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Mood raised. Oh, now I will dance to you, get ready!

Something tells me that it is not "you," but "you." God, I only want to dance for this boy! And I do not even know his name!

I dance and look at him. And he looks at me, not looking up. And there is neither lust nor boorish appraisal in his gaze. His eyes are light, I do not want to hide behind him. And it's easy for me too.

I am Salma Hayek, and he is Quentin Tarantino. Tito & Tarantula play their famous After Dark. I am the embodiment of temptation. Now I will pour whiskey on the leg, and everything around will begin to turn into vampires.

I dance and do not want to stop. I enjoy the dance, he brings me to some kind of ecstasy. The public reacts to this. There is a whistle and applause. Hands stretch the money to the stage. I notice it, but I ignore it.

You're here for the money! Have you forgotten ?! Quickly took, until you change your mind!

The dance is over. I collect money and go off stage. I am drawn to continue this conversation. On the way, someone grabs the wrist and offers to execute it privately. I break out, and with the words “Not now,” I run to the sofa in front of the stage.

How kind of you! Refuse the client due to the unfinished conversation! Yes, you are completely crazy!

- Hello.

- Hello. It was very cool! Even better than last time.

Well, so tried.

- Thank.

“You know, you reminded me of Salma Hayek from From Dusk Till Dawn.”

Is he reading thoughts?

- Only the snake around my neck I did not have.

“You looked very ... dangerous, too, without a snake.”

- Yes? Why is this?

- Well, you will get in touch with you - and all the time you have to be on the alert. Do not relax.

One has already contacted ... What do you know about this!

- Not true, I am affectionate and fluffy.

- Yes. Like a panther.

- It seems we were talking about motorcycles.

- Yes, and I did not let you tell. Well, tell me!

- In fact, I do not have a red sports bike.

Actually, I have no motorcycle. It was his motorcycle.

- But you want to have a motorcycle, right?

- Yes, I would like to.

- Wait, let me guess. Do you work here to save up for a motorcycle?

- What a quick guess.

You do not understand anything...

- I work here to help my mother ...

Lord, why am I saying this ?! He does not care! Why did I remember about her? God, it's her fault! It's because of her, I'm here! Because of her helplessness and powerlessness! And now I have to be strong ...

- And mom, of course, takes the money, and does not ask where they come from.

Who are you? Will you tell me what is good and what is bad? Maybe even life you teach me?

- Mom does not necessarily know.

- Who knows?

He knew. I suffered at first. Then these flashes of jealousy, these scandals, cavils to every little thing! And then - "Let's stay friends." What does it mean, who will explain to me? What does it mean - "stay"? Why - “Let's stay friends” and not - “Marry me”?

I look at him. I need to discuss it with someone. I can no longer keep it to myself. With him? Well, what's the difference with whom? Not with mom ... He's just an occasional fellow traveler. We are passengers in the same car, but we are in different directions. No, I will not.

"Dear visitors. Only now the action is announced. Full striptease in a private booth at half price. 200 hryvnia instead of 400. For two songs, enjoy the dance just for you. Hurry up, the promotion is valid while this announcement sounds! ”

- Let's come to the private chat.

- You know, I feel so good. With you. I see you want to talk about something. Let's talk.

I, too, a psychoanalyst. Maybe I will also invoice me?

- Oh, you need it - to ship you with my problems?

- But why? If I start to boot - we will change the topic of conversation, and that's all.

Why does he want to tell, trust? I didn’t want to talk about this with anyone, but with him I wanted to.

- Explain what the phrase "Let's stay friends" means?

Pause, thought.

- Have you quarreled with a guy?

- Yes, it’s not that we swear, but it ends with all these words.

- He knows where you work.

- Yes.

“You met him here.”

- Yes.

“He wants you to finish this.”

- Yes.

- And offers you money.

- Yes!!!

But he got into the apple! "How much do you need money?" - Is this the question I constantly heard?

- He wants to buy you.

I am silent.

- Tell me what is your name?

- Katya.

- Katya. I tell you what, Katya. This guy looks at you and sees Carrie. He cannot understand that Carrie is only here in this club. And that outside of him there is only Kate. And that Katya is not Carrie. Katya is an ordinary girl, with ordinary desires. Katya wants to be loved, but her love cannot be bought. And her freedom cannot be bought. (Porn stories) And Carrie exists only in order to Katya was free.

But the way it is! He is right in every word! Yes, I myself know it, he did not say anything new. But I am glad to hear it from the side.

- Yes, he always talked about money. What I just need to name the amount.

- And you were afraid to take them.

- Yes.

- This is a matter of trust between people. So - you did not trust him.

- But I wanted to.

- You know, Katya, the main thing is to be yourself. There is a saying: “After the wedding, the woman wants the man to change, and the man wants the woman to not change.”

- And what does it mean?

- This means that in order to please someone, we often behave differently from what we really are. We try to please, and that's the problem. After all, this is only a time factor when we get tired of pretending and show our true face. This can happen after 2 weeks, after 2 months, or after 20 years. The question is, are you ready to pretend to be 20 years old? Maybe it’s better to immediately find one in front of whom you don’t need to play?

- Is there such a person?

- Of course! I am absolutely sure of it!

- I would like to share your confidence.

- So far, you are sure of only one thing: if today you take money from him, then tomorrow he will tell you what to do and how.

I got a cigarette. He helpfully picked up a box of matches. Pulls out a match, strikes it on the box. Pauses. The light flashes. Brings it to the tip of my cigarette.

I watch his hands. He has thin and long fingers. Well-groomed nails. Palm to match your fingers, not wide. These are graceful hands, hands of the aristocrat. His fingers move very gracefully. Smoothly and accurately, without too much fuss.

These are fingers for caress and love.

We lit up. I cried and I felt better. I wanted to hug him. I moved closer and laid my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around my waist and it was good for us.

“You know what, I can't just sit here with you.”

- Why?

- Administrators will not like it. I have already refused one client.

- You do as you see fit, I will not contradict.

- But if we go in private, the club will not make any complaints.

- We'll go, Carrie.

I looked at him gratefully. He understood. He really understood. Katie is not here, only Carrie is here. And only Carrie dances privately.

- Let's go to? Just share ...

- Let's go to.

We went to the second floor. Entered the booth with a muffled light. I even have a little pulse.

You're here for the money! Do you hear me, Carrie ?! And today it is only your first private! And if you continue behaving like this, then the last one!

I pushed him in the chest and he fell ... Read more →

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