1. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Promotional Tour
  2. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: High Stakes
  3. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Linda-san dark side :: Press Conference
  4. Linda-chan in Wonderland :: Linda-san dark side :: Morning frot for Linda
  5. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-senpai. Eggplant
  6. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-san - maid for Mrs. Aki
  7. Linda-chan in Wonderland. Linda-san. First earnings
  8. Linda-san in Wonderland: Unexpected Complications

Page: 6 of 6

and it went for the phone.
But then the door slammed open and about five people in strict suits, led by the security chief with a shotgun, broke into the room.

- Madam! He shouted.
Silent scene. Mrs. Aki and I sit in front of a naked guy in an extremely crumpled state and almost rub off on his soft cock. Aside, two more naked guys and a crumpled bed, richly covered with sperm and juice. And these bodyguards, armed to the teeth.
- Oh, you bastards! The chief guard shouted furiously.
- Boys! - One of the guys, on whom the guard's gaze fell, blinked. - We were paid! We are not in the business!
“In their car,” the guard said quietly, and the guys were literally carried out on their hands.

Their plaintive cries were still heard on the stairs, when only the main one remained in the room.
“Madam, what have those bastards done to you?” - he confusedly stretched out, trying to pull off his jacket.
“Ah, Manuel ...” the lady stretched languidly. - Please make coffee, so be kind. My maid is now a little in a state.
For persuasiveness, I nodded, looking cautiously at this very Manuel.
- Let me take you to the mansion. Maybe call a doctor?
- Ah, it is not necessary ... I, perhaps, take a nap, and then ... And then it will be seen ...
Manuel hesitated a little more, and then he rushed to make coffee for the mistress.

The next morning, Ms. Aki was cheerful and invincible, as before. Sitting at the table in her huge, tastefully furnished office, she listened to the security report, and I stood next to me in a fresh uniform and tried to keep a stony face expression.
“There was no other incident,” concluded Manuel.
“Good job,” the lady nodded. - By the way, how are our prisoners?
- Sit in the basement. Ready to say goodbye to life at any time! - decisively declared Manuel.
- This option is excluded. We are not barbarians.
“What do you say, madam?”
- Fuck them properly. At least four times each. And record the video. And then they can be free.

“It will be done,” the guard smiled slightly and soon disappeared through the door.
I waited a few moments and asked:
- Well, what was that?
“A civilized solution to the problems,” the lady replied, not looking up from the papers.
- I'm talking about yesterday.
“Ah, that ...” the lady said, and fell silent, continuing to look at the papers.
I stood patiently and waited, never taking my eyes off her. She probably felt it, but pretended that she was very busy shifting papers from place to place. But at some point she did not hold the handle, and she beautifully flew away somewhere far from the table.

“Stop staring at me!” - she said irritably. - You must understand that my childhood was not sugar, sometimes it occurred to me that it was scary to remember ...
“And how does this relate to what happened yesterday?”
Madam could not resist and exclaimed:
“How did I know that they would behave this way?”
- That is, before they attacked you, it was a “civilized solution of problems”?
- Well yes...

- And how often do you solve your problems in such a civilized way?
- Listen, Linda, - she angrily looked at me, - what do you want from me?
“Nothing,” I answered absolutely calmly and coldly. - You already punished yourself.
- Heck! - she violently grabbed and immediately tore some sheet.
“And also, Aki-chan,” I said coldly. - If next time you want to look at sex or have sex, just tell me. I have people who will arrange everything at its best and without surprises.
- Good! - the lady also shouted in exasperation, and having got up hastily, she began to pace around the office.

It seems she was not as implacable as she seemed.
“Listen,” she suddenly looked at me. - Why are you so calm?
- Yes, I have somehow got used to it, - I shrugged.
Not that I was on the drum, but even if I climbed to the wall, it will not change much, I’m getting dirty. Plus, why be nervous if calm is annoying to others?
“She got used to it,” the lady mumbled, and again began to pace the office.

Having made three circles, she suddenly stopped in front of me and, looking into her eyes, said:
- Okay. No more surprises. But! This does not mean that your work is over. You work out everything and in full.
“Okay, okay,” I sighed.
“And no, okay, maid!”
“Yes, madam ...” I sighed again.
She seems to have gone again.
“And bring me some tea.” I can not work without tea!
- Yes Milady...

- Stop!
She looked around strangely, returned to her seat and lifted the dress.
- Better close the door and climb under the table. Work as it should be the language - something I'm too tense.
- Is this my job, madam? - I asked.
- Of course this is your job. You serve me and do everything I tell you. Now I want to relax a little.
“Yes, madam,” I barely kept a smile.
Well, sometimes work is worse. Therefore, I just pressed my lips to the already finished pussy. Pussy its mistress.

Thank you for reading this story ^ _ ^ If you want to leave a review, complain about inaccuracies, or you have some idea for a separate story or a continuation, write to me ^ _ ^ I will be glad to have your feedback ^ _ ^

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported

  • Valtessa78 (a guest)
    March 5, 2013 2:45



    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2013 3:46

    Thank! ^^


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2013 12:25

    Wonderful story, dear Linda. Long time and with pleasure I read your works. However, I can not fail to notice some regress in the plot / porn ratio. If the erotic-pornographic part is getting better and better from time to time, the plot becomes more and more concise or something. No, I understand, of course, that in such stories the plot is not the main thing, but I think you have the talent and the ability to do something more. This is my subjective opinion.
    In any case, thanks again for the next very "tasty" story.


    • Rating: -1
  • March 5, 2013 12:43

    Thanks for the feedback!
    About the plot. In fact, I try to reduce the storyline when publishing on this site. If the plot was more, then it is on the official site. The reason is simple: the target audience will be bored before it gets to the action. I had so with High Stakes v_v
    If we talk about this particular story, then the plot of the story is really not very outstanding, because it refers to a couple of previous stories and the one that is still being written (completely non-ingenious). Ie, he seems to be based on, not an independent thing.
    However, thanks for paying attention to this. As they say, it is necessary to ponder ^^


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2013 13:34

    You're welcome. And as for the target audience. If they are really focused on her, then you need to write stories about trances with incest and preferably not longer than half a page. That's when I guarantee you a high rating!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2013 14:43

    I can not write short. This story was supposed to occupy a maximum page, everything is very brief and all that. However, as usual, did not work.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2013 15:07

    Well, actually, the above was sarcasm. Dear Linda, write a lot and often. I seriously would rather be seen as a graphomaniac than throwing short “belching” to the site that is now full of the site.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 5, 2013 15:19

    I understood that ^^ I just complain ^^
    Thank you ^^


    • Rating: 0
  • Marina Luna (a guest)
    April 4, 2013 21:48

    Magically) You are just a goddess, Linda) I am your devoted fan) thanks for the pleasure)


    • Rating: 0
  • April 6, 2013 13:48

    Thank you ^^ I have never been called the Goddess ^^


    • Rating: 0
  • May 5, 2013 17:59

    Excellent as always! Do you happen to plan to go to some famous place in the following stories, as you visited Liberty City a couple of times?


    • Rating: 0
  • May 5, 2013 18:13

    Thank! ^^

    In general, in work which year is quite a huge story in the setting of GTA Vice City. Ready for 70% approximately, but somehow it is not written = _ = Strongly tightened it.


    • Rating: 0
  • May 6, 2013 13:29

    Great :) I was wrong, this comment related to the story about Amy-san. This one is not exactly to my taste. but also good.


    • Rating: 0
  • May 6, 2013 13:55

    Ie in the comment refers to the story with other characters? I mean, not Lindoy-chan and Amy-san (and the others)?


    • Rating: 0
  • May 7, 2013 16:47

    No, no, exactly that last one. I just missed and put a comment under the story about Ms. Aki.


    • Rating: 0
  • May 7, 2013 17:03

    No, I meant a hypothetical story ^^ Just in Hard Mode a new character. Suddenly, readers also wanted a new setting ^^


    • Rating: 0
  • May 7, 2013 17:27

    I think it is up to you: we are happy to read about former characters too :)


    • Rating: 0
  • May 7, 2013 18:13

    This is good, because new characters will bring even more confusion ^^ "


    • Rating: 0

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