1. Fall of the elf princess. Part 1
  2. Fall of the elf princess. Part 2
  3. Fall of the elf princess. Part 3

When Liel woke up, she immediately remembered what happened yesterday. Now she was lying on the floor in the same shed, there was no sound around. Getting up and looking around, the princess saw Ciel curled up at the far wall. The first thought was to immediately approach her and ask how she feels. But then Liel remembered what she did yesterday with a friend, and realized that it would be superfluous.

Soon they came for them. The people of their master ordered them to rise and follow them. They obeyed, Ciel, passing by the princess, lowered her eyes and did not look at her.

Elfiyek was taken to Khozin. He was sitting at a small, but massive table, thoughtfully playing with a dagger, barely looked at them.

- Listen to me, witty ... Today you will be taken to the slave market. I want to get as much gold as possible for you, which means that you have to behave in the market so that you want to buy. Clear? If you do something ... My guys will take you back, you will be punished, and then you will definitely be sold ... So, for you, it's better not to do anything like that, okay?

The elfs silently bowed their heads.

- Well done, and now you will be taken to the steam room, tidy yourself before the trip.

He gave a sign to lead them away, lost in their own thoughts again. In the steam room, Liel quickly washed and tidied up her hair. Ciel remained inside even after the princess had left, and she had to wait for her.

Coming out of the steam room, they found the clothes left for them — clean linen shirts and pants, and light jackets. Having changed clothes, they returned to the shed. However, they were soon taken away from there.

The elfs were put in a cage attached to a wagon, the driver started off ... In addition to them, there were several other women in the cage, not elves.

Many people crowded the market. The elves with other women were immediately taken to a special platform intended for the sale of slaves.

People mostly crowded in front of this platform to gawk at the unfortunate. Occasionally from the middle of the crowd came clumps of dirt, one of which hit Liel in the leg. However, some onlookers were quickly replaced by others, and the person who brought them continued to paint their goods on the whole area.

The sun was already setting, the people in the market began to disperse gradually. Liel, having spent all this time in the sun, was hot in her new clothes, she felt sweat trickling down her back, leaving marks on her shirt. Besides, her head was spinning. Glancing at Ciel, the princess saw that she was standing, leaning against a pole and closing her eyes.

A group of several people stopped in front of the platform. One, in the center - obviously, a merchant, judging by the clothes. Pretty old, short and obese, dressed in rich clothes. The rest are his bodyguards. Tall, stately, dressed in light armor, each with a sword at the waist.

For some time the trader carefully looked at the women standing on the platform, then turned to their seller:

- What are these animals capable of?

“Oh,” the salesman blurred in a smile, “you can do anything with them.” These dumb things are so submissive that they will obey any order. This one, - he grabbed Liel by the elbow, - will please you when you want and in the way you want!

The merchant stood thinking about something.

“No, I'm interested in that one, behind her,” he pointed at Ciel with a thick finger.

The seller grabbed Ciel and led her forward, she continued to stand, head down. The merchant said:

- Let him undress, I want to see her.

Ciel, hearing this, looked up at him. She hesitated to look at the seller. He signaled. Apparently, remembering the words of a man with a scar, the elf obeyed.She slowly unbuttoned her jacket, throwing it on the floor, then got rid of her shirt, exposing her lovely white chest. In the crowd of merchant guards, there was an approving whisper. Then, following the shirt, the pants followed. Ciel remained completely naked in front of people.

The merchant looked at her, slightly flushed. Then he said:

- I want to look at this whore in business, to try.

Their seller, hesitantly, nodded approvingly. The next second, the three guards of the fat merchant headed for the platform. Ciel watched them in dismay, the human slaves recoiled from her, huddled in a far corner.

One of the guards began to paw the elf. His huge hand squeezed her small chest so hard that Ciel quietly screamed and jerked to the side, unable, however, to escape from their strong hands.

A crowd began to gather around the platform again. It seems everyone understood what was about to happen.

Spreading her legs and slightly bending her forward, the two remaining people began to feel her buttocks and crotch. Their fingers roughly slid over Ciel's elastic, tender ass, over her pubis covered with blond hair. Several fingers plunged into her vagina, then slowly came out, pressing on the clitoris. Ciel hung in the arms of the people, dropping her eyes and mumbling something. Screams began to come from the crowd.

One of the people put the elf on his knees and took him by the throat. She opened her mouth in surprise and pain ... Which immediately filled with a member of this man. She instinctively twitched from the lack of air, but could not escape. The man threw her on his back and began to fuck her mouth, holding her head and slapping her testicles on her face with each movement. Ciel tried to scream, but from her mouth filled only inaudible lowing was heard, and the man did not stop. He pulled a member, he only to finish on her lips, and she had to take his sperm and at the same time trying to catch my breath.

However, she could not rest for a long time. The second man, sitting on the floor, put her on his knees, with her back to herself, she immediately felt the boat entering her anus. Then he began to fuck her, holding her hips, and the third was already attached to her lips ...

Liel watched from the outside, more and more excited. She felt a languor in the lower abdomen, her hand involuntarily stretched to her groin ... (Especially for eroticspace.infosexitails.org) She unbuttoned her jacket and shirt, began to stroke her breasts ... Put her other hand into her pants, began to caress herself ... she was pulling at her nipples, crumpling her breasts and feeling how her desire was growing, but this time no one turned on her attention. She sat on the floor and completely gave herself to masturbation, watching Ciel sex.

The second elf had already taken two members with a howl of her mouth - the first man fucking her was rested and was ready for a new act. Ciel was pouring sweat over her body, her eyes covered her hair, and she continued to ride on her penis, leaning on him. Men fucking her mouth, had to finish one more time, until the convulsions of the orgasm did not shake her herself. Her face was filled with sperm, her eyes were blissfully closed, and her lips were greedily sucking and licking the cocks that they had substituted for her. The crowd ulyulyak approvingly, but she still could not stop, greedily sucking out of the members of every last drop.

The man who had her behind, got up and also brought a member to her lips. She immediately frantically clasped his lips and, without the help of her hands, began to put her mouth on him. After a second, when he finished, the sperm began to flow out from under the penis on the chin of the elf, dripping on the floor. She moved a few more seconds, then collapsed in exhaustion on the board floor of the platform, sweaty, dirty, and stained with sperm.

One of the men, still excited and not having time to finish, lifted her legs and drove a dick into her ... A few minutes later he finished ciel inside.

Ten minutes later, the fat merchant was already handing the whole purse of gold to the slaveholder. He pointed to Liel continuing to masturbate:

“I'll take this one too ... I have a class in my house and she will find something.”

  • May 30, 2013 22:52

    Thanks, author, write more!


    • Rating: 1
  • 123 (a guest)
    May 31, 2013 19:10

    Only more literate.


    • Rating: 1

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