1. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Promotional Tour
  2. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: High Stakes
  3. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Linda-san dark side :: Press Conference
  4. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Linda-san dark side :: Morning frot for Linda
  5. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-senpai. Eggplant
  6. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-san - maid for Mrs. Aki
  7. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-san. First earnings
  8. Linda-san in Wonderland: Unexpected Complications

Page: 5 of 5

so loosely lead, be agatha in police uniform.

The first guy, still smiling, gave us an appraising glance and without a doubt launched his hand under my skirt.

“Well, okay, these sluts are good too,” feeling his pussy through the panties, he threw to his friend.

Agatha reacted with lightning speed. Taking a step back, she pulled out a pistol and barked in a police tone.

- Hands up the hill!

- Uh, what are you doing? - confused tattooed and raised his hands.

- Police Lingrin, hands up the hill! - Agatha barked again.

Without losing a second, I moved the guy in the balls and then bounced off so that in case something happened, I didn’t accidentally arrive. The guy staggered and doubled over with a stifled moan.

Now it was just worth finding out who they are and why they came here. But as soon as I opened my mouth to ask the first question, I was interrupted again.

- Just fantastic! - Agatha exclaimed, holding the guys on the sight. - I just came to you for help, and you - once! - and already found them!

- Really? - I asked incredulously.

- Exactly! - Agatha sounded excited. “Now I’ll definitely get a bonus, and you, Linda ...”

- Linda ?! - the guys exclaimed in one voice.

“Linda Linda,” I replied.

They definitely expected to see someone else!

- But that whore from the bar! The tattooed man exclaimed sadly. “She said she is a detective!” And her name is Linda Kaye too!

“Oooh ...” I drawled. - And you immediately believed her?

- Not! But she disappeared somewhere. We checked for fun, and found the only detective with that name in the city!

I was shocked. This is definitely some kind of setup. To be called a detective is one thing, but also to introduce yourself ... Or I got a fan, or someone wants to tarnish my good name!

“Okay, stop talking,” said Agatha impatiently. - Tie these clowns, and in the station we will find out who they are, how they came here and how they know you.

- I see her for the first time! - sadly answered the guy.

- Shut up!

While Agatha summoned the patrol car and was in full anticipation of fame, money and universal respect, which is about to get her, I suddenly noticed something blue in the pocket of one of the guys. Gently pulling a piece of fabric, I pulled out a very thin blue thong.

- Hey, it's not yours! - protested the guy.

Having unconsciously smiled, I already wanted to say something about this, but the guy oriented himself in time:

- This is the pants of that whore, well, Linda Kaye. I wanted her back.

- Is that so? - I asked puzzled, suppressing the desire to properly kick the detainee.

At that moment I realized that I was wearing amusing panties in my hands. They looked cheaper than they actually cost - I could tell for sure only by touching the fabric. They could not afford a simple prostitute, and these guys obviously did not attend the elite.

And in general, it was some kind of masquerade. Fake work, fake name, fake panties. Only the subtle scent that still emanated from them was real. Something reminds me of it ...

I met her in a small cafe in the port. She was still proud and noble, but at the same time she looked somehow thoughtful, I would even say bewildered.

“I hope this is something really important,” she said, sitting down at a table. - I do not have much time.

- Then immediately to the point.

With these words, I pulled out my panties and stretched them on my fingers, showing them in every detail. Mrs. immediately tried to grab them, but I removed my hands in time.

- Where did you get that? - Madam Mrs., looking around.

- So you do not deny that it is yours.

Madam grimaced, but did not argue.

“For a detective,” I said caustically, “you're not very smart, Linda Kaye.”

Madam grimaced again and blushed deeply.

“Now tell me how many more ghouls run around Lingrin and are eager to meet the detective again?”

- Only two ...

- Good. And now I want to hear the answer to a simple question: why?

Mrs. looked back and finally wilted. She gathered herself for a moment and then suddenly blurted out:

- Sorry, I had no other way out!

I just grunted, letting her know that I was waiting for details.

- I had to become you in order ... To get rid of the obsession ... Life in high society is not easy, you always need to follow ...

“I've heard that before,” I interrupted coldly. - Closer to the topic.

- I needed to let off steam, become a free man ... I wanted a little adventure ... Therefore, I decided to become you and do everything that you do. So I came up with this legend ... And then I went to that bar on the very outskirts. I really did not think you would know everything!

“I see,” I nodded. “But you see, when someone posing as me appears in the city, I shouldn’t have much difficulty in calculating it.” Even in the darkest business there is always someone who has seen something, heard something, knows something. This is what distinguishes a real detective from a simple whore.

- Sorry! - again blurted Akiza.

I looked at her sternly and barely held out so as not to smile. A few minutes ago she looked proud and impregnable, and now she looked more like a guilty schoolgirl.

Meanwhile, outside the window finally dark.

- And How? - I stretched. - Did you like it?

Akiza shuddered slightly and turned away.

“Yes ...” she said faintly. “It was so amazing that I’m afraid never to be the same again.”

- Is that so? Are you afraid of changing a mansion in Brightwood to a brothel?

- I hope that this will not come to ... But ...

She sighed heavily and was silent.

- You wanted to get rid of one obsession and got another? Now you want to repeat everything? Are you afraid that each time the desire will only increase? And you can no longer live as before, right?

“Everything is so ...” Akiza sighed again. - What should I do now?

She asked it as if the question was highly rhetorical.

- This is a big problem, but in fact it is very easy to solve.

- How so? - all also indifferently asked Mrs.

Instead of answering, I handed her the phone. A photo was opened on it, where I was in one very cheerful dress, to match the one in which the Red Bottle saw Akiza. The dress was very short, very tight and as open as possible, creating for the most part only a feeling of dressing. Red heels, delicate bracelets on his hands and a playful chain on his leg successfully harmonized with him. And if you add to this stressed blyadsky view, then the detective story in me was almost impossible to identify.

- What is it? Said the lady with a discouraged smile.

- My favorite dress. Once I needed to get into one den and pull out some papers from there, and this dress had to be most welcome.

“But ...” the lady objected, but I interrupted her with a gesture.

- The other day I threw one job. Pay well, so that sin does not take. One problem: I need to get back to wherever you just go. And then I thought: why don't you help me in this matter? No one will suspect a couple of whores, so we can easily go inside, do our work and get out of the way!

- But ...

- Do not worry, everything that is needed, I will do it myself, you will only have to play the usual role, spread your legs in front of customers and fuck.

- Wait! - again blurted Akiza. - How does this help my problem?

- None. You can't just go and be a whore: it was all about you. You only fear because you have never tried anything like this. Now you have a great chance to give free rein to your desires, to earn good money, get enough of yourself and return to normal life.

“You want to use me,” said the lady incredulously.

- You help me, and for that I help you. It is in any case better than if you go on your own again for adventures. So decide.

For persuasiveness, I again waved her panties in front of her nose.

Mrs. turned away, barely noticeably sighed, and finally said:

- I agree.


- And even so, how did you understand that it was me?

- Deduction and a little luck.

- Is that so?

For the third hour, Agatha interrogated the guy, trying to extract information from him to the last drop.

- Describe the prostitute in detail.

“I have already said everything ...” the guy stretched his teeth frantically gritting his teeth.

- I need details. Details, moles, every millimeter!

- I tell the truth, that's enough!

“If you don’t tell,” Agatha banged her fist on the table, “do not finish until tomorrow!”

Heck! I was already pretty tired, but continued to suck this member. Something faster, sometimes slower, I used all my talents and changed the tempo in time, not letting it stop. He desperately wanted to release a jet of sperm directly into my mouth, but who could let him.

- Speak! It will only get worse!

“Okay,” the guy almost sobbed. - I took a picture of her! Photos of whores in my phone! Stop it!

It seems he broke down. Of course, it was worth checking back, but Agatha thought otherwise. In her usual manner, she snapped her fingers, and I began to seriously suck this dick.

After all he had gone through, the whole of a couple of rough movements sufficed the guy. He flinched all over, leaned forward, and my powerful stream of sperm poured into my mouth. (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) All this time he was on the verge of orgasm, and the sperm was so liquid that I drank it almost like milk.

- I'll complain ... - the guy groaned and passed out.

Having erased the last drops from my lips, I finally got out from under the table. My back was numb and I had to stretch myself to feel like a man again.

“Here she is,” Agatha said suddenly and held out the phone.

I looked at the photo and almost dropped the device. At first I saw an ordinary prostitute in the appropriate "uniform", but after looking closely, I realized that it was she. Mrs. Akiza de Gramont.

  • November 27, 2013 0:31

    I did not even begin to read the story, but how nice it is to see your work on this site again)


    • Rating: 0
  • November 27, 2013 3:16

    And how nice it is for me to finally release something new ^^ ”And then the year didn’t have something to do ^^”


    • Rating: 0
  • Youwish (a guest)
    November 27, 2013 1:06

    Hi, Linda ^^! Read in one breath ...


    • Rating: -1
  • November 27, 2013 3:19



    • Rating: 0
  • November 27, 2013 3:28

    It is difficult for the uninitiated to read, here the whole series seems to be. If you do not go into the plot twists and turns, which I did not understand, then too much the degree of blyadstvo is too high. Too quickly, she turned from a aristocrat into a whore and retrained (again, judging by this story).


    • Rating: 2
  • November 27, 2013 3:48

    > there is a whole series like
    Yes, there really is a series, but the “series” are not directly linked. So it is quite possible to take everything on faith and not really ponder ^^

    > too much fuzziness overestimated
    Considering the concept of the story, I think that this is more of a praise In my other stories there is no such thing.

    > Too quickly she from aristocrat into a whore re-trained
    Well, I tried, and then I went ^^ Too fast the events developed. After a while, everything will return as it was ^^


    • Rating: 0
  • November 27, 2013 3:50

    Thank! ^ _ ^


    • Rating: 0
  • November 27, 2013 16:31

    awesome story, five pages of powerful enduring excitement!
    surprisingly, the ratings put low


    • Rating: 0
  • November 28, 2013 10:11

    Oriented by previous stories ^^
    Thank you ^ _ ^


    • Rating: 0

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