And now I did not understand what was happening, as if under hypnosis, I spread my legs. Sticking a huge member of the director, it seemed, was twice as large as that of Ashot. A heavy, overweight body hung over me, a big belly literally lay on my back. Pushing my buttocks apart with my hand, and without saying a word, the director invaded my virgin anus with his hot monster with some kind of brutal force ...

I was all crouched in pain, I could not cry, tightly clasped my teeth. And only hoarse sounds burst from my chest. But my director, on the contrary, did not hide and openly enjoyed tearing at my little ass ... He squeezed my thighs even more with his hands, moaned so loudly, and quickly moved his backside ...

I almost sobbed from the pain, the fiery pain inside. It seemed to me that a hot piston came in and out of my ass! A little bit more of such a pace and I no longer felt my body ... Everything turned upside down in me, I could not believe my feelings, but for some reason I began to like it all ... Something exploded inside ..., something flowed out to my legs, and I literally soared to the heavens ... Ilya P., also somehow quickly wilted and calmed down. And then suddenly he growled loudly and shook the whole inside me ... Something fiery poured out into me and burned everything inside ... And his thick instrument swelled even more and began methodically to erupt into me, shaking us both!

My first thought, as soon as I came to my senses, was complete devastation - really it was all over, - I thought. But only later - it came to me that I thought too rashly. Ilya P., did not let me out of his tenacious embraces, having recovered his breath, now without haste, he turned me to his face, which still bore traces of the violent effusions of the boys sperm ...

His heavy hands lay on my frail, frail shoulders, and seemed to be pressed into the floor! I had to kneel again. His hot, still twitching member was sticking out in front of my face, while smearing on his lips and cheeks the remnants of the sperm head that was still protruding. Then he pulled himself together and sent it to my lips ...

I could hardly imagine how my mouth would take this huge sledgehammer? But his head, pushing hard, rubbed against my lips ... Trying to push my lips apart with pressure and pressure, and enter the mouth. Finally, my director grabbed me from the back of my head by the hair, and rudely planted me on the prick ... At the same time, he began to peck at my mouth, pressing my head harder and harder on me! So, until his huge instrument penetrated so deeply that I choked, but he did not let go, but pushed him further and further ...

I didn’t think or understand anything at all. Being again in complete prostration, I heard his hoarse moans and cries, which gradually brought me back to reality ... Ilya P., this time, gave up somehow especially quickly! His face convulsed, pouted and turned red, like boiled cancer ... And I immediately felt strong tremors in my mouth, cuts ... and powerful sperm spray! Like the first time, it was too much, and I had to swallow it all up, because, no matter what, IP was still pressing my head against my groin ...

Today I first saw such sour sperm! The penis of Ilya Petrovich almost immediately went limp in my mouth, spewing the last drops ... I could hardly handle this volume of sperm, I looked at my last tormentor ... And he, pouring out the last drops, got out of my mouth ... turned away, and hastily tucked his fallen reel into his pants. He was swaying, he was clearly pleased with the situation, and just as he headed for the exit, he turned around before the door, and severely punished,

- After lectures to come to my office! - and immediately went out.

Head down and still not in my enviable position, I gave vent to my feelings! First, just sobbing, sighing - I thought - well, that's all! These are his only words thrown over his shoulder, I did not promise good. It was the whole director of an educational institution where I still studied, and now everything depended only on him! I was on my knees, and it looks like now, this will be my status, here in college ... I quietly burst into tears.

The bell rang, did the couple really fly so fast? I stopped crying and quickly began to remove marks, still kneeling in the middle of the toilet. Soon the students will flock here again. And in confirmation of my thoughts, the corridor quickly filled the noise of the usual leapfrog at the break. And after a moment, someone rudely pushed the door to the toilet with his foot, and I saw Ashot's contented face,

- Oh, wait for us a whore! That's right, here is your place now!

He grabbed my hand on the move and dragged him to the very booth where he unsealed me for everyone. But now he, after lowering his panties, sat down on a jolt, and I again saw his club sticking up,

- Jump, our nipple! - he almost poked his head with his index finger, but when he saw my confusion, he shouted, “Well!” I'm waiting, and there still, how much you want!

He pulled my arm, and I automatically turned my back on him. Ashot pulled over and I almost sat on his entire instrument ...

Everyone who was able to look into the booth, published one approving hum ..., the others simply supported them.

- Jump, come on, have fun!

His hands grabbed my waist and began to help me rise and fall on his strong member! I opened my mouth wide, trying not to show everyone how I like it ... And then other members began to fill it up ...

Now I had Ashot, and finished, then his place was taken by others ... I was again filled with boyish sperm, and thrown at the next call ... I had no strength, and I was left lying in their sperm on the floor ...

And then a physical instructor came in ... Anastas Serafimovich, at first he rushed to help, probably thinking that I was unconscious! Well, when I saw such a quantity of sperm ..., it became clear to him what to do with me!

To be continued.

  • November 15, 2014 3:44

    The next time there is speech incontinence, get to the toilet with such stories - do not sri on the site.


    • Rating: 0
  • November 15, 2014 10:00

    Sorry, you write something yourself? Do not like someone's story, so tell me, what? And there are plenty of moralists like you and in life. They are all ready to forbid in words, but they themselves get up such that it is scary to write.


    • Rating: -1
  • November 15, 2014 11:29

    I do not understand, whom you called a moralist, eh? Can you even read it yourself? If you can, then you can read comments on the works of other authors, for example Immediately all questions about literacy and moralism will disappear. I did not describe all the shortcomings of this kakafelia simply out of pity, because the list of these can be added as a separate story to the category of “submission and humiliation”. But if you insist, then please. Here are the main points that hurt my eyes:
    1) incoherence of narration, the impression that the story was created by landing a drunken monkey behind the PC and sending her muzzle on the keyboard: “I gently landed again on the toilet ... and I already had the first member in front of me” how? why? what for? - it is not known, the causal link is completely absent.
    2) the unnaturalness of what is happening, everyone, ALL of the heroes of this narrative lacks the motivation of their actions and elementary human reactions - stupidly fucking some dummies why the characters perform certain actions and what they feel we will never know, since the author’s vocabulary limited to the phrase "I went to the toilet and I put a dick", that's all.
    3) discontinuity, the impression that the author wrote the story with the same hand as he jerked off, and at the same time.The narrative breaks among the sentences, the phrases break in half a word: “I pulled the toilet into the cramped room ... The boys are not tidy ..., they wrinkle the whole parquet ..., especially from the urinals ..." and distorted the monkey on the keyboard.
    4) confusion, who and what the fuck I got confused after the first paragraph. The author tried to squeeze all the power of his sore imagination into one page. The result was a wildest vinaigrette of unrelated scenes.
    The only advantage of this work is its brevity, apparently the monkey still managed to escape despite alcohol intoxication. Let's hope that the author will not be able to catch her for a long time.


    • Rating: 2
  • November 15, 2014 11:45

    Most likely I am now trying to communicate with a drunken and stupid worthless upstart! I read your maxims to other authors, and I want to note the following: before you mess, you go back to school and learn literacy; before you teach someone how and what to jerk off, close yourself in the toilet and jerk it there until you feel blue, even with two hands, if you have something to put them on!


    • Rating: -1
  • Crab (a guest)
    November 15, 2014 15:36

    click-click, do not waste time on shkolotu.
    You smiled at me very much: when I looked through your second comment and saw this wall of text: D, written better than this “story” ^^


    • Rating: 1
  • Crab (a guest)
    November 15, 2014 15:39

    I read the comment to the end 2 times choked on tea with laughter ^ _ ^
    Well painted


    • Rating: 1
  • November 18, 2014 6:55

    I can answer you appropriately. But why this boron cheese? Notice, I didn't take you to a girl ...


    • Rating: -1
  • November 18, 2014 6:53

    Another clever man. Can you at least express your opinion to everyone?


    • Rating: -1
  • November 15, 2014 20:53

    it was worth reading the story to enjoy the comment)))) story - slag, comment brightened the evening))


    • Rating: 1
  • December 4, 2014 19:24

    I don’t know why you hung out too many XXLs for yourself, but you can explain it somehow, but why should three 7? Unclear. Slag you would go by yourself! But, having read the number of readings of my brilliant work, I’ll say for sure that there is a complete slag here! For two weeks, more than 34,000 reads, that's hooked !!!


    • Rating: -2
  • Le (a guest)
    November 24, 2014 1:37

    + 1 adnaznachna !!! Evening pulled on five!


    • Rating: 0
  • December 4, 2014 19:17

    Sorry, I was definitely wrong ... or maybe I made a reservation, or just wanted to be called consonant ..., for example: an onanist ... or an ananist, how is it more correct?


    • Rating: -3
  • varta (a guest)
    June 15, 2017 23:22

    Just oh ... but, one of the best comments in my whole life. It was worth reading this story.


    • Rating: 0
  • varta (a guest)
    June 15, 2017 23:31

    Here's how to write stories.


    • Rating: 0
  • Beaver (a guest)
    November 15, 2014 13:09

    Well, pincer, it's vyser, not a story! With such garbage "talent" still ponty pounding. If you admire yourself so much, then write for yourself, do not litter the site with mud! In short, full slag !!!


    • Rating: 4
  • November 18, 2014 6:57

    For a start, spit out the mouth x ... and then the words are not spoken well!


    • Rating: -4
  • :-) (a guest)
    November 15, 2014 15:38

    Did not like.


    • Rating: 3
  • December 4, 2014 9:23

    And I am pleased to hear the truth about myself. But if you had met me, you would have sang completely differently ... But I wanted to shit on such bastards.


    • Rating: -2
  • :-) (a guest)
    December 4, 2014 23:45

    I am a girl) and I expressed impressions about the story, not about you. I think if we met in person, I would say something more negative, if only in order to entertain your pride with your reaction to someone else's point of view)


    • Rating: 2
  • :-) (a guest)
    December 4, 2014 23:49

    Although I can say it differently) I liked this story less than anyone else, because others are more worthy.


    • Rating: 2
  • December 5, 2014 0:09

    I believe you, very much. But this story is not the only one I wrote. Read more and leave yours there: “I didn't like it”


    • Rating: -2
  • :-) (a guest)
    December 5, 2014 3:12

    Do you read carefully?) I wrote that I liked this story less than other stories) I meant specifically YOUR stories, I did not say that this one was the only one.But he was the only one who caused me not very pleasant emotions.
    I do not understand why so sharply respond to criticism? You write and post stories to be seen, read and evaluated. Is not it? Why then react so negatively to someone else's point of view? Everyone has their own opinion. Someone liked it, some didn't. Moreover, I did not write you anything like the first comment about the toilet, etc.


    • Rating: 2
  • November 16, 2014 1:15

    Why so much aggression? There are “jerking” stories and how you like with meaning, with logic, etc.
    Under the first category of standards fits)


    • Rating: 0
  • Anonymous (a guest)
    November 16, 2014 10:41 PM

    Auto RU
    Do not pay attention to the trolls and the mass of negative from ushlepkov. Please pay attention to remarks. No gods burned pots ...
    Critics go to those who know how, but he can not do anything. Submit your writings to the public. Show as it is necessary ... or masturbate silently !!!


    • Rating: 3
  • November 18, 2014 6:48

    I answered the respected troll ...


    • Rating: -2
  • November 21, 2014 17:01

    The story is fascinating. Looking forward to the outcome: Who will be next? The teacher of labor, who will abundantly defecate on the main character, and then on the floor. Or an inspector from the RHO, who will seize the entire college staff by force? I am looking forward to continue. The work is especially important on the anniversary of the WORLD DAY OF TOILETS (! November 9th). Keep it up!


    • Rating: 1
  • Twilight (a guest)
    November 22, 2014 16:37

    It was very difficult, but I jerked off.
    Then he satisfied the aesthetic needs by reading the comments.
    No offense to the author, but the truth is that there is still something to learn.
    Comments can be offensive, and the concept of constructive criticism is not very suitable, but they are in tune with reality.


    • Rating: 1
  • November 23, 2014 2:34

    "To be continued."

    God forbid !!!


    • Rating: 2
  • November 23, 2014 2:55

    - Sick Berg! Again, do they see me? - asked the young psychiatrist on duty Irina Ivanovna, noticing how I intensively wash the sperm visible only to me from the face and shoulders.
    - What are you, Irina Ivanovna! - I said. “It's just that today, for the first time in my life at dinner, I drank such a sour jelly that I was all itching.
    - I know that you itch! - the psychiatrist pointed out with her eyes what exactly she had in mind, - It is not the first time that I have been told about you! And nurses, and caretaker Ilya Petrovich ...


    • Rating: 0
  • asd (a guest)
    December 2, 2014 2:24

    Great story, more such on this site. Sinner's raids are very funny, lovers of great art, it turns out, can be found everywhere. Anyone who looks at these snobs with open mouth, I could give only one argument "for". Pace. It is this content that is most lacking on the site, where I go every few days or weeks for 15 minutes and, after sorting out the latest receipts by rating, I find obstructions of information that does not interest me, which in a nonsensical way passes all 4 points on its 3+ pages in several parts. Yes, the flaws of this text are innumerable, but the sadder that I am on this page, with a rating of 4, 2.


    • Rating: -3
  • ... (a guest)
    December 4, 2014 2:38

    Why aggression? Well, if you want to speak to someone - you can simply put a rating in the minus rating. and just don't read for example the second part that someone asks. Nobody forces you to read what you don't like? Or is it all the same interesting - who is next, or is there ashot or director or Vasya Pupkin? Not interesting - do not read. That’s all. The site is full of other stories that you may be interesting. As far as I know, here is a site of not particularly highly artistic literature. To whom it is interesting, go to proza. ru or stihi. ru

    auto RU. you just can not respond to comments.) And only.
    There is a parable on this topic:
    He came to the master of oriental martial arts as a local thug, and began to touch, insult, be rude, provoke to anger in every possible way.
    This burglar on the area was known for the fact that no one could drop it. He constantly provoked a fight and defeated an enraged adversary.
    But when he tried to provoke the master - he did not even look at him. The thug tried only to strike, but the master easily dodged and just turned and left. The thug also walked away with nothing.
    After this incident, one of his students came to the master and asked:
    “Teacher, why didn't you beat him, because you could have done it easily?”
    And the master replied:
    - What for? He came to the room with malice. He brought her with him. It is like a gift. He could not give it to me. Who, for example, gets a gift that they refuse? to who brought it? Same here. he came with malice, could not pass it to me. He left with her. And if I answered - then this gift would remain with me. Why do I need such a gift?

    So it’s here.) Just don’t respond to the negative.) You end up writing for those who read and jerk off on your stories and not for those who want to read peace and war or grief from the mind.) For someone who always does something There are those who do not like it.) (c)


    • Rating: 0
  • ... (a guest)
    December 4, 2014 2:42

    Why aggression? Well, if you want to speak to someone - you can simply put a rating in the minus rating. and just don't read for example the second part that someone asks. Nobody forces you to read what you don't like? Or is it all the same interesting - who is next, or is there ashot or director or Vasya Pupkin? Not interesting - do not read. That’s all. The site is full of other stories that you may be interesting. As far as I know, here is a site of not particularly highly artistic literature. To whom it is interesting, go to proza. ru or stihi. ru

    auto RU. you just can not respond to comments.) And only.
    There is a parable on this topic:
    He came to the master of oriental martial arts as a local thug, and began to touch, insult, be rude, provoke to anger in every possible way.
    This burglar on the area was known for the fact that no one could drop it. He constantly provoked a fight and defeated an enraged adversary.
    But when he tried to provoke the master - he did not even look at him. The thug tried only to strike, but the master easily dodged and just turned and left. The thug also walked away with nothing.
    After this incident, one of his students came to the master and asked:
    “Teacher, why didn't you beat him, because you could have done it easily?”
    And the master replied:
    - What for? He came to the room with malice. He brought her with him. It is like a gift. He could not give it to me. Who, for example, gets a gift that they refuse? to who brought it? Same here. he came with malice, could not pass it to me. He left with her. And if I answered - then this gift would remain with me. Why do I need such a gift?

    So it’s here.) Just don’t respond to the negative.) You end up writing for those who read and jerk off on your stories and not for those who want to read peace and war or grief from the mind.) For someone who always does something There are those who do not like it.) (c)


    • Rating: 0
  • December 4, 2014 8:24

    Thanks you. For all the time you are the first who left at least something intelligible under my story. Anyway, I took note of every statement. Because I know now what they all need.


    • Rating: 0
  • December 4, 2014 23:07

    very fine story


    • Rating: -2
  • December 4, 2014 23:11

    At least one positive response! Thank you, Nelia!


    • Rating: 0
  • yvapro (a guest)
    December 31, 2014 2:20

    Summing up: the story is a rare shit


    • Rating: 0
  • January 1, 2015 2:38

    Have you looked at yourself for a long time?


    • Rating: 0
  • Andrew (a guest)
    December 17, 2015 10:39

    Great story. I want to continue))


    • Rating: 0
  • August 5, 2016 9:16

    My illustration is on the forum:


    • Rating: 0

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