1. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Promotional Tour
  2. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: High Stakes
  3. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Linda-san dark side :: Press Conference
  4. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Linda-san dark side :: Morning frot for Linda
  5. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-senpai. Eggplant
  6. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-san - maid for Mrs. Aki
  7. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-san. First earnings
  8. Linda-san in Wonderland: Unexpected Complications

Page: 1 of 5

Mrs. Akiza de Gramont was in a place unusual for a person of her level. Leaving the car far behind, it moved deeper into the port area. Despite the fact that this port acted day and night, it looked as if people had left it ten years ago. Somewhere in the distance there was a clash of machines and mechanisms, cranes were moving and workers were shouting, and here there was such silence and desolation that those sounds seemed to be signals from a parallel universe. Coupled with rare lanterns, this place was ideal for shooting a horror movie or the next series about gangsters.

She was not very confident, but now there was nothing to lose. A couple of days ago she met Linda again and still could not calm down. This character each time caused in her such a storm of unusual feelings that Akiza sometimes even herself was afraid to admit it. They exchanged a few words, and the lady almost regretted that, under some pretext, she did not leave Linda at work as a servant for a couple more weeks. The excitement did not release her day or night. Akiza masturbated time after time, but it brought only temporary relief, as if some terrible disease attacked her.

At times, the lady began to think that Linda was a real demon undercover, but experience suggested the opposite. Few people knew, but the lady ate the dog for the demons, and could say for sure that Linda was an ordinary person in whom there was nothing supernatural. Well, except that the lust that she kindled in others.

Therefore, Akiza decided to look for the cause of obsession in herself. All my life, the lady argued, she was at the top, limited in many ways, forced to follow unspoken rules and regulations. Linda was like from another world. She seemed free from all these restrictions and at the same time was something forbidden. The courtyard was not the Middle Ages, but even today few people would understand too closely a connection with an ordinary person, who is constantly waving about somewhere below. In other words, Linda did not attract Akiza by herself, as something forbidden and alien to her society. Consequently, it was Linda’s way of life that could become a kind of outlet that would finally bring back mental equilibrium. It was enough to descend temporarily to its level, and it would be possible to forget about these problems forever.

But how to do that? The problem was not new, and the solution was found very quickly. Having worked a bit with the exterior and dressed properly, Akiza sat behind the wheel of an old Golf, which seemed to be waiting in the garage of such an event. A long trip through the whole city, and now she was walking through the darkness to obscurity.

Having passed a bunch of warehouses and some industrial facilities, she finally went out to a small two-story building, so dimly lit that if it were not for the sign, you could take it for another warehouse. However, the glowing red inscription “Red Bottle” spoke very clearly - there was a bar here.

Coming out of the shadows, Akiza crossed the street and, hesitating, opened the shabby door.

Inside, everything was a little better than the outside. All the same reddish lighting, cigarette smoke, muffled music, radiating bass, and a few visitors who did not even pay attention to it. Mrs. took a beer and hurried to take a seat at a far table.

The plan began to work. In the middle of the night she was in an institution with a very dubious reputation, and waited for something to happen from minute to minute.She was so excited that she barely held back a shiver. She was herself, but she still felt completely different. Alone, without protection, even without a maid, she felt completely defenseless.

But at the same time, it was not a shiver of fear or embarrassment. Heat circled her head and warmed up her pussy. She was excited like never before in her life and could not understand why. Nothing happened yet, but this place had a strong effect on her. Or clothes ...

She was fully prepared for this evening, even the clothes matched the surroundings. Dark brown top with difficulty hid the impressive breasts and hardening nipples. A very short burgundy tight skirt with a thick white belt looked more like a wide belt, not even trying to hide something. Blue thongs were knocked out of the skirt: Akiza tried to hide them in the car, but barely walked a couple of meters, the panties were again in sight. To match them were dark brown stockings and black shoes on an impressive heel, which was not so easy to find. And they complemented the image of a pair of bracelets and hoop earrings that looked cheaper than they actually cost. Is that not enough tattoos and body piercing, but it probably was too much.

Akiza glanced at the unclear mirror opposite and once again noted that she looked like a real whore. She tried to drive away the thought of such a comparison, but who else could dress up like that and come to such a place? It's only today, right?

- Hello Beautiful! - she suddenly heard a cheerful voice.

Two guys sat down on the couch next to her and smiled strangely.

From surprise, Akiz almost answered something rude, but she caught up with the rush in time. Not a place to be proud!

“Hi,” she answered, and smiled.

This smile cost her incredible efforts, but it was too late to retreat.

- Who is such a name? - asked the second guy, obviously looking at her chest.

Akiza smiled again and simply replied:

- Linda.

At that moment, she felt some relief. Still only going on this walk, she knew that she would answer a similar question. And if a moment ago she was seized by excitement, now all doubts have disappeared. She was not Mrs. Akiza de Gramont, she was not a woman from high society. She was Linda, and could do everything without thinking about anything.

“A cool name,” said the guy, only for a moment looking up from her chest. - And what are you doing here?

The guys grinned, but Akiza just smiled, saying:

- I'm a private detective, and ...

At that moment she felt a hand on her pussy. The first guy, with a huge tattoo on his arm, threw his fingers in a businesslike manner under her skirt and now, without hesitation, felt her panties that had begun to get wet.

- Private detective? - He asked, rubbing through the clitoris panties. - And what are you investigating here?

“Well ...” Akiza wanted to answer, but her voice trembled treacherously.

Another guy slowly launched his hands under the topic and began to greedily paw her breasts.

“Do all detectives have such explosive tits as you?” - He wondered casually.

- No, just ...

Akiza certainly did not expect such a pressure, but as soon as the guys moved closer, she was completely squeezed between them. Hands on chest, fingers on pussy - they touched her as they wanted and the people sitting around did not embarrass them. She tried to close, but she was immediately spread her legs wide, starting to stroke her thighs.

“You're too modest for a private detective,” the guy grinned, exposing her chest.

“But people ...” said Akiza in a shaky voice, feeling that she could be noticed at any moment.

The guy with the tattoo began to pull at her clit.

- Better tell me what you're investigating. Suddenly we will help.

“Well ... I have to find one thing ...” Akiz mumbled. - She disappeared recently ...

She was talking nonsense, feeling her head was getting empty. Two guys brazenly pawed her in the middle of the bar, and she did not even know their names. She was like a toy in their hands, and they climbed into the most secret places where she almost did not allow anyone.One rudely squeezed her breasts, clearly enjoying the feeling of heaviness. The second thick fingers persistently rubbed the clitoris every now and then slipping on the sponge.

Panties darkened long ago, soaked with juice, and the fingers of the second guy now and then clung to swollen nipples. Now Akiz flowed for real. She did not even caress, just enjoyed the body, but these touches again and again made her shudder and groan.

- You have a good cunt, Linda. Come on ...

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